Kia tau ki a koutou, te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua / grace and peace to you from God.
Twenty20 Workshop - Governance
would like to encourage you to consider attending this workshop to be
held in Wellington on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th October. Here is an
overview of this workshop:
Every Christian ministry finds itself
caught between two worlds - the legal demands of society and the
spiritual expectations of church organisation. This course explores this
challenge by understanding differing types of legal entities (e.g.
companies/incorporated bodies) and diverse models of church
organisation. Whichever solution is chosen, there will still be the
distinct functions of governance (boards, councils etc.) and management.
We explore the importance of this distinction, the role of governance
and the Tricker model of governance. Participants will be introduced to a
structured approach for risk management and decision making.
Additionally, we will investigate key legal issues facing Christian
governance teams and the personal responsibilities of governance team
members. Finally, we look at factors that make governance teams
effective with a particular focus on running effective meetings.
For more information
please check the website.
President's Manse
the Council of Synod meeting last Saturday afternoon, various members
of CoS viewed a home that met LCA/NZ standards. However, subsequent
inspections and builders reports have indicated that this home requires
too much remedial work to be a possibility. So, it's back to the hunt.
Council of Synod Meeting / Rite of Reconciliation
Saturday Dr David Stolz led CoS and Leanne and Mark Whitfield through a
process of talking through various issues connected with the presidents
manse. There was opportunity for confession, saying sorry, repentance,
forgiveness and healing. At the conclusion of the rite we walked to St
Marks Anglican Church (ST Pauls Lutheran was being used) where we
participated in a short service where we received God's healing grace in
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
CoS then continued with a
short meeting in the afternoon to discuss among other things the
President's manse, staffing requirements at the National Office, and the
installation of the president.
Installation of President
reminder that this will take place on Sunday 30th October at 4.00pm at
St Pauls Wellington, 12 King Street, Mt Cook, followed by a fellowship.
Official invitations are on their way out now. It's important that you
let us know if you're attending or not (in the case of a congregation,
how many of you), for catering purposes.
Sunday I had the pleasure of visiting, worshipping with and preaching
for the folk at Redeemer Lutheran in the Hawkes Bay. It was a long
return drive from Wellington in one day, but well worth it.
Marton/Halcombe - Manawatu
Wednesday evening a group of leaders from the Marton/Halcombe Parish
and the Manawatu Parish met at St Lukes Palmerston North, to discuss and
explore the possibilities of sharing and supporting ministry across the
Manawatu Rangitikei region.
Meetings In Adelaide
Sunday I leave for Adelaide for College of Presidents meetings, Graduate
Interviews (Australian Lutheran College / Seminary), General Church
Council, and a Hermeneutics Conference in the Barossa Valley. I will be
back in the office on Thursday 20th October. At this stage I cannot give
you a personal phone contact while I am away, but I think I should
still be able to receive and reply to emails.
Pauls in Wellington and Mountainside in Auckland each continue to
prepare to call a pastor. I will attend a call meeting at Mountainside
on Sunday 23rd October, and St Pauls Wellington plan to hold a pre-call
meeting on Sunday 6th November.
Peace and aroha to you all in Jesus' name.
Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou / the Lord be with you!
President Elect - Lutheran Church of New Zealand