20 July 2012

LCNZ Update 20 July 2012

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

Get Cheering
A couple of weeks back on a lovely crisp winter’s Saturday morning, I was working in our garden planting the first of the new roses. Through the clear winter air I could hear cheering from a sports game at the local park. It could have been midget rugby, or football or hockey. Whatever it was, the parents / spