02 August 2011

LCNZ Update 2 August 2011

Grace to you and peace,

Just a few items to mention in this LCNZ Update to the members and friends of our Lutheran Church in New Zealand.

This week we were emailed an application form to receive a $15,000 (US) grant from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for the St Paul's Christchurch congregation. The money can be used to help members of the congregation or others in the community. Several people had contributed in the USA, but there was a delay in receiving notification. We thank the donors and the LCMS. Friends, there are so many ongoing earthquake related problems and needs in Christchurch. We cannot let them go off the radar.

This coming Sunday the 7th of August 4pm, at Wanganui, Mr Phil Husband will be ordained. I mentioned this in the last Update.

I've been asked to inform you that Pastor Mark Whitfield's date for his installation as President of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand may be postponed. You will be informed as soon as possible about any change.

I (President Rob) have been asked to extend my official and administrative time as President for another week to the 14th of August. No problem and happy to do it. Betsy and I fly back to Brisbane on the 18th of August, and I'll start work as LCA Interim Pastor on the 1st of September.

Pastor Milton Fritsch (Mountainside Auckland) has the call to the Ipswich Parish by Brisbane. Please pray for him and his family as he decides over the next few weeks whether he will accept or decline the Letter of Call.

We thank God for the successful and safe National Youth Camp which had over 30 campers and leaders. You can read about that in the next edition of The Olive Tree.


Acts 2:44-47 "All the believers were together and they had everything in common...and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved". The theme for the next Olive Tree is "Walking together". Articles based on this theme, and news of what is happening in your local church and community are welcomed. A firm copy deadline for the next Olive Tree is 15 August 2011. Please email any articles to anna_kroehn@hotmail.com or send via “snail mail” to 5 Adrien Way, Palmerston North, 4412.

God bless,
Rev. Robert Erickson