The LCNZ President's Updates
These brief memos are issued as something of general or specific interest arises, relating to the LCNZ in the past, present or future; also items of interest regarding pastors and/or people who have worked in the LCNZ but now living in Australia or elsewhere or retired in New Zealand. Occasionally there will be comment on current events.
26 March 2010
Summary of matters from the Council of Synod and Gateway Gift Trust Board meetings of 26 & 27 February 2010
Members of Council of Synod 2010
Judy Calder – Christchurch (Chair)
Pastor Milton Fritsch – Auckland, Mountainside
Pastor Robert Erickson – Palmserson North
Dennis Mollet – Palmerston North
Annie Ip – Auckland, Botany
Roxanne Bakke – Auckland, Mountainside
Marg Gust – Marton
David Preston – Wellington
Wayne Drogemuller – Wellington
Pastor Mark Whitfiled – Wellington
Colleen McHardy -- LCNZ Administrator (non-voting)
Peter Hentschel – Christchurch (GGTB)
Proposals on the location options for the LCNZ National office were received from:
- Auckland – North Shore, owned premises
- Palmerston North – leased or owned premises
- Wellington – leased premises (owned by St Paul’s)
Refinement of the proposals is being undertaken and a summary will be distributed to Synod Delegates and congregations in the near future.
Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines have been adopted and these are to be circulated to all Pastors and congregations for application.
National Youth Camp in July is now being coordinated by Pastor Lee Kroehn following the resignation of Pr Peter Ziersch.
LSM has appointed Marg Gust as its representative on CoS. An implementation plan is being prepared for the Ambassadors of Reconciliation process.
Congregation Contributions and Levies to LCNZ – there has been oversight in communicating the figures for 2010 to congregations. We apologise for that and have since communicated this information.
Roxanne Bakke has been appointed assistant Treasurer and will be responsible for the financial reporting of LCNZ. Wayne will continue with the M&D and Gateway reporting.
Whakatane manse – the LCNZ Trust Board has resolved that the manse be sold. The BoP parish has been informed of this. Currently this is tenanted and the appropriate notice of termination of lease has been given to the tenant. The property will be listed with a local real estate agent.
Peter Hentschel from Christchurch has been appointed as an extra member of the GGTB for the remainder of this synodical term.
Application forms for grants have been revised/updated and include specifics of what is required when making an application and reporting requirements.
Additional information since the meetings
LCNZ Office: Since the 27 February meeting both Auckland and Wellington have withdrawn their proposals. CoS may now need to adjust the process and consider if the offices remain in Palmerston North by default or still consider other options. There will be a CoS conference meeting on this topic next week.
Whakatane and Kawerau congregations have asked for a delay in the sale of the Trust Board manse in Whakatane. The board will convene to consider the appeal.
Copies of the 2010 Directory are being sent to pastors, chairpersons, secretaries/administrators, treasurers and members of standing committees in the LCNZ. Additional copies can be made available upon request at
Ted Bromwich has received a one-year Word and Sacrament licence from President Rob to assist in ministry at the Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship. Thank you Ted.
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
9 March 2010
Location of LCNZ National Office
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This brief letter is to give you a background on the current situation of the process for selecting the site for a new LCNZ National Office.
Following the request from the Manawatu congregation for the LCNZ National Office to move out of the St Luke’s premises to enable them to use the space for their own mission, the LCNZ national office moved into temporary rented premises in Queen Street Palmerston North.
A Request for a Proposal for a permanent site was then sent out to congregations. Three responses have been received. From Auckland and Wellington specific buildings have been proposed, while in the case of Palmerston North three types of option were put forward.
We are currently seeking some more information on these proposals. Once this is received the following process is proposed.
- A summary and comparison of the options will be sent out to Synod delegates
- The delegates will be requested to consult with their congregations and provide feedback on the options
- In the light of the feedback the Council of Synod expects to be able to put forward a firm option
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
3 March 2010
New Vice President for LCNZ
Pastor Milton Fritsch has been elected as Vice President of the LCNZ following nomination at Church Workers Conference February 25th and ratification by Council of Synod. As an executive officer Milton will also be on Council of Synod to complete the term of former Vice President Warren Partridge who has taken up duties in Victoria. Thanks Milton!
Also appointed to Council of Synod were Pastor Mark Whitfield and Marg Gust to fill two vacant positions. Thanks Mark and Marg!
The LCNZ 2010 Directory is being updated for printing and we need any change of details. Pastors and office administrators please have a look at your congregation’s entry in the 2009 Directory. This directory includes elected officers from each of the congregations. Email your changes to Colleen at Also, an updated version of our LCNZ Administrator’s & Treasurer’s Handbook will be sent out with the directory. There are several changes in the handbook, plus the inclusion of our LCNZ Conflict of Interest Policy Guidelines.
The new edition of the Olive Tree is now being printed and copies will be available soon to each congregation. I mention this because it is full of stories and information that is not included in this brief update. The edition is also available online on this site.
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
30 January 2010
Greetings in Jesus Christ,
It is almost February and these last few weeks of January have been very busy. The National/District Office has moved into temporary offices at 56 Queen St, Palmerston North. The phone number, P.O. Box and email address all remain the same. The LCNZ accepted the offer of $80,000 plus GST from the Manawatu Parish and now is in leased space until a final location can be determined. During this transition, and until further notice, the entire LCNZ national staff consists of myself and the new administrator Colleen McHardy who works 9:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday to Friday. Everything else is being done by faithful volunteers.
Welcome to Pastor Ern and Margarete Sabel who will commence a three-month locum at Upper Moutere, South Island. The congregation is getting close to having a call meeting, so if there is interest amongst pastors reading this Update you should contact me, President Rob. It is now being offered as a full-time position and it is a beautiful location.
Welcome also to Pastor Norm and Kaye Bergen who will be arriving in Hamilton as an interim pastor and wife. February 20th is the first Sunday for both pastors as they again minister with us in New Zealand. The timing is good because they can join the Church Workers Conference in Palmerston North 23-25 February.
St Matthew’s, Hamilton, was a two-thirds position, but by combining it with some preaching and support duties in Tauranga, Whakatane and Kawerau we are hoping to call a full-time pastor. I should mention there are still details which need to be worked through before the ministry plan is together and the congregation is ready to call. However, if you have an interest please register it with me.
In a few hours I will be going to Auckland to meet with the Botany Lutheran call committee as they proceed a little further in the call process. Please pray for that congregation and Pastor David Chiang as he continues to faithfully lead them. On Sunday I will be heading to Adelaide for the College of Presidents and General Church Council meetings and returning in time to take services in the Marton Parish while Pastor Peter Ziersch is on leave. I attempt to make my movements transparent, and you can find my basic calendar on this website.
If Music be the Food of Love
Music on Valentine’s Day by Bach, Handel, Purcell and Loeillet
Lisette Wesseling soprano, Kate Mickleson & Gundy Turner recorder, Mark Whitfield organ
Sunday 14th February, 5.00pm
St Pauls Lutheran Church
12 King Street, Mt Cook, Wellington 6021
Phone: 04 972 3705
Koha in support of Tear Fund (Working in slum areas in Phnom Penh, TEAR Fund’s partner provides community-based antenatal and postnatal care programmes, family plan ning, early childhood support and education as well as basic family nutrition. Traditional birth assistants work with trained health workers and midwives.)
ChildSafe has been particularly well received within the Christian sector, where over 3000 churches are either using ChildSafe or are getting ready to use it. Our Lutheran Church in New Zealand (and Australia) is now requiring that all pastors, church workers, and youth leaders be trained in the basics of ChildSafe. All pastors, church workers and youth leaders are encouraged to attend the following free training:
Wednesday, 24 February
10:00am – 4:00pm
St Luke’s Lutheran Church
250 Church Street
Palmerston North
Please contact the LCNZ office (phone 06 357 3887 or email) to register.
Finally, information about the Lutheran Relief efforts in Haiti were sent directly to all our pastors and I would continue to encourage your generosity and prayer for so many suffering people in that country. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Please also remember in prayer our brothers and sisters in Australia who again face the threat of bushfire.
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
9 December 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
The December 2009 edition of the Olive Tree is printed and will be posted on the 10th of December. If your copy gets delayed in the Christmas postal crunch you can read it online. I am looking at this edition and will highlight just a few items in this update.
- This Friday the 11th is Pauline Simonsen’s farewell after 12 years of wonderful service as Director of Lutheran Support Ministries.
