14 April 2011

Day of prayer - hosted by all New Zealand Churches - Saturday April 30th

Day of prayer – Saturday April 30th 

At a recent meeting of National Church Leaders it was agreed that we would encourage our churches to be open on Saturday April 30th  so that throughout New Zealand members of our church communities and the community at large could take the opportunity to pray for the peoples of the Pacific Rim following the recent disasters in Haiti, Japan, Greymouth and Christchurch. We want to acknowledge the uncertainty of life for so many people. We want to offer the opportunity for people to be blessed by using our buildings as places that may enable them to pray, we want to encourage our people to intercede for those who have lost so much and we want to acknowledge the pain that could be ahead for so many who have lost homes, loved ones and familiar communities.

There will be a press release giving the information that churches will be open on Saturday 30th.

The date has been deliberately chosen as it immediately follows Easter when we celebrate God who shows ultimate love and empathy sharing the pain of the cross but a God also who gives ultimate hope with the gift of resurrection and new beginnings arising out of despair.

At midday we ask that participating churches share a brief liturgy which may include the following:

-         A brief theological statement concerning our hope in the crucified and risen Christ.

-         An appropriate scripture such as Matthew 11:28 – 30, Psalm 23, Romans 8:38 – 39

-         The Lord’s prayer Matthew 6:9 – 13

-         The song Morning Light – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV69zhtw5wE

We do hope you can join with us.

 Pastor Ken Harrison on behalf of the National Church Leaders.    

Rev. Robert A. Erickson

12 April 2011

LCNZ Update 12 April 2011

Greeting is Christ Jesus,

Some People have been asking how my wife Betsy is doing. Thanks for your prayers and concern! This Friday she will be having her final chemotherapy treatment and then there are a few weeks before she commences with several weeks of radiation. If you have gone through breast cancer, or know someone who has, you know that the whole thing isn’t much fun. Yet, I am proud of how well Betsy is handling it and we are thankful for your prayers.

As I prepare for Good Friday and Easter preaching I think of what a wonderful gift God has given us, the gift of eternal life. As President I encourage all congregations here in our Lutheran Church New Zealand to make sure their website, signs and phone answering machines have clear messages about worship times. During Good Friday and Easter visitors and irregular worshippers do need that clear information.

As the year progresses we draw closer to our Synod to be held in Wellington on the 18th through the 19th of June under the theme: “When Love Comes to Life”. Nomination forms have been sent to congregations, and Synod registration forms will be coming very soon. Three people are retiring from the Lutheran Support Ministry Committee so please consider nominations there. I have been asked to remind everyone that Synod reports need to arrive here at the LCNZ office by the end of April so they can be incorporated into the book of reports. Even if your congregation plans a short Synod presentation (PowerPoint or otherwise) you still need to send in a written report. I have also posted a draft of our Synod Agenda on our blog: www.goo.gl/rvRSO

Mountainside Lutheran Church Auckland is seeking expressions of interest for the position of Family and Community Worker. This is a full time position with duties split evenly between the Family Ministry and the Community Worker.

The Purpose of the position:

Family Ministry:

Ongoing development of strategies and teams for the different age level Ministries for the congregation and the local community.

Community Worker:

To build on links already made with the local community (Panmure, Mount Wellington and Ellerslie) and in doing so discover what community needs Mountainside can fulfill.

The successful applicant will be offered a two year contract (beginning July 2011). Mountainside will be prepared to help with some relocation costs. Salary will be in accordance with the Lutheran Church of New Zealand’s Lay Worker Salaries and Allowances.

For enquiries and complete Position Description contact

Pastor Milton Fritsch on Ph. 09 5794490

or by email mfritsch@clear.net.nz

Applications close on 6/5/2011.

ChildSafe Training: Maureen Gunston has been doing ChildSafe training in our LCNZ in her role as Project Officer for New Zealand. She is leading another workshop at St Paul's, Wellington on April 13th. About 15 people are enrolled to do the mandatory child protection training for all staff and volunteers who work with children in our churches. http://childsafenz.org.nz

God of compassion,

you sent your Word into the world to announce the dawn of salvation. Do not leave us in the depths of our sins,

but give to us the fullness of your redeeming grace; through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

President Robert Erickson

Lutheran Church of New Zealand

Draft of June 2011 Synod Agenda

Lutheran Church of New Zealand

36th Convention of Synod

18-19 June 2011 at St. Paul’s, Wellington

12 King Street, Wellington

Theme: “When Love Comes to Life”

Chaplain: Pastor Mark Whitfield

This is a draft agenda. The final agenda will be presented at the start of Synod.

Agenda items from the same day may be moved forward if other items are concluded earlier than expected.

Any late remits and unfinished business can be referred to Council of Synod for decision.

Friday 17 June 2011

6:00-7:00pm Wine and Cheese at St Paul’s for those arriving on Friday

Saturday 18 June 2011

9:00 Registration

9.30am Opening Worship

Civic Welcome

10.30 Morning Tea

11.00am Session 1

Welcome and Preliminaries

Report of the President (LCNZ)

Report of the Council of Synod

Report of Lutheran Support Ministries

Congregations’ five minute Presentations – PowerPoint available

LAMP Database by Debbie Venz (ten minute introduction)

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Session 2

First reading of Nominations

Further discussion of reports and proposals presented in Session 1

Report of the Gateway Gift Trust Board

Report of the Statistician

LCA Board for Mission, (G. Hartwich 20 Min)

Australian Lutheran World Service (J. Krause 15 Min)

3.00pm Afternoon Tea

3.30pm Session 3

Financial Reports

LCA Executive Officer – Trevor Ruthenberg (30 Min)

The President of the LCA – Rev Dr Michael Semmler (30 Min)

5.20pm 10 minute Closing Devotion

5.30pm Dinner Adjournment

7.00pm Convention Dinner / J. Krause on Project Connect (15 minutes no data projector)/ Erickson Farewell)

Sunday 19 June 2011

9.00am Session 4

Election of Officers


Congregations’ Five minute Presentations

Memorial Hymn

10.00am Morning Tea

1030am Convention Communion Service

Liturgist: Rev Mark Whitfield

Preacher: Rev Dr Michael Semmler

Celebrant: Rev Robert Erickson

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Session 6

LLL AGM & Presentation

2.15pm Thanks

3.00pm Afternoon Tea

3.30pm Session 7

Adoption of Budget

4.30pm Closing Service

Close of Convention -- Rev Robert Erickson

5.00pm Depart

(Date of draft 12 April 2011)