07 October 2010

LCNZ Update 7 Oct 2010

[Photos: Wayne George and “Altars of the LCNZ” poster]


A Collage of Altars:

The photo above is of a large framed poster my wife Betsy made using shots of all the congregations in our LCNZ. Can you find your altar? This framed poster will find a place in the front office when we locate to Wellington. Our Church has taken out a two-year lease on an office located about 200 meters from St Paul’s congregation in Wellington. We expect the move to be in November. There is also a search committee narrowing down a list of possible manses.   


LLL Bridging Loan for Wellington Manse:

The Council of Synod has arranged a short-term  loan with our LLL toward the purchase of a manse in Wellington. This will allow the president to stay in the Highbury manse in Palmerston North until a Wellington manse is purchased. To comply with constitutional requirements a postal vote to approve the loan is being sent to Synod Delegates.


60th and 150th:

Congratulations to Trevor and Barbara Wishnowsky on their Diamond Anniversary. For their sixtieth they had about 60 family members and friends at celebrations last week in Feilding.


What about a 150th? Impossible? Well, this Sunday (10 October) at 11:am at St Martin’s in Marton they will be commemorating 150 years since Lutherans arrived in Marton to establish that congregation.  There is a fellowship lunch at 12:30. (It may be a bit late to book the meal, but you can try to phone Rod Lyon on 06 327 8370.)


We also pray Gods protection on Pastor Mark Whitfield and support team as the travel to Marton via the beach highway. This is the same route the early settlers took 150 years ago.


Preparing for the Future -- NZ Pastors for NZ:

Praise God that Wayne George, the Youth and Family Worker from Mountainside in Auckland, is to be enrolled at ALC Seminary in Adelaide commencing May 2011 for an eight-month course leading to ordination in the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand. Wayne is able to take a shortened course because of previous theological training in South Africa before coming to be Parish Worker at Mountainside. Please note that his correct phone number for the LCNZ Directory should be 09/525 1337


Also, this month another member of our LCNZ is travelling to Adelaide for interviews to determine what additional courses are needed after the theological training he has received here in New Zealand. We may have something about that in the Olive Tree magazine.


Two stories in THE LUTHERAN:

The October edition of our LCA magazine THE LUTHERAN  carried stories about our LCNZ. First was a report on the Christchurch earthquake and its effect on members at St Paul’s. The other story was about the installation of the first Maori Youth Worker in our LCNZ. Mason Stoney is the new worker at Upper Moutere! Along with responsibility as a parish and community youth worker he is also chaplain at two schools in the area. Please add his details to your copy of the LCNZ Directory: mason.stoney@hotmail.com, mobile phone 021 119 2655. Do you receive THE LUTHERAN? http://www.lca.org.au/thelutheran/


What is the Twenty20 program?

Check out “The Start of my Journey” on Katharina Borszik’s blog http://twenty20experience.blogspot.com/


On a Personal note from the President:

Betsy and I would sincerely appreciate your prayers as my wife faces breast cancer surgery October 29th in Palmerston North.


May the Lord Jesus be with you in His Grace and Truth and Peace,



Rev. Robert A. Erickson