- Pastor Warren Paltridge’s farewell service will be January 10th, at St Matthew’s, 27 Abbotsford St, Hamilton, 10:00am. Warren, Ruth and children Byron, Jourdon, and Hanna will be moving to Victoria and the Frankston Congregation. Thanks Warren for all you have contributed to our LCNZ.
- I think there are some excellent articles and reports in the Olive Tree about Kogudus, the LCA Convention in Melbourne, notes from Council of Synod, the introduction of a Intercessory Prayer section and information about the LCNZ Offices.
Let me close this Update with my prayer for everyone who gets this email with the hope that this Advent season will be a time of joyful preparation for a blessed Christmas.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
10 November 2009
Greetings in Christ,
Here are a few LCNZ Update items:
On Sunday in NSW at their convention at Warrambui, after the unusual circumstance of a tied vote and a re-vote several hours later, Mark Lieschke has accepted the position of President of the NSW District. Robert Bartholomaeus is the vice president. It was a most productive and positive NSW District Convention according to President Michael Semmler. Mark was a former pastor in New Zealand and his son Simon is an elder at Mountainside in Auckland, and our web manager.
Pastor James Bergquist and his wife Lorrie will be arriving in Upper Moutere on November 18th to do a three-month locum. Thanks Jim for coming back to New Zealand and helping out in your retirement. James is rostered in the NW Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; served parishes in Los Angeles, Honolulu, and Minnesota; served also as missionary in India, academic dean and professor at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Ohio; President of Trinity Lutheran College in Seattle [former Lutheran Bible Institute]; directed American missions churchwide in the old ALC and helped direct the global Theological Education Fund; for past nine years served twelve academic terms as visiting volunteer professor at Lutheran seminaries in Hong Kong and India in the areas of NT and Missiology. In 2000 he filled a long leave situation in Upper Moutere.
Amy and Terence Brinkman were married Nelson on Nov 7th. Amy is the Manawatu Parish Children and Family worker. Pastor Lee and a contingent from the parish travelled to Nelson for the wedding. God’s blessings to Amy and Terence.
The December issue will be having an Advent theme. The copy deadline is Friday 20 November and contributions can be submitted to
Please pray for the series of meeting of the LLL Board, Financial Advisory Committee and the Council of Synod which will be meeting over these next few weeks.
Please also pray for our LCNZ, its members and its mission. Also for all pastors and teachers. And for all non-paid workers who give their time and talents to assist the work of the church.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in his peace.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
25 September 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
Some places I have been lately…
August and September have been fairly busy for me as it was necessary to do weekend visits to, Tauranga, Upper Moutere, Botany in Auckland, Fielding, Hawkes Bay, Marton/Halcombe/Wanganui, Upper Moutere, and Tauranga (this weekend). Some visits were repeated because they are parishes currently without a pastor.
The LCA Pastor’s Conference and Regular Convention will be in Melbourne an extends from September 29 to October 5th. While in Australia I will be stopping off in Brisbane afterwards for three days to organise uplifting the remainder of our furniture and household goods to New Zealand. After being re-elected for a four-year term Betsy and I think it wise to put our Brisbane home -17 Links Crescent, Joyner- up for rent. When she goes back to visit grandchildren she can stay with family, eat their food and recoup a few of the many meals she has fed them!
Welcome to Colleen McHardy who has been hired on a one-year contract as our administrator. Her hours will be Tuesday to Friday 9:30am to 2:30pm. The office phone remains (06) 357 3887 and email is
There are negotiations between St Luke’s and the LCNZ regarding the LCNZ offices located at St Luke’s church in Palmerston North. This includes how much it would cost Manawatu Parish to purchase the offices. This matter arises because of overcrowded space. Remodelling had been discussed, but there are major problems in doing that.
A different secondary question developed later after our former administrator announced her retirement: “is this the time to consider the future location for the LCNZ offices (e.g., Auckland, Palmerston North, Wellington)”. So, without trying to mix or confuse the two issues we are seeking God’s guidance and considering options. At our LCNZ Convention in June we passed a remit to put forward a plan no later than the end of November 2009. So, please commit that to prayer.
Hamilton Manse Renovations
The major renovations of the Hamilton Manse discussed at Convention will be commencing 28 September. Pastor Warren and family have chosen this time for a three-week vacation. If you need to speak to Warren in an emergency please ring the LCNZ office on (06) 357 3887 and we will give you a contact number or be able to assist.
God of love, you know our frailties and failings. Give us your grace to overcome them; keep us from those things that harm us; and guide us in the way of salvation; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
4 September 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
After approximately seventeen years of unflagging service to the LCNZ Lilian Stephan had her last day at work. Over a restaurant lunch we had another opportunity to thank her for the years she has devoted to being our Administrator. I will miss her and the dedication she has brought to the job. In these next few weeks as the selection process continues for a new Administrator all members need to be patient if administrative matters lag a bit. Lilian will make a few guest appearances to sort things out during this transition, but there will be a transition time that pastors and members should take into account. Thanks Lilian, and God bless you in your retirement!
Our quarterly magazine will be coming out in a few weeks. Copies are sent to congregations for distribution and also posted to many people. Within a few days after its production it is also available on this website. This next issue has the theme of PEACE, there is a colour spread about the latest youth camp, some great articles by NZ pastors and members and other things including an update on the current work of our Council of Synod.
Delta Ministries “Time, Self & Project Management” workshop
Learn different models for managing your time in a ministry context of continuous interruptions and unforeseen events. Explore Jesus’ time management and personalised ways of incorporating God-time in your schedule. Led by Shannon Hood (ex-Deloittes manager) and Pr Allan Heppner (Pastor for Congregational Support, Victorian district of LCA). Wednesday 21 - Thursday 22 October (8.30am – 5pm), at Botany Lutheran Church, East Tamaki, Auckland. $100 cost (incl lunches). Excellent development opportunity for those in leadership. Open to all; please contact LSM for registration details, or with any inquiries:, or ph 06 357 3887. Register by Monday 12 October.
New Zealand Heads of Churches
They meet twice a year in Wellington and discuss issues pertaining to our Christian witness in New Zealand. Topics this time were family violence, Sports Ministry Outreach plans for the Rugby World Cup 2011 in NZ, and a report from the New Zealand Christian Council of Social Services. This organisation is a cooperative voice for most of the larger churches in New Zealand, and advocates for the poor and others who can be marginalised in our country.
Daily devotions from the Lutheran Church of Australia website are now available via email subscription. If you wish to sign up for the service please visit and enter your email in the appropriate box to sign up. The devotions will also soon be available via Twitter, you will be able to access them through the Twitter link on the same page as above.
Here is the one for today:
SUFFICIENT FOR YOU 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
September 4th, 2009
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Throughout history God has used the humble and lowly as his witnesses to carry out his work on earth. All God’s Old Testament leaders as well as Jesus our Saviour, the apostles, St Paul himself, and everyone else through whom God has worked, have been men and women of humble faith. Their whole trust was in God. They relied on him. To some of them God gave special abilities, but even they remained humble servants. St Paul emphasized, ‘We have this treasure in earthen vessels to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us’ (2 Cor. 4:7). The power which achieves is God’s power.
St Paul experienced many visions and revelations from the Lord as he was guided in his mission with the Gospel. There was even an experience of Paradise. Yet none of these gave his message or his witness greater authority, power, or relevance. He could not boast a greater Gospel than any other of Jesus Christ’s witnesses. And to keep Paul humble, he had a physical weakness which God chose not to remove from him; he witnessed in spite of it.
How could he do this? Through the miracle of God’s grace. ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ That’s our ‘miracle’, too, as believers! God’s grace is his favour to each of us through his gift of forgiveness in Christ. We musty humble ourselves before God in repentance and faith to receive the grace of the Gospel. What does that mean to me? I now have the Lord’s power. That power is mature. complete, perfect. With that power I witness, always reminded of what it has given me.
God’s grace changes us. His love rests on us and adds its power to us to bear gladly our weaknesses in the joy of sharing with others the message of his amazing grace. Our strength comes from Christ. In that strength it is impossible to be silent. It is the strength which God supplies - not the weaknesses he does not remove - that make us cheerful, willing witnesses of his grace.
I could not do without Thee, I cannot stand alone, I have no strength or goodness, no wisdom of my own; But Thou, beloved Saviour, art all in all to me, And weakness will be power, if I abide in Thee.
(LCA Devotions)
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
17 August 2009
We are looking for an Administration Officer for the Lutheran Church of New Zealand National Office in Palmerston North:
A fixed term contract for 12 months is available for an enthusiastic person interested in Christian ministry. The position is part-time supporting the President and national church operations with general secretarial, minute taking, banking and accounting duties. A working knowledge of Word, Excel, Publisher and MYOB and previous experience working with accounts are required.
The appointee must be able to work unsupervised.
Hours of work 9.30am to 2.30pm Tuesday to Friday inclusive. In addition, attendance at meetings on a quarterly basis, which involves a Friday evening (7.00pm to 9.30pm) and eight Saturdays (9.00am to 4.30pm), is required. Ideally, we would like someone to start immediately.
Please send your CV and a covering letter to the Selection Committee, Lutheran Church of New Zealand, P.O. Box 4248, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand or Applications close 31 August, 2009.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
10 July 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
In his monthly email newsletter LCA President Michael Semmler made comment about an incident which took place in South Australia. He writes:
On the 7th July the media in South Australia broke the story of what is seen to be an exorcism, conducted on a 15 year-old boy at the District youth gathering YPOUT a few weeks earlier. The event which had been reported to the SA/NT District President, Pastor Robert Voigt, was duly attended to with a mandatory notification by him, as he recognised the abuse which may have taken place. This matter has been the focus of a police investigation and so no public comment could be made until now. Several arrests have been made at this time, with a Senior Constable who took part in the ‘exorcism’ charged with ‘false imprisonment and aggravated assault’. No pastor of the Church has been shown to be directly involved.
This is a serious matter and we encourage your prayers for our those involved in the investigation, and especially the young man who has been identified as the victim.
Information from Pastor Steen Olsen:
Just to let you know Pastor Max Stollznow has had a small stroke (brain bleed actually). It happened last Wednesday afternoon while they were visiting Brisbane. He is still in hospital up there and is making a good recovery but it will still be a long rehab road. I spoke with him this afternoon. His speech is still affected as is one side of his body, but he is getting mobile again. Please remember Rosemary and Max in your prayers.
(Max was a former Pastor of Marton Parish)
I (Robert) have returned from visiting my ill mother in Phoenix. She is improving but still very weak. Thank you for your prayers. Tomorrow I head to meetings in Adelaide but will be contactable by email.
God bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
29 June 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
You may have heard that our Lutheran Church of New Zealand had its 35th Convention under the theme "Church on the Move". A summary of the June 20-21 Convention will appear soon in The Olive Tree quarterly. Pastor Warren Paltridge was re-elected vice president and I was re-elected as president. Many people said it was an excellent convention and thought the mission presentations by five of our congregations was a highlight. Lilian Stephan and Pauline Simonsen were recognised by the convention delegates and guests for their years of service to the LCNZ. LCA President Michael Semmler and Australian Lutheran World Service representative Jonathan Krause were also guests and informed us on the work of the wider church.
Pastor Warren Paltridge was unable to attend convention because of the hospitalisation of his son Byron. Byron had the sudden onset of diabetes and was a very sick boy. Please pray for Byron and the whole family. Warren's wife's name is Ruth.
Pastor Dan and Marilynn Weise are returning to the USA. Dan has been pastoring Tauranga in his retirement, but felt called to return to his home congregation in Minnesota. This was a disappointment to the Tauranga people, so our LCNZ pastors are going to assist in visits commencing August. I have also been taking some services in Upper Moutere, on the beautiful South Island, following Pastor Ern Sable's, and his wife Margarete's return to retirement in Queensland. If this Update falls into the hands of a few of our LCA retired pastors please know that I am looking for two right now for Tauranga and Upper Moutere!
Pastor Milton Fritsch emailed me that Wayne, Samantha and Liam George will be arriving in NZ from South Africa on Monday June 29th. His installation as Family and Community Worker will be on July 5th at Mountainside.
Pastor David Lipsys informs me that he has visited Brian Eggers and wife Lois from Upper Moutere as Brian recuperates from abdominal surgery in Christchurch hospital. David said they would appreciate your prayers.
On a personal note, I'm writing this from Phoenix USA. My mother Dorothy (84) had a heart attack and surgery. I was able to get here on the 21st immediately after the LCNZ Convention. She is still weak but up and around enough to do a few things.
Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, present to us here on Earth and filling the Universe. We thank you for the blessings you have given to your Church. We thank you for our local congregations, its pastors and church workers. We pray for those mentioned above and for all people in need. We pray also for our Lutheran Church of New Zealand and the Lutheran Church of Australia that you will continue to guide and empower us to be faithful witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
20 May 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
This week a special day of the church year may go unnoticed by many! Have a guess – yes, Ascension Day is 21 May. This day marks the commemoration of Jesus’ ascension into heaven. As a church we commemorate that day because it also has ‘theological importance’. In essence, it brings to a close the series of post-resurrection appearances of the Risen Lord and places him in heaven with the Father. In a way, it sets the scene for the Holy Spirit descending on believers at Pentecost. However, though Christ is in heaven at the right hand (honoured position) of the Father, that does not mean he is gone from His Church. Christ is present to us through the Holy Spirit, so much so that the Holy Spirit is even referred to as the Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9 & 1 Peter 1:11). No, the incarnation has not ended. God still dwells in humanity, but Pentecost gives us a new perspective on Christ in the world today.
Almighty God,
we believe in your Son, our Lord,
who ascended into heaven.
Lead us also to ascend there in heart and mind,
and take us to live with him forever.
We ask this through your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.
(The prayer is from the LCA Worship Resources)
Pastor Mark Whitfield has mentioned two funerals of long time Lutheran members: Shirley Mortensen’s funeral will be 1pm at St Matthews Anglican Church, Masterton on Friday 22 of May. We also were informed that Ray Nippert’s funeral was held in Wellington last week.
This email came to the office today and also gives us a little bit of our LCNZ history.
Dear Lilian,
For the Memorial Hymn list if it is not closed: on Saturday 16 May, another elderly ex-Kawerau Lutheran member died - Irmgard Irene Elizebeth Quinn (nee Jantke).
A little background for your interest: In the 1950's when immigrants came from overseas to the new Kawerau township to work, Miss Irmgard Jantke, a German lady, invited the Lutheran Pastor (Noel Schultz) from Hamilton to visit Kawerau. This led to monthly services being held by the Hamilton pastor, initially in private homes, but they soon moved to the Central school.
We pray for the families and friends of Shirley, Ray, and Irmgard that the Lord will comfort them in their sorrow, and strengthen their hope of eternal life.
Looking ahead: Council of Synod and GGTB Meetings are 22-23 May; LCNZ Convention is 20-21 June at Palmerston North.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
15 April 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
Adrian Weber who was a vicar in Palmerston North several years ago, died in Brisbane 14/4/09. Adrian was son-in-law of Beryl Morris and brother-in-law to Jan and Ray Meharg, and Peter and Jackie Morris of Mountainside congregation. Funeral arrangements are pending. However at this time we offer our prayers and condolences to the family.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
(Matthew 5:4)
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
9 April 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
Let me start this Update with just a few announcements:
- 18 April: Saturday at 2 pm, the worship centre for Botany Lutheran Church will be officially opened. Pastor Michael Semmler, President of the Lutheran Church of Australia will officiate at the consecration service. All are invited to attend the service at 150 Harris Road, East Tamaki. If you would like to send a greeting please email the congregation’s chairman Eric Lim.
- 1-2 May: A Delta workshop on Mentoring and Spiritual Direction is being sponsored by our LSM and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Christchurch. ‘Delta’ is an equipping ministry offering accredited training to people of all denominations. Pastor Michael Dutschke (LCA) is the presenter. Please email Pastor David Lipsys for further information and registration.
I was asked to be the Retreat Pastor for the Kogudus Prayer retreat held in Foxton 3-5 April. I really enjoyed the time and believe it was a blessing for the 33 people in attendance! LSM is planning another Kogudus spiritual growth retreat 18-20 September 2009.
As I sit in my office there is a scurrying of activity at the St Luke’s Palmerston offices which we share. Pastor Lee and his team are getting ready for tonight and this weekend of services. As they prepare, are you prepared for Good Friday and Easter? Have you checked on worship times? If travelling, are there congregations you might visit this Easter?
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, you had foretold your suffering and death to the disciples on several occasions. Yet when it happened, they were surprised and in shocked disbelief. We too have slumbering spirits that need to be shaken out of complacency. This Good Friday we pray that we too are jolted and awoken to the fact that we are sinners, and our forgiveness has been paid for at the precious cost of your own blood. Wherever we celebrate Easter “The Resurrection of our Lord” this year, may it be made holy by your presence and the proclamation of new life. Amen
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
1st April 2009
Greetings in Christ,
Pastor Lee an Anna Kroehn, Manawatu Parish, have a new baby girl. Imogen Charlotte was born the 30th of March. She is a little sister for Owen. Congratulations and God’s blessings.
Pastor David Chiang gave me permission to announce that he is having his 70th birthday April 8th. I am so thankful that he has extended his work years to see the growth of the Botany Lutheran Congregation. Thanks to God for David and Annie.
The latest issue of the Olive Tree is out and available from the Olive Tree page.
Please remember the leaders and participant attending the Kogudus Prayer Retreat this weekend April 3-5. It is wonderful to be able to offer this in the LCNZ again.
Reminder: LCNZ 2009 Annual Convention is 19-21 June at Palmerston North.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
3 March 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
This is the season of Lent.
It is the season in the Church year that leads to Easter, the Resurrection of Our Lord. That period is usually considered to be forty days commencing with Ash Wednesday. There are many ways Christians have used this time to prepare for Easter. Fasting and repentance have been the centre of devotional practice. All these things can be very helpful, but always our faith must not be based on what we do, but instead trusting in what God has done for us in Christ.
Please pray for the Members at Mountainside Lutheran, Auckland, after a burglary in the church and considerable damage to many of the interior doors. Please pray for Council of Synod and Gateway Trust which are meeting this week, 6-7 March. Please keep praying for those whose lives have been impacted by the Australian bush fires. Stories are starting to come though about members of our LCNZ who have lost jobs in this recession and are concerned about the future. Please also pray and offer them your support.
Kogudus Retreat: Two (revised) “PRAYER”
Growing in a relationship, not mastering a technique! Friday evening 3 April 2009 to Sunday 5 April 2009. Foxton Bible Camp, Te Awa Street, Foxton Beach.
An information flyer and registration is available on this site in the Looking Ahead section.
God Bless,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
11 February 2009
The Victorian Fires
The sickening news of destruction and death continues to mount as we hear more about the devastating fires in Victoria. Our LCA President, Rev’d Dr Michael Semmler, has sent our pastors in Australia and New Zealand prayers for use in worship, and information about contributing to the victims. He mentions the Australian Red Cross. For us in New Zealand I believe it would be better to give through the special appeal launched by the New Zealand Red Cross.
His letter can be found on our LCA website. I will include here a section of his prayers to which each of us add our own intercession in Jesus name.
Gracious heavenly Father, there is shock and sorrow across Australia [and the world] at the loss of the life and the devastating effect of fire. We struggle in the face of such calamity and cry out to you for your comfort for those whose lives are now changed and who suffer so much. Mercifully embrace those who are frightened. Look with love and compassion on those who mourn. Restrain those who seek to instigate such destruction. [and] Merciful Father, we commend to your protection all those who work to bring relief to the fire victims. Give those who come to the rescue of others courage in danger and skill in difficult situations. Give them strength of body and clear minds that they may work most effectively in the service of those in need. Give us all compassion and a will to help restore devastated communities; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
3 February 2009
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
It was a very happy day on Sunday January 25th when Pastor Lee Kroehn was installed at Palmerston North. Their goods have arrived, and now it is that time where they become oriented to NZ and his new pastorate. As I type this UPDATE I can look over and see Lee at his office desk diligently doing something. Continue your prayers for their family, especially remembering his wife Anna who is expecting a child in April.
Employment Opportunity: Youth and Family Worker – Manawatu Lutheran Parish, Palmerston North NZ – Full Time. More information can be found on
Mountainside Lutheran, Auckland, has announced that Mr. Wayne George from Cape Town, South Africa has been offered the Family and Community Worker position. They are now in the process of issuing a call letter and employment contract. Please pray for Wayne, Samantha and son Liam as they navigate through the visa process.
A few of our LCNZ congregations produce monthly newsletters. I find them very good reading. Mountainside Rumblings is also offered via email. If you would like to request to be on their mailing list please email and put “Request Mountainside Rumblings” in the subject line. You can also check out their website:
On Sunday February 8th the Manawatu Parish, and our LCNZ, say farewell and to Ken and Ellie Chitwood from the USA. They were with us for 18 months and will be greatly missed. Ken was a layworker/intern and Ellie was an active volunteer and editor of The Olive Tree. After a break in the USA they are being re-deployed to South Africa.
Last minute registrations are being taken for the ‘Preaching and Pastoral Care Seminar’ at St Luke’s Lutheran, Palmerston North on Saturday 14th February 9:30am to 4:30pm. The seminar will be led by Pr Bob Kempe, retiring lecturer at Australian Lutheran College in Adelaide. Please register with the LSM office, 06/357 3887 or email
Prayer: Lord God and Father, thank you for this day and the many blessing which you lavish on us. In times when we doubt your love and care, we ask for the eyes of faith to remember your goodness. We pray for the sick, the troubled, and the persecuted. We pray for this nation New Zealand and the many who work to make this a great country. For your Church and its witness, and for our LCNZ and all our members, Lord we ask your mercy strength and blessing. Amen.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
3 January 2009
Greetings and a blessed New Year!
It is said that not much happens in January. That may be true for businesses and organisations. Churches often run a very limited program during this time of year. But that doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. For those who are able to use this time of year to spend extra quality time with family you can be assured that it is of great importance. I encourage you, however, not to take a holiday from worship and devotional time. In fact, I believe it is often when we are on the road and reading the Bible when many new perspectives on God’s word and will are revealed. I am mindful that I have some big prayer points ahead for me in 09, and I am sure you do too.
The Calendar for the first six months of 2009 has been posted and a full calendar will be up when a few other dates are confirmed, and I return from Phoenix January 20th. Betsy and I are visiting our children and grand children in Brisbane and then on January 6th we will go to Phoenix where my elderly mother and aunt live. Also, I have concerns for my younger brother who has been ill. Lilian our LCNZ administrator will be back in the office from January 6th.
From Pastor Mark in Wellington:
Valerie Te Punga, one time member of St Michaels Lower Hutt, and more recently St Pauls Wellington, died on 26th December in Taupo. Since leaving Lower Hutt about 3 years ago, Valerie has lived with her daughter Lorraine in Taupo. Her funeral was held at St Pauls Wellington on 31st December.
He was, He is and He is to come. God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
4 December 2008
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
I am currently at meetings in Adelaide and will be staying through for the weekend to participate in the ordinations of our seven graduate pastors December 7th. The College of Presidents assigned the seven pastoral graduates for this year as follows:
- Joel Cramer to Lavington NSW
- Ben Hentschke to Birdwood SA
- Adrian Kramer to Esperance and Kalgoorlie/Boulder WA
- Lee Kroehn to Manawatu NZ
- Chris Raatz to Grampians VIC
- Luke Spilsbury to Sutherland NSW
- Stephen van der Hoek to Gippsland VIC
Pastor Milton Fritsch has emailed this for our Update: Bob Malcolm a founding and much loved member of Mountainside was called home by the Lord on Monday 1st December. Please remember his wife Eris and his family at this time. Bob's funeral will take place at Mountainside on Friday 5th December at 1:00 pm.
Pastor Mark Whitfield has passed this announcement on to us:
Marketing administrator -- Wellington
If you …
· are excited about Bible Society’s mission (to learn more go
· are familiar with the Bible and think it’s important,
· are ready to invest your skills and experience in a Christian organization,
then we’d really like to talk with you! This salaried position is paying about $30k and is based in Wellington’s CBD close to New Zealand’s best coffee houses! To be considered for this role you need to be legally able to work in New Zealand and be available for an interview in Wellington.
Please request a position description and application form
From my Olive Tree devotion:
Prayer: Dear Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we thank you for your gift to the world. Through the Holy Spirit’s aid may we unwrap each day this gift that keeps on giving forgiveness, love, hope and joy. We pray that we can be used by you to tell others about Jesus, and work as disciples in your kingdom. In the big and the little things of life, the religious activities and those actions that seem ordinary, let us shine for you. As the New Year approaches fill us with confidence and hope knowing you have the world in your hands. Amen.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
6 November 2008
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
This morning I had occasion to look at “THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH” in our Holy Communion Liturgy. One petition of the prayer says: “Show your mercy to all the nations of the world. Bless our land and the people who live in it. Help those in government and positions of responsibility to maintain honesty and truth, justice and peace…” This Saturday as New Zealanders cast their vote, I pray for the best future for this nation. We also should pray for the American people and President-elect, Barack Obama, that he will aspire to be all that a world leader might be.
Lee Kroehn (pronounced as Crane) has been assigned as the graduate pastor for Manawatu Parish – Fielding and Palmerston North. Lee will be ordained in Adelaide in December. I am suggesting an installation date of January 25th. Lee is married to Anna and they have a young son, Owen.
Pastor Lionel Rohrlach is celebrating his 20th anniversary of ordination in Maryborough, Queensland on 14 December. Lionel had served in the Lower Hutt about twenty years ago. Greetings for the day can be sent to the parish email.
Cheryl Reif, Mountainside Lutheran in Auckland, has announced she will be leaving NZ to take up a Lutheran lay worker position in Bundaberg, Queensland. We are excited for Cheryl and Charlie, but will miss them. She has given of herself through their local congregation, national youth and LSM.
Some lifetime Lutheran members who have recently died and await the final feast of victory of Our Lord: Nita Ratford, Halcombe; Ruth Jurgens, Fielding; Ron Zander, Wanganui.
Pastor Robert and Irene Strelan will be returning to Australia soon. Robert’s final service at Manawatu Parish as locum (interim) is Sunday the 16th of November. We are very appreciative of Rob and every retired LCA pastor who has come to NZ and helped in parishes. Because graduate pastor Lee Kroehn will be arriving the end of January there won’t need to be another locum following the Strelan’s.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
10 October 2008
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
In this update I’d simply like to quote a much-loved psalm which I have appreciated over the years and one, as I remember, was one of Martin Luther’s favourites. As we consider the world economic situation, and the concern that many have that their investments and retirement are endangered, Psalm 46 speaks. It remains God’s contemporary word for our human situation and a shelter for those who trust in him. It also calls us to trust in God above all things.
God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we should not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the oceans depths; even if the seas roar and rage, and the hills are shaken by violence. There is a river that brings joy to the city of God, to the sacred house of the Most High. God is in that city and it will never be destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid. Nations are terrified, kingdoms are shaken; God thunders and the earth dissolves. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.
(Psalm 46:1-7, Good News Bible)
I hope in our congregations these next Sundays there will be thoughtful prayer for those who are afraid, and encouragement to trust in God. We can likewise see in this economic crisis the result of greed and how it can affect world economies and classes of people -- the rich and the poor, and the anxious middle.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
25 September 2008
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
In this update I’d like to mention that we had a closing service for St David’s Lutheran, Taumarunui on Sunday September 21st. There were 27 people in attendance, some coming from Tauranga, Palmerston North, Hamilton, and possibly other places. Bunty Meyer had served there for 10 years as a licensed preacher, and so it was appropriate that he deliver the message. Because the electricity was turned off, our vice president Pastor Warren Paltridge played a guitar and one of the locals, Merle Jurgens, invited us to her home for a cuppa and lots of wonderful photos of St David’s history. In my short address before the rite of closing, I conveyed both our sadness and an encouragement for the locals to associate with churches in the area. The LCNZ has the candlesticks, crucifix and chalice in safe keeping for possible use again in NZ. I have not been able to locate their parish registry which is unfortunate, but did find their minutes book dated from the 1950’s to the 1990’s.
The September 2008 edition of our LCNZ Olive Tree quarterly has been posted.
Pastor Geoff Halvelberg has declined the call to Palmerston North and Feilding. The parish leadership announced to the members that they are approaching me and the College of Presidents about the possibility of a graduate from our Australian Lutheran College seminary. Please keep Manawatu parish in your prayers, and thanks again to Pastor Rob and Irene Strelan for the locum work they are doing.
This next Sunday I will be in Tauranga welcoming Pastor Dan and Marlyn Weise.
God, we give thanks for the great "Yes" in life, for the invitation that you make to us every day and every hour. Guide us in our pilgrimage that we may say "Yes" to you and be joined in heart with You and all your faithful people. Amen.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
29 August 2008
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
At the last Council of Synod meeting I was asked to update of our Diaspora list of Lutherans in New Zealand who are located outside the proximity of any Lutheran Church. If you know of Lutherans for such a contact list could you please email me their postal or phone details. The information will be used properly and we will also offer to send them The Olive Tree quarterly.
From the Botany Congregation
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
With the Grace of our Heavenly Father, the Botany Lutheran Church congregation is blessed with a church building. Botany Education Centre, established by the church, is to provide Chinese, English and Mathematics classes as an outreach to the community. We cordially invite you to share with us as a fellow Christians, to give thanks to God on this dedication ceremony of the Education Center.
Dedication Ceremony of Botany Education Centre
Officiate by:
· Rev. Robert Erickson (President of Lutheran Church of New Zealand)
· Rev. Warren Paltridge (Vice President of Lutheran Church of New Zealand)
· Rev. Milton Fritsch (Pastor of Mountainside Lutheran Church)
· Rev. David Chiang (Pastor of Botany Lutheran Church)
Date: Saturday 30th August 2008
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Venue: Unit C, 150 Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland
Thank you for your continued prayer,
Eric Lim
Botany Lutheran Church
The Manawatu Parish (Palmerston North & Fielding) has issued a letter of call to Pastor Geoffrey Havelberg, Gawler, South Australia. They are now awaiting a response. Max and Rosemary Stollznow have returned to South Australia and handed the baton to Pastor Rob and Irene Strelan who will reside at Palmerston North for three months. Remember Max in prayer, as he was ill his last few days in NZ.
Pray for the Upper Moutere Parish as they seek to call a pastor. I have been flying there via Nelson once a month for support.
Recently retired Rev. Dan and Marilynn Weise will be arriving at Tauranga in September. Dan has an initial six-month commitment which may be extended up to two years.
Rev. John Henderson has accepted the call to be the principal of Australian Lutheran College in Adelaide.
The closing service for St David's Lutheran, Taumarnui, will take place on Sunday 21st September at 3:00pm. Vice President Warren Paltridge and President Robert Erickson will be officiating. The church is located at 18 Reu St. Could this be advertised in your church bulletins and included with your prayers?
This Hymn by Isaac Watts expresses the permanence of God over all the changes in this world.
Lutheran Hymnal #556
1. O God, our help in ages past,
our hope for years to come
our shelter from the stormy blast
and our eternal home.
2. Under the shadow of thy throne
still may we dwell secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone
and our defence is sure.
3. Before the hills in order stood
or earth received her frame
from everlasting, thou art God
to endless years the same.
4. A thousand ages, in thy sight
are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night
before the rising sun.
5. Time, like an ever rolling stream
bears all who breathe away;
they fly forgotten, as a dream
dies at the opening day.
6. O God, our help in ages past
our hope for years to come;
be thou our guide while life shall last
and our eternal home.
Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
18 June 2008
Greetings in Christ,
Mary Te Punga, a dear lady known to many in our New Zealand church, died in Wanganui on 17 June. Please pray for her daughters Jenny Jurgens, Jude Nelson, Alison MacKay, Jane Bosecke, their husbands, children and family. The funeral will be hosted at the Anglican Church, Wanganui East, on Friday 20 June at 1:00pm.
"Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3 NJB)
Our LCNZ received notice about the New Zealand Faith Community Nurses Association's October 24-27th conference in Christchurch. If you are interested knowing more about the concept of Faith Community Nursing please visit their website. The information came with the endorsement of the dean of Nelson Cathedral and the NZFCNA National Coordinator. Interestingly, the program originated in 1985 through the work of Granger Westberg, a Lutheran hospital chaplain.
Alpha Marriage Course 2008 Training Days are 19 July in Christchurch, 26 July in Wellington, and 9 August in Auckland. For more information about this excellent course visit
The next edition of The Olive Tree quarterly has been printed, and will soon be available through our congregations or in a downloadable form on this website.
Please pray for Ken Chitwood and Roy and Lois Price who will be travelling to Sumatra Indonesia on a mission trip. Representing Manawatu Parish (Fielding & Palmerston North) they will be attending a Christian youth conference and looking at mission sponsorship possibilities. The dates of travel are 23 June to 3 July.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
11 June 2008
Greetings from Pauline Simonsen:
Second "Acts" seminar
Back by popular demand! Dr Stephen Haar (Australian Lutheran College) returns to NZ to run a second day seminar on the Book of Acts. "Gift and Challenge 2" takes place on Saturday 5th July (10am - 4pm) at St Luke's Lutheran church, Palmerston North. Attendance at the first seminar is not necessary to be able to come and appreciate this second one. It will be fresh and exciting material! For more information email Pauline Simonsen or phone 06 357 3887. Dr Stephen will be preaching at St Luke's on Sunday 6th July. All are welcome!
