Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God
Act-ing Under The Influence Of The SpiritI love the weeks after Easter day. The Easter Eggs (ooohhh, I love those marshmallow ones!!) and the Hot Cross Buns might well and truly be gone from the shop shelves, but in the church we just keep on celebrating the best thing that’s ever happened – God coming to earth in the form of His Son, dying on the cross, destroying the power of sin, death and the devil and rising again – and he shares that with each one of us by virtue of our baptism.
And I love the Bible readings we’re having in Sunday morning worship at the moment too, especially the readings from Acts. What wonderful and inspiring writing this is from Luke … stories of Jesus’ resurrection power taking shape in that post-Easter period of time and amongst post-Easter disciples … the Holy Spirit’s presence, the boldness the believers had in proclaiming Christ, conversions to Christ because there is “no other name”, baptisms, etc.
If you or your church wants to be inspired for ministry and mission in the power of the Holy Spirit, read the Acts of the Apostles, and pray, ‘Holy Spirit, come.’
And as we read and listen to these ‘acts’, we’re also getting ready and excited, and being inspired for the Lord to invite us again to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us so that we may be witnesses of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
All in all, it’s a great time to be church.
- Lord, bless us all as we desire to act for you under the influence of the Spirit! Amen.
Call NewsMountainside, Auckland:
- Continue to pray for Pastor Joe Kummerow and his wife Julie and their children as they continue to seek the Lord’s will with regard to the call to the Auckland Lutheran Parish. Joe also holds another call (to a congregation in South Australia).
Wellington / Wairarapa:
- Pastor Vince Gerhardy declined the call to St Pauls Wellington / St Francis Wairarapa. A call has now been sent to Pastor George Samiec, an Australian pastor serving in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England. Please pray also for George and his wife Charlotte as they receive the call material and discern God’s will for them.
Approval Sought For Ordination As An SMPOn Sunday 29th April, the members of Botany Lutheran Church (our Chinese congregation in Auckland) voted overwhelmingly to ask the Church to ordain Vicar Tat Tsui as a Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) in Botany. It was an exciting day for Botany and for the LCNZ as God affirmed his call on Tat. The Council of Synod have received Botany’s request, and have now made application to the College of Presidents and the General Church Council of the LCA/NZ for Tat to be ordained.
- Please continue to pray for Botany Lutheran Church and for Tat and his wife Irene as they now wait for approval to be given. There are exciting ministry opportunities in this place and amongst the Chinese; pray that the Holy Spirit would move amongst them and inspire them to be witnesses to the end …
Thank You From Allan Heppner’s FamilyDebra, Eloise, Daniela and Rochelle and the extended Kells and Heppner families would like to thank you for the love and support you have shown to us and Allan on his journey to heaven. Allan was a much loved husband and dadda and we miss him every day. We have been overwhelmed by the number of cards and emails that have been sent to us. Please accept this thanks as our reply. I love the Lord for he heard my voice (Psalm 116.1).
- Compassionate God, the strength of all who suffer, bring hope and peace to Debra, Eloise, Daniela and Rochelle, and also to Buster and Joan and their extended family. Amen.
Appreciation For Faithful ServiceOn Saturday 25th May, the Lutheran Laymen’s League will at its AGM, thank God and honour Buster Kells for his many years of dedicated service to the ministry of the LLL in New Zealand. The church also thanks you Buster and Joan for your love for the Lord and his Church.
- Lord God, we pray that you would guard the life of Joan and Buster, and that you would watch over them as they go out and come in, now and forever. Amen.
From Palmy To NelsonThis Sunday the people of the Manawatu Lutheran Parish will thank to God and pray his blessing on Amy and Terrence Brinkman as they shift from Palmerston North to Nelson. For the last 3 years Amy has been Parish Worker in the Manawatu. Amy – thanks for your wonderful, Spirit-infused ministry in Palmerston North and Feilding. Thanks also for your presence at and contribution to our Church Workers conferences over those years and for the other ways you served our church, especially at our National Youth Camps.
- Lord God who provides all good things, we thank you for Amy and Terrence – for their presence and their ministry in our church. Be with them as they move from Palmy to Nelson; to their new home and their new place of work. As they have been a blessing to us, make them a blessing to others in their new community and their new place of worship and ministry. Keep us united by your Spirit, and help us to remember each other in our prayers. Let nothing ever separate us from your love in Christ Jesus, so that we may meet again as your children in our eternal home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please Note These New Contact DetailsVicki Wood, Office Administrator:
Manawatu Lutheran Parish
250 Church Street
Palmerston North
Phone: 06 357 0030
Postal Address:
PO Box 4248
Palmerston North 4442
Some MeetingsAnother round of meetings on both sides of the Tasman are about to kick-off:
Anglican/Lutheran Dialogue - 11th May Feilding
Finance Advisory Committee - 12th May Wellington
College of Presidents - 14th-16th May Adelaide
Lutheran Support Ministries - 19th May Wellington
Lutheran Laymen’s League - 26th May Palmerston North
Council of Synod / Gateway Gift Trust Board - 25th-26th May Christchurch
- Lord Jesus Christ, Head of the Church which is your body, by whom we have been chosen as ambassadors and ministers of reconciliation, direct us, we ask, in all our doings with your most gracious favour. Let all our plans and purposes be in accordance with your holy will, our aim only that we may serve you and the people of your church faithfully. Enlighten all who participate in these meetings with the Holy Spirit as we consider together the opportunities and the responsibilities of the church in these times. Inspire our minds, assist our wills, and strengthen our hands that we may not falter or fail in the work you have given us to do, to your honour and glory. Amen. (From The Minister’s Prayer Book).
Mā te Atua koe e tiaki
God be with you.+MARK
President – Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa