23 February 2013

LCNZ Update 23 February 2013

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, O Christchurch
I am currently in Christchurch visiting Pastor David Lipsys and the members of St Pauls Lutheran Church. I flew in late yesterday morning just in time for Pastor David and me to make it to the memorial service in Latimer Square marking the 2nd anniversary of the February 22nd 2011 earthquake which caused massive destruction in the city and the loss of 185 lives.

The service was attended by a crowd of about 2000 people and was led by representatives of the Christian community in Christchurch.

In tomorrow’s gospel reading we will hear Jesus’ lament, O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem … how often would I have gathered your children, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Luke 13:34).

What a beautiful expression of God’s love, protection and safety.

As the crowd sang, stood in silence, remembered, wept, prayed, and listened to readings from scripture … I had this sense of the city of Christchurch and its people being bathed and wrapped in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Or maybe put another way, we were assured that God was gathering this city together under his protective wings through te korowai o Karaiti (under the cloak of Christ).

O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem … how often … O Jerusalem, O Christchurch … as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings … O Christchurch, O Christchurch … be assured of the love of God … who is gracious and full of mercy, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Joel 2:13).

I apologise for the quality of this photo of the crowd in Latimer Square; it was taken on my iPhone.

St Johns Halcombe
As we prepare for the closing service of St Johns Halcombe on Sunday 2nd June, a small group is working to make sure that this will be a time for us to acknowledge the wonderful blessings of God in and through this congregation since 1875.

We have asked Anne Somerville (granddaughter of Pastor Hamuera Te Punga) to gather something of a journal about people who have connections with St Johns.

Anne writes as follows –
Reflecting and thinking about the Lutheran Church is something we do! We reflect about what was and what might be. We think about our role and those we know in these reflective wonderings … what we can do … what we have done … photos and stories and bits of memorabilia come to mind … the church is about people and relationships with God and with others. Many of us across the church in New Zealand know of St. Johns, Halcombe. As plans are being made for the closure of the church plant there is the thought that we can collect memories, stories and a history of the lives of the people who have worshipped their Lord within the nurturing Halcombe church environment. If you have written stories to share, photos we can copy or memorabilia you can photo or scan … please become part of the journal being produced, edited and compiled about St Johns. In the editing process we will be considering how best to produce the journal when we see the contributions.
So Anne is asking for –
  • 1-liner memories
  • Articles of up to 250 words
  • Photos … and
  • That you might share this message with those you know who have interest in the Halcombe church.
Please send contributions by Monday 6th May to Anne – anne.somerville@xtra.co.nz or to P.O. Box 33318, Petone

175th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), which includes the LCNZ
Anne is also collecting photos to be used at the General Convention of Synod of the LCA in Adelaide in April, for a display celebrating the 175th anniversary of the Church.

Again, please send photos of individuals, with permission, to Anne by 26th February 2013 by email at anne.somerville@xtra.co.nz. 

Ambassadors of Reconciliation Workshop (Tuesday 26th – Thursday 28th February)The Director of Reconciliation Ministry in the LCA, Pastor Bruce Zagel, together with his wife Kathy, will be in Wellington next week to conduct a conflict-coaching and peace-making workshop with the members of Council of Synod (COS).

We believe it is really important for the servant-leadership of the Church be equipped to model and encourage a culture of peace-making and reconciliation that is based solidly on the peace and reconciliation ministry that God accomplishes with and for us in Christ.

It’s possible that Bruce and Kathy will come back to the LCNZ to offer this ministry to more of us in the future. Pray for this workshop, because we are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Council of Synod (Friday 1st – Saturday 2nd March)
Following our three days together for the Ambassadors of Reconciliation workshop, COS will move straight into the first of its regular meetings for 2013.

The new Executive Officer of the LCA, Peter Schirmer will be our guest for part of the first day of our meeting.

Church Workers Conference (Tuesday 5th – Thursday 7th March)
Pray for the pastors and church workers of the LCNZ who will meet for their first regular conference at Mountainside Lutheran Church in Auckland.

LCNZ Administrator at Administrator Training in Adelaide
The LCNZ’s administrator, Robert Hagen has spent the last week with administrators from other districts of the LCA at Administrator Training.

We’re blessed to have Robert working with us, and we pray that his time in Adelaide will have been a blessing to him as he continues to work to make our National Office increasingly efficient.

Thank you Petrus Simons
I want to mention here our thanks as a Church to Petrus Simons, who for most of the last year has worked in the National Office, sorting through all sorts of material including files, LSM resources, and all sorts of documents. Petrus also helped pack up the old office in Mt Cook ready for our shift to Thorndon.

Petrus, we really appreciate your servant heart, and the efficient manner with which you approached your tasks.

News from some of our congregations

St Martins, MARTON

Please continue to pray for the congregation of St Martins and for Dennis and Sharolyn Mollet as they continue to discern God’s will with regard to Dennis becoming an Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) at Marton.