"Team Work & Leadership" workshop
The July LCNZ Church Workers Conference will host a Delta Ministries' seminar on "Team Work and Leadership". A few extra places are available for interested people. The workshop runs from Tuesday 29 - Wednesday 30 July, 9am - 5pm, at Forest Lakes Camp, Otaki. While the workshop is free, any accommodation required will be charged at the camp rates. Please emailPauline Simonsen for further information or phone 06 357 3887.
These items were on an update that failed to be published so I will include them again.
Please pray for Ben Seek as he recovers from a serious BMX accident while competing in Christchurch. Ben's dad Mark, the Upper Moutere lay worker, expressed appreciation to Pastor David and Jannine Lypsis at Christchurch for their help during these last few days. Ben ruptured his liver and some had other nasty injuries, so they are very thankful that he is now returning with them back home.
My (Pres. Rob and Betsy's) fifth grandchild was born 29.5.08 in Brisbane and I hope to be attending (doing?) Abi's baptism 28 June.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
23 May 2008
Greetings in Christ,
As we hear more each day of the crisis in Burma and China, I'd like to share an email from Pastor David Chiang's wife Annie and the Botany Chinese congregation in Auckland.
Dear Robert,
You may read a lot of stories from the media. However the following is real one from one of the member of our church who came from Sichuan. Nicky, who was nineteen when she came to NZ, and then she believed in Christ and became our member 5 years ago. This year, she graduate from University and now working as an accountant, she is now applying for PR. Therefore she cannot leave the country now.
Her mother and a teenager sister both live in Chengdu, and during the earthquake, it was lucky that both of them were able to escape. However, the house was in danger, and the furniture were all gone. Being too scared they stayed day and night at the roadside, even the rain wouldn't make them move back to their building. Nicky's friends are now helping them, but they need more help.
One of Nicky's best friend, who just got married in March lost her beloved. Her husband was a young lawyer, and he volunteer to help after the earthquake. The next day, the aftershock occurred, and he was killed by a piece of rock rolling down the slope. The poor wife has just found out that she is pregnant. No one knows how to comfort them. Also Nicky lost contact a few friends and do not know whether they are dead or alive.
All the young man now leaving the city are volunteer to help in those remote villages which is hit most by the earthquake. Leaving all the girls and young women in the City taking care the elders. Nicky was so sad that her tears could not stop and she cannot sleep at night. Whenever she closed her eye, she has those images of people running for life. We all tried to comfort her, but she is still so worry that she cannot live like before, a cheerful girl.
We all need your prayer and support. Please try to help us. Up to today, the known death toll was nearly 50,000, and still 40,000 missing. 5 million people are without home. It is not just a country can help to rebuild those places. A lot of assistant from international agency is in need.
God be mercy with us!
-- Annie
Pastor Max and Rosemary Stollznow have arrived in Palmerston North and Fielding congregations and will be serving there for three months during the call process. Pray for them, and also Norm and Kay Bergen doing the same thing in Tauranga.
Pastors Peter Ziersch and Mark Whitfield will be attending a conference in Melbourne on the 28th of May. explains the program further.
Pastor Nathan and Yvette Hedt will be arriving in New Zealand next week where Nathan will be the guest facilitator for the Prayer and Mission Conference commencing Saturday 31 May to 1 June. Please email Pauline Simonson so we know you are coming to this free event at Palmerston North.
In your prayers for the sick please remember Joy Satherley, the people in Burma and China. Also, I am conducting the funeral of Eva Reeves (91) at Marton on Monday.
My wife Betsy is visiting her sister in Florida and accompanying two of our grandchildren on a five day visit of Disney World. I asked her how can someone spend five days at a theme park. She told me there are five kingdoms there and it takes a full day to see each. It made me think of the kingdom of heaven and how it will take more than a few days to see its glory. As the great hymn Amazing Grace expresses:
When we've been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
7 May 2008
Greetings in Christ,
That is the current news headline as I write this update. In some ways similar to the December 26, 2004 Tsunami, the world waits to hear the casualty count of a horrible natural disaster. Please pray for the people of Myanmar (Burma). Pray for those who grieve and for the massive aid that is commencing. The NZ Red Cross is one avenue for giving.
As the news unfolds we can all pray for many miracles of deliverance in the midst of frightening devastation. Australian Lutheran World Service has also received an urgent plea from our Lutheran team in southern Sudan to provide seeds & tools to 4000 refugee families. You may have seen the urgent UN warnings about rising food prices putting 100 million poor families at risk. Most in danger are children, elderly and the sick.
Although New Zealand is going through an economic downturn and news can be = pessimistic, still we are very blessed and able to assist others who are struggling to survive.
Thanks to the organisers leaders and 41 young people [and Christ be the glory] for making the youth camp a success.
The property for the Botany Congregation was purchased and photos will soon be posted on the Botany page on this website. Until then you can view a few photos (PDF, 2.6MB) that followed their garage sale in the new building. A dedication of their Education Centre will be on 30 August with the dedication of the sanctuary to follow in early 2009.
Mother's Day reminds us of love and family, the frailty of life and the enduring witness of parenthood. Congregations remember the day differently, some construct a whole service around motherhood, and others may simply remember mothers in the prayers. Either way, and however recognised, I appreciate that God gifted me with a wonderful mum, and with a wife who also is a good mother. It is a day we can also reflect on the Fourth Commandment to appropriately honour our father and mother.
Honour your father and your mother. What does this mean?
Answer: We should fear and love God, and so we should not despise our parents and superiors, nor provoke them to anger, but honour, serve, obey, love, and esteem them.
(Martin Luther: Small Catechism)
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
11 April 2008
Greetings in Christ,
I hope you had a blessed Easter and that you are living and shining in that resurrection light. Here are some brief items that should be of interest to most that are on our LCNZ update list.
Manawatu Parish (Palmerston North & Feilding) has issued a call to Pastor Nathan Hedt who is serving in Nambour, Queensland. They prayerfully await a response. Pastor Arthur Priebbenow has been the interim/locum and will be followed by Max Stollznow around the third week of May.
Upper Moutere parish is now in the call process for a part-time pastor position.
Norm Bergen and his wife Kay will be arriving at Tauranga the first week in May to do a three-month interim/locum. Rolph and Margaret Mayer have returned to Australia and please pray for Margaret as she has knee surgery. She is a brave lady who must have been in pain during their interim time in NZ.
My wife (Betsy Erickson) returned from Brisbane after minor surgery. Thanks for your prayers.
Our appreciation to Barry Walker and Whakatane Printers for producing car window stickers with our LCNZ website address! We will be sending some out to each parish, and if you want any sent directly to you, please contact the LCNZ office. The clear stickers with white lettering are just the right size to be read from other cars travelling or stopped behind you. This is in response to a 2007 Church Workers Conference idea and the comments of many that our church needs ways to get our name out there.
Prayer and Mission Conference
This will be 31 May to 1 June at Palmerston North. With Pastor Nathan Hedt as guest presenter, its a great opportunity to share with other Kiwi Lutherans in mission conversations and prayer for our church.
Global God is the theme for National Youth Camp 2008! This year's national youth camp looks to be full of adventure, games, Bible studies, and friendships! Last year we had 21 youth attend and this year it is estimated that 40-50 youth will be coming! If you are interested in attending, or sponsoring a youth to attend, please send in your application and cheque to the LCNZ office.
From Pastor David Chaing:
Dear all,
On behalf of Botany Congregation, I deeply appreciated your support. Today, the transaction of our property is completed. Everything goes smoothly. It is the blessing of our Lord that we finally get a HOME! Thank again for your prayer and your assistance! May the property will be the temple of prayer!
According to the recent research, most Asian immigrants are settled around Howick Area and North Shore! Now I know that God will use us to establish a place for the immigrants, so that we can spread Gospel to them. It seems that the location of this property is very suitable for us.
Background: The new property is located at Unit C, 150 Harris RD, East Tamaki, Auckland. The building was constructed in 1997. Floor areas are as follows: First floor offices and amenities 116.21m2, Ground floor offices & amenities 116.21m2, Factory/Warehouse 297.86m2.
Funding for this mission project:
LLL (NZ) Loan (Interest Bearing) $400,000, Gateway Suspensory Loan $200,000 Botany Congregation $280,000
From the LCA Office: Routes to Ordination Task Force
In order to comply with a resolution from the 2006 General Synod, the General Church Council has established a task force to investigate a) the possibility of alternative routes to ordination in the LCA; b) the issue of the professional development of pastors serving in the LCA. The task force intends to include in its investigation a survey of the views and opinions both of targeted members and groups and of the general membership of the church. Members of the LCA are invited and encouraged to participate in this survey by any of the following ways:
- On-line at
- By requesting a survey form from The Executive Secretary, ARTO Task Force, 197 Archer Street, NORTH ADELAIDE SA 5006, phone +61 8 8267 7300.
- The deadline for responses is Friday 2 May 2008.
God Bless!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
13 February 2008
Because of commitments here in New Zealand I wasn't able to attend the LCA College of Presidents Retreat which hosted six presidents from the Lutheran Church-Canada. However, I heard about a conflict resolution program they use in Canada. Our LCA will be promoting it and it may be something good for us in the LCNZ
Quoting from the PEACE MAKERS website: When a church experiences conflict, the results can be terribly painful: couples divorce, families and friends are divided, and in extreme cases, a church may split, and our witness for Christ is lost. But it doesn't have to be this way. Many churches have embraced a 'Culture of Peace,' where members truly live out the gospel in their relationships and where the blessings of peace follow: strengthened marriages and families, healthier churches, and a thriving, gospel-centered ministry. Building a Culture of Peace doesn't happen overnight, though. It's a journey, and Peacemaker Ministries is here to accompany your church every step of the way.
Here are the links to learn more:
- Alpha Conferences for 2008
- Christchurch 29th February - 1st March 2008 South City Christian Centre, Colombo Street
- Palmerston North 7th - 8th March 2008 St Alban's Presbyterian Church, Albert Street
- Auckland 14th - 15th March 2008 Greenlane Christian Centre, Marewa Road
For more info visit
- There was an "Auckland Lutheran Liaison Group" meeting on 9/2/08 with representatives from Mountainside, North Shore, Botany and Council of Synod to discuss planning and vision for our work in Auckland. Pastor Milton Fritsch is the chair of that group. It was a great meeting.
- Council of Synod and the Gateway Trust Board meets Feb 15-16. A brief summary of the meeting will be included in the next update. Manse upgrades, a worship home for Botany congregation, position of Vice President, LCNZ constitutional matters, among many other items will be on the agenda.
- A long time and beloved LCNZ member Gordon Jurgens has died. Pastor Peter Ziersch informs us that the funeral will be Tuesday 19 February at St Martin's Lutheran, Marton. Please pray for the entire family and all friends who mourn his loss.
And the peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus,
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
30 January 2008
Auckland Lutheran Liason Group
The first meeting of this task-force, brought together to consider the whole Lutheran mission in Auckland, takes place on Saturday 9th February at Mountainside. This group comprises representatives from Mountainside, the North Shore, Botany and Council of Synod. Please pray for this group as it begins working together for the good of our Lutheran ministry in NZ’s largest city.
LCNZ lay preachers and p.w.a.t.s are invited to some great teaching at the 2008 “Education for Ministry” training week run by the NSW district of the LCA, Monday 28 April – Friday 2 May, in Sydney. Dr Joe Strelan and Pr Robert Bartholomaeus (ex-LCNZ!) will lead studies on “Jesus the Jew; the world of the New Testament”, on Islam, and on the Letter to the Hebrews. The LCNZ provides funding for its lay preachers to attend this training. Please contact the LCNZ President for more information (06 357 3887).
Vetting of Youth and Children Workers
Don’t forget that as members of the LCA/NZ we are required to complete simple police checks on all people working with children or youth in our congregations – both volunteer and paid. Forms are available from your pastor, or from the LCNZ office: these need to be completed and sent back to the LCNZ office. If your workers are already accredited, please send the information to the LCNZ office, where a central register is kept. Thanks for your help!
Random Questions from President Rob
- Is your “Safe Place” poster still on display in the church entry?
- Do you have your congregation’s books audited or reviewed each year?
- When is the last time you looked at the church entry through the eyes of a visitor?
- Is the used on signs and advertising?
- Will Easter services be advertised?
- When is the last time you had a Lenten study or sermon series?
Please Remember Pastor Peter and Cindy Ziersch (Marton) after the death of Cindy’s brother. They are in Adelaide for the funeral.
Welcome Pastor Arthur and Cynthia
Manawatu’s Interim Pastor is Rev. Arthur Priebbenow and his wife Cynthia from Murrumbah Downs, North Brisbane. Arthur is recently retired and has had one interim experience, along with many years of faithful service. He and Cynthia were sent to the Highlands of PNG as his first call out of seminary. He was there from 1966 to 1978. Other Australian parishes he served were: Unley, Temora, Port McQaurie and Ipswich from whence he retired in 2004. They will be staying in the Palmerston North manse and can be contacted on (06) 354 3527.
Gift and Challenge: the Book of Acts in Today's Church
Saturday 1st March 2008 9.30 am – 4 pm St Paul’s Lutheran Church, 12 King St, Wellington. A one-day seminar with guest presenter, Dr Stephen Haar, Lecturer at Australian Lutheran College. Come and receive fresh energy and inspiration for mission in your community, as you hear again of the power of Jesus’ mission to our world! Cost: The seminar is free, but there will be opportunity to make a donation. Morning and afternoon teas will be provided, but please bring your own lunch. (Takeaway outlets are in walking distance.) Staying on? Those attending the seminar from out-of-town are welcome to stay for Sunday worship at St Paul’s (10 am), where Dr Haar will be the guest preacher. A limited number of billets is available; to book a billet, contact Pr Mark Whitfield (04 972 3705 or by Sunday 24th February. For more information contact the LSM/LCNZ office (06 357 3887 or email
Anglican-Lutheran Covenant
Dr. Haar will be staying on after his visit to Wellington to participate in dialog with President Robert, Dr Pauline Simonson and three Anglican theologians. This second meeting on Feb 3rd at Palmerston North will focus on practical issues such as ministry to members in remote areas.
The pretzel represents the shape of the penitent's crossed arms, and was a traditional Lenten food in central European towns. This recipe is for a chewy soft pretzel.
Combine in a mixing bowl:
- 1 cup warm water
- 1 package (1 1/2 T) active dry yeast
- 1 tsp sugar
Add and beat at least 3 minutes:
- 1 1/2 cups sifted all purpose flour
- 2 Tbsp soft butter
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 Tbsp sugar
Stir in 1 1/4 cups sifted all purpose flour and knead until the dough loses its stickiness.
Let the dough rise in a covered greased bowl until it is doubled in bulk (this is called "proofing" the dough). Punch down and divide it into 12 pieces. Roll each piece into a long rope and form it into a pretzel shape. Place the pretzels on a greased baking sheet and let them rise until almost doubled in bulk. Preheat oven to 475°F.
In a large non aluminum kettle, prepare a boiling solution of:
- 4 cups water
- 5 tsp baking soda
With a slotted spoon, carefully lower the pretzels into the water and boil about 1 minute or until they float to the top. Return them to the greased sheet. Sprinkle them with coarse salt. (Sea salt or Kosher salt.) Bake the pretzels until they are nicely browned, about 10-12 minutes. Pretzels are best when eaten while still warm, but they may be stored in an air tight container for up to a week, or frozen.
Makes twelve 6-inch pretzels. From
Lent is a season for reflection. Historically, that reflection has been penitential as Christians remember their sins and their need of the forgiveness Christ brings. However, this season of reflection can also be a time to reflect not only on what is lacking in us, but all the great resources available to us through Christ our Lord. He is our strength and joy and hope. Amen.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
2 January 2008
Fire at Trinity, Feilding
On Boxing Day, 26th December, around 6.30 am, a fire broke out in the kitchen area of Trinity, Feilding. A passing cyclist saw smoke coming out from under the eves and immediately called the fire department who promptly arrived and extinguished the fire. It appears that the fire was deliberately lit, with a 'device' and wood shavings found under the kitchen floor. Lesley and Brett Cuttle spent all of 26th and most of 27th, securing the building, contacting insurers and assessors, and dealing with the emergency services.
