23 December 2011

LCNZ Special Update - Christchurch Earthquakes

Kia ora koutou,

Some of you will be aware that Christchurch was hurt by two large earthquakes this afternoon (Friday 23.12.2011).

I emailed Pastor David Lipsys and here is his reply which he is happy for me to send out as a special update.

Once again we are called upon to cry to our Lord Jesus - the Prince of Peace - for his mercy and protection of those we know in this city and region, and indeed for all in Christchurch and Canterbury

Peace and love to you all.


Begin forwarded message:
From: David Lipsys
Date: 23 December 2011 7:09:28 PM NZDT
To: 'Mark Whitfield', 'Judy Calder'
Subject: RE: are you ok?

Hello Mark

Janine and I are OK; more liquefaction and flooding at our current home (can't get motor-bike up the flooded and more cracked driveway now), and more cracking in walls/floors. And some more broken household things that fell down/over. We haven't been past our new home yet, but hopefully it's OK! Electricity and phones/internet just back on now.

No word of any damage or injury to congregation members; Janine and I just home from checking on an elderly couple without any family to keep an eye on them, and they are a bit shaken, but OK. They had stuff fall down and out of kitchen cupboards again, again, again, again ...

I was out on my motorbike going to/from visiting a rapidy weakening 93 year old lady with terminal cancer in a hospice; on way felt shakes, saw power poles and traffic lights swaying wildly, and people rushing out of shops screaming. Starting to become ho-hum commonplace here!

Thanks for your concern,

P.S. We're waiting for our lovely cat, Morris, to return home; he was here after the earliest quakes when Janine got home, but has since vanished/run away! :-( :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Whitfield
Sent: Friday, 23 December 2011 3:16 p.m.
To: Judy Calder; David Lipsys
Subject: are you ok?

Just checking in with you all -

Didn't want to clog up phone lines but wanted to see if you're ok. What a terribly sad thing for you on the eve of Christmas. We simply hope and pray that you've come thru ok, and thanks to God that at this stage there's only been one reported injury.

Blessings from the Prince of Peace and calm.