Redeemer, HAWKES BAY

Last Tuesday, Pastor Trevor Jurgens and I met with the members of Redeemer to start planning for life after Pastor Trevor retires as an SMP. I invite you to pray that God’s plan and purpose will be made clear to us as we continue to talk together.


I have had an initial meeting with the leadership of the Manawatu Parish and we have started the process of preparing to call a pastor to replace Pastor Lee Kroehn after he returns to Adelaide in April. Again, please pray that God will reveal to us the pastor that he has already selected to be the next pastor in the Manawatu.

Organ Recital / Hymn Festival - Holy Cross Anglican Church, Albany
Albany Community Music & Arts presents Mark Whitfield in Recital

Come and enjoy singing along to some much loved music

Entry is $10 and afternoon tea will be served after the recital

Proceeds go towards organ scholarships for young musicians.

Sunday 10th March at 2.30pm

Holy Cross Church Albany, 222 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany Village

Please note: this is the Church were the Lutherans on the North Shore hold services.

ALIVE! 175
ALIVE!175 will commence at 2.00 pm on Sunday, 21st April at the Adelaide Entertainment Center, after the General Convention Opening Service (10.00 am) and lunch.

Through a combination of live performances and multi-media presentations, you'll travel through our Lutheran history in Australia and New Zealand, celebrate how God is working in our church in the present, and look with hope to how he will lead us into the future.

Local congregations are being encouraged to cancel or at least supplement their regular service on that day in order to attend the Opening Service and Alive!175.

Non-delegate interstaters and us Kiwis are being encouraged to include the day in our South Australian holidays during April.

Ma te aroha o te Karaiti; with the love of Christ ...


08 February 2013

LCNZ Update 8 February 2013

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

St Johns Halcombe to Close
Dear members of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand (LCNZ) and friends, in recent weeks I have been meeting with members of the small congregation of St Johns Halcombe to discuss their future.

In recent years numbers have declined steadily. The congregation numbers about 7 and so while this was a sad decision to make, we believe it is a wise decision.

I recently wrote the following to the members of the Council of Synod -
While this is quite a sad announcement to make to you, I believe that God has good and new things in store for us in the LCNZ … good and new things that even come out of a dying and closure such as St Johns. I am incredibly grateful to our Lord for the way he opened the hearts of these people to be open to change, closure … and open and welcoming towards me, as I broached the subject with them. The members of this small congregation have displayed amazing grace during these weeks of conversation; thank God for that.
Judy Calder, chair of the Council of Synod writes the following -
St Johns Halcombe was for a very long period a central place in the Lutheran Church. Historically it has been very important and it has contributed well to the church.
The date for the Closing Service has been set for Sunday 2nd June 2013. We have already formed a small organising committee to prepare for this day of thanksgiving to God, and we will inform you of details in connection with this service as plans and decisions are made.

Our plan will be to acknowledge how God has blessed many people through the ministry of St Johns over the years - the members of St Johs, the community of Halcombe, and the wider Lutheran Church.

Our God is a God of seasons - seasons that include life and death. i encourage us all not to consider the closing of St Johns so much as a death as much as it is a celebration of the life of grace that God has brought to bear on and through this congregation.

I was sent these words in an article to read -
The gospel of John describes a sad scene of scared, grief-stricken, and disappointed disciples. A few days after the resurrection, these disciples are hiding out in a house behind locked doors. Jesus appears among them anyway on that first Easter evening, and his first words to them are, "Peace. At ease. Just breathe. Receive the Holy Spirit." 
When it is closing time in any congregation, inevitably there is grief about what comes to an end—with disappointments and with uncertainties about what will happen next. And yet these are precisely the conditions that Jesus entered into on that first Easter evening. 
If what happened then still happens now, a congregation’s closing strains our Easter credulity that it is actually an ending at all. Disciples that linger long enough in the dark with God eventually come to find the end to be but a beginning. And that being in the darkness with God sheds a whole new light on things. The body of Christ is truly ever dying and rising again.
The season of meetings for 2013 has already begun. The Lutheran Support Ministries (LSM) and the Finance Advisory Council (FAC) have already met. I attended a Mission Directors meeting in Melbourne last week. This coming week I will be attending College of Presidents and one day of the General Church Council (GCC) as well as a whole host of other meetings sandwiched in-between. The LLL Board meet at Botany on the 16th February and COS and the Gateway Gift Trust Baord will meet on the 1st and 2nd March.

Please pray for those involved in serving on committees and boards and councils.

Next Issue of the Olive Tree
Just a reminder about the first edition of the Olive Tree for 2013. The theme is Discipleship and how we are reaching out to others around us. The text is Matthew 4:18-20 ... As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.

Please send your stories and articles to Dan by the 15th of February.

Upper Moutere Fire
Some of you may have heard that fire destroyed part of the Moutere Hills Community Centre and Upper Moutere on the 21st January. More information is available at these websites -


eNews ... President's Page / LCNZ Updates
Please encourage others to sign up for the regular updates on news around the LCNZ and beyond. It's as simple as going to http://www.enews.lca.org.au and following the instructions.

Mā te Atua koe e tiaki; God be with you …