Despite the disappointment of an arson attack on one of our churches, we have much for which we can give thanks to our Lord. The fire was contained to the kitchen because the adjoining doors were closed and the fire reported early. The fire department said that if they had got to the scene 30 minutes later or if the doors were not closed, the whole complex may have been lost. Surely our Lord had his angels on duty!
There is a plan for repair in place and the hall should be in use within the next fortnight and the kitchen some time after that. We worshipped as a congregation on Sunday, praising God for his protection and faithfulness.
This coming Sunday will be my final service in the LCNZ before I begin a new call as school pastor for Endeavour College in Adelaide. The last four years have been some of the most wonderful of my life. Connie, Annelise, Georgia and I will be sad to say goodbye to the many friends we have made here in NZ. We have loved living in the adventure capital of the world with so many world-class activities so accessible to us. We will miss the beauty, the culture, the skiing, the hot pools, the fishing, the golf and the warmth of so many people who have become dear to us. I have been privileged to be part of the ministry in the Manawatu and the wider LCNZ. I know our God is doing great things here and the LCNZ will always be in my heart and my prayers.
-- Pastor Greg Fowler
LCNZ website manager commissioned!
On Sunday 9th December, Simon Lieschke was formally commissioned as the LCNZ's web-site manager, during the morning service at Mountainside Lutheran Church. Simon, who takes over from Ruth Olsen, brings both IT expertise and a good knowledge of the LCNZ to the role. He'll oversee the development of the web-site's content and functions. Please pray for him in this role! And visit the LCNZ web-site at
The new year has begun and it is so important to remember that we don't have a god of Deism who simply started creation and set up the laws of nature like some complex computer program. We have a God In History, one who is involved and has a his hand in the events of our lives, although it is often hard to discern that. This God who provides and walks with us is the Great Other, beyond our reason, but also the Comforter in us immanently through the Holy Spirit.
It is one of the greatest paradoxes to claim to know God (through Christ) intimately and yet claim he is the Holy Other beyond perception. Yet this this ineffable God is not beyond, because he has made himself known through his Word. As 2008 unfolds I pray we can discern and trust that our God In History is working out his plan for his LCNZ and his greater church in New Zealand. God be with you in the New Year.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
3 December 2007
David Preston and I visited Botany Lutheran Church in Auckland this last weekend to speak with them about their hopes and plans for a permanent worship venue. Please pray for that vibrant Chinese congregation as they look to the future. It was a joy to preach there through an interpreter, and share in fellowship.
I will be attending my first series of meeting in Adelaide 4 December with College of Presidents, a Seminary Graduate's Retreat and then the ordination of Graduate Pastors on Sunday December 9. I'd like to give a brief report about the time in Adelaide upon my return.
Lutheran Laymen's League NZ
Synopsis of Board Meeting 10 November 2007
A very warm welcome was extended to President Rob Erickson. Clive Kingsley-Smith from Hamilton was appointed a Director of the LLL to fill the casual vacancy. The LLL is keen to sponsor a Worship Seminar hopefully in 2008.
Grants were made to the following Congregations/Individuals:
· Wellington - $5,000 for their music project ex the H C Gudopp Fund
· Trinity Feilding - $700 from the Project James Fund to cover the cost of large print bibles for a study group, catering especially for elderly people
· Lutheran Support Ministries - $1104 from Project James Fund to cover the "financial deficit" of the recent LCNZ Youth Convention
· Mark Whitfield - $340 from the H C Gudopp Fund to cover the cost of music resources
It was reported that a grant made to the Upper Moutere Congregation towards the purchase of transport for the Youth has still to be spent.
The LLL Board are to remind Congregations of their responsibility to appoint "LLL Members" whose principal responsibilities are to promote the LLL in their Parish and also the privilege of attending the Annual Meeting of the LLL.
--Buster Kells
Disturbing reports in the last few days suggest the southern Sudan Government is looking at pulling out of power-sharing arrangements - please pray for peace, patience and wisdom In Darfur in the east, different groups are reluctant to come together to build a lasting peace -pray for forgiveness and open hearts and minds. Here in Australia, Sudanese refugees (many are Lutherans) face major challenges - pray for acceptance, wisdom and generosity.
ALWS is our church's overseas aid agency, and a critical part of Lutheran mission and ministry. As we work together, please let us know if there's anything more we can do to help you help others through ALWS and Christmas Action. Our Hotline: 02 6021 5329.
Thank you, and blessings,
Jonathan Krause
Communications Manager, ALWS
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
15 November 2007
Death of Noted Lutheran Wood Carver
On Friday afternoon, 9th November 2007, Johannes Thomas (Hans) Muller was called to his heavenly home after deteriorating health over the last couple of years. He died peacefully at Windermere Hospital, Christchurch, during the daily visit of his dedicated wife, Jola - shortly after they had celebrated Holy Communion with their pastor, David Lipsys. Originally from Austria and in his 86th year, Hans together with Jola have been long-time and very active members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Christchurch. Hans became widely known and regarded because of his talent with wood-carving; and over the years, a number of church leaders and guests of the LCNZ have been presented with Hans' carvings - of Luther's Rose or of the Praying Hands - as official gifts. Hans had been heavily involved in the building of the final Lutheran church building on the former Worcester Street site in central Christchurch; and he carved the crucifix that had been a focal point in that house of worship for many years.
Hans' funeral will take place at St. Paul's, Christchurch from 10:30am on Saturday, 17th November. Our thoughts and prayers go out for Jola, and sons Peter (and family) and Richard; and for Han's nephew, Siegfried Flaschberger and his wife Lotte.
Petrus Simons from Wellington has been communicating to me that we need to pray for the ministry and work of Lutherans for Life - NZ. He has been the branch leader since 1991 and believes that other leadership need to develop. There has been some increased interest at Mountainside through Fay Visini.
Further information can be found at Lutherans for Life or by emailing Petrus.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
12 November 2007
Next Sunday November 18th I've been asked to preach at St Matthew Lutheran in Hamilton. I thought I would take up a theme about fear and faith. Every one is afraid of something, and fear can sometimes be a good thing, but we should not let our fears keep us from enjoying the life that Jesus wants us to have. He has promised to be with us always. The text I will begin with is from the Old Testament Book of Isaiah.
"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." (Isaiah 12:2-3)
Our Vice President Pastor Greg Fowler has accepted the Call to Endeavour Lutheran College in South Australia. He announced it to the Manawatu Parish and expects to leave NZ in January 08. I am happy for him and his family, but sad like most of you that such a fine Pastor will be leaving our LCNZ.
We thank Pastor Glen and Elaine Schultz for their interim work in Tauranga and Whakatane/Kawerau. I've organised for Pastor Rolph and Margaret Mayer to be there 19th December to 25th March 08. Pastor Ern and Margarete Sable will be in Upper Moutere until March 08, with a Christmas break back in Australia.
Please pray for Barry Walker, one of the leaders at Whakatane, as he recovers from a heart attack. He is recovering, but still not back to work.
Council of Synod will be meeting in Hamilton this weekend, lots of business, please pray for us!
Pastor/President Robert Erickson
9 November 2007
Please pray for Pastor Kevin Kuchel as he recovers from a stroke. He became ill a few days after he and Desma returned to Australia from their interim in Tauranga. Kevin is greatly improved, for which we are thankful.
Pray also for Pastor Steve Wockner who is currently doing supply work in Queensland. The LCA Presidents have granted him a leave of absence for one year from the end of May 2007.
Pastor Peter Ziesch and his wife Cindy were welcomed at Marton Lutheran Parish. The installation service was November 4th.
I am sure Pastor Steen and Ruth Olsen would appreciate your prayers as they orient themselves to OZ life. Steen has announced in his last email that he has accepted the Mission Director position for the South Australian District.
On 16-17 November Council of Synod will be meeting at Hamilton. I will be staying over to preach on the 18th.
The new job description for LCNZ President calls for more visitation to parishes. At the October Church Workers Conference in Auckland we worked on some preliminary goals and expectations for my position. I have had the opportunity to already visit and consult with members at Botany, Tauranga, and Bay of Plenty. Also, my two interim assignments at Marton Parish and Upper Moutere have been wonderful in acquainting me with their situation and ministries. But let's face it; I am on a learning curve!
The Olive Tree will be coming out soon and I will be contributing more to it, but please let the LCNZ office know of any prayer points or items that can be included in either The Olive Tree or this email list.
Finally, pray for Pastor Greg Fowler and family as Greg decides about the Call he received to Endeavour Lutheran College in South Australia.
Pastor/President Robert Erickson