27 May 2010

LCNZ Update 27 May 2010

Council of Synod Highlights from the meeting of 21-22 May 2010

“CHURCH ON THE MOVE” our 2009 Convention Theme

Notices have gone out to NZ parishes to invite them to the Lutheran Church of New Zealand (LCNZ) Summit taking place on 24th July 2010 at Mountainside. There will be a community meal following the summit and all are welcome to worship Sunday at Mountainside.

It was reported that Gateway Grants written since 2005 total $1,312,172 with 37% going to mission support and Lay Worker support in the local parishes, 21% going to support the LCNZ president and the Lutheran Support Ministries (LSM), 11% going to overseas mission, and 31% going to infrastructure. What a blessing the Gateway ‘gift’ has had on our ministry!

An exciting milestone is being celebrated with a spiritual walk organised by Pastor Mark Whitfield. The ‘Pilgrimage of Faith’ to take place from Monday 4th – Sunday 10th October 2010 will commemorate the start of the Lutheran Church in New Zealand and to celebrate the 150 year anniversary of St Martin’s in Marton. The walk will end on Sunday at St Martin’s with a celebration worship service and lunch.

The new LSM team is settling in well and coming up with very good ideas and initiatives within their portfolio areas. Members are:

Pastor David Lipsys (Chair)

Pastor Robert Erickson (part-time Mission Director)

Marg Gust (Secretary)

Isaac Gutla

Sharolyn Mollet

Mel MacKenzie

Katherine Phyn

The bathroom renovation has been completed at the President’s manse. The importance of keeping up standards on manses and church property was emphasised, as falling behind is not good for pastors or the parishes’ investments.

The Bay Of Plenty congregations are seeking greater cooperation in ministry and mission with support of the interim pastor, Norm Bergen. This cooperation is wonderful and could have many long-term benefits for these congregations. Pastor Milton Fritsch (vice president) will be in contact with Tauranga, Whakatane, Kawerau and Hamilton congregations about the next steps and eventual call of a pastor.

The sale process of the manse in Whakatane has commenced and an agent will soon be appointed.

There is a Treasurer’s seminar being planned that will be held in Wellington in August. Information is going out to all parishes and treasurers. In preparation, a new Administrators and Treasurers’ Handbook was circulated in draft form.

There was a lengthy discussion of the LCNZ office location scenarios and a review of the responses of the LCNZ Synod Representatives. Strategy for the long-term, costs, and travel were considered. After prayerful consideration, a motion was recommended for circulation to the LCNZ Synod Representatives to consult with their congregations and then vote on. Voting will be completed in June. This constitutes a postal ballot of Synod.

Members of the Council of Synod are:

Judy Calder – Christchurch (Chair)
Pastor Milton Fritsch – Auckland, Mountainside
Pastor Robert Erickson – Palmserston North
Dennis Mollet – Palmerston North
Annie Ip – Auckland, Botany
Roxanne Bakke – Auckland, Mountainside
Marg Gust – Marton
David Preston – Wellington
Wayne Drogemuller – Wellington
Pastor Mark Whitfiled – Wellington

Changes in the LCNZ Directory

Marton: The Minute Secretary for Marton Parish is now Miss Glenice Gust, 20 Tennant Court, Marton 4710 Ph 06 327 7209. The Chairperson’s surname is spelt Lyon not Lyons.

A thought from the President:

Pentecost. The blessed gift of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s Church was given on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is the promise of Christ and the Father’s presence and power for our Christian lives and vocations. I heard a good sermon last Sunday about the Holy Spirit and I was encouraged in my Christian Life. Thanks Pastor Lee. We need the encouragement of the Word and fellow Christians. I would ask everyone who receives this letter to be regular in worship and fellowship. From that, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will find refreshment for a third thing which is service.

The new edition of The Olive Tree is now out and also on our website. Here is a link http://tinyurl.com/kvas6w

God Bless,

Pastor/President Robert Erickson
