Dear friends at St Paul's Lutheran Church,
I wish I could be here this morning to speak to you directly, and offer words of encouragement and concern on behalf of our Lutheran Church of New Zealand and the entire LCA. You have been, and continue to be, in all of our prayers. I've booked a flight to visit and worship with you March 19th and 20th.
The events of that Tuesday have had a tremendous strain upon everyone. Though property damage varies from house to house, business to business, each resident of Christchurch has been exposed to tremendous trauma. Probably the depth of that will appear more clearly as we move on. Therefore, there is the need for both immediate support and long term grants and care. Government and the major aid agencies will continue to play a vital role in that, and so will your Lutheran Church. Significant gifts have already be given to our Wellington office toward recovery, and more money will be coming. We can also look at other resources that might be helpful as time progresses.
Members and friends in Christchurch, you have worked hard to help others and have been courageous. Even if you have been frightened you have stood up to the challenge.
Mr. Peter Hentschel, a member of St Paul's, has been appointed as the Christchurch Coordinator of our grants. He will read you a minute from a meeting between himself, our Treasurer and I which explains how we will commence administrating this.
We also have good advice from the Victorian District on how they handled their Bush Fire appeal a few years ago. Victoria had three levels of grants, first was a grant for $300 for those who had been affected by the fires, there was a $3000 grant for those who lost homes, with a larger grant for farmers. We know there are other grants being offered to the community. We want to say to the members/friends/relations of St Paul's that this is in addition to other grants, and specifically from your brothers and sisters of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand.
Peter will be the person in charge of distribution of grants, and both the congregation and members can apply.
Here are some things we can provide, immediate cash grants, reimbursement for airfares to take a break, some holiday home accommodation offered by Lutheran members on the North Island, a $3000 grant for people who cannot live in their home. Because of the massive homelessness right now we will need to work within the network of those whom you know, and Peter will be the person who authorises payment. I would think that also you would be interested in getting the church building in order and use the grant money as soon as possible for those repairs.
This Appeal isn't in the end just about money it is about care, service and giving the resources which are needed now and will be needed in the future. May I close with a brief prayer:
Dear heavenly Father, the hearts and minds of so many have been turned toward the people of Christchurch and Canterbury these few weeks. We have in many ways been helpless witnesses to the drama that was shown on TV and in the media. However, many who have the skill and training were able to come and assist. Mightily helpers appeared from Christchurch's own ranks to be covered in the grey dust of toil to shovel and assist so many others. Many peoples lives were saved by strangers, like an angel, appearing and then gone, leaving only the touch --the fingerprints -of God's hand of deliverance. As all New Zealand (and the world) watched waited and hoped, we in a sense were together as a nation in ways that could not be matched in any other arena. The struggle continues, and we ask you Lord to continue to empower the people of Christchurch and this nation with a strength that reaches beyond our human limitations of kindness to your abundant never ending pool of love. Let us draw from that well which leads to life itself. This in the name of the Living Water of Life, Christ our Lord.
President Robert Erickson
(Please also remember that a special appeal has been launched through our Lutheran Church of New Zealand. We encourage New Zealand members to contribute through their local Lutheran congregation which will then be able to issue tax deductible receipts and forward the offering to our office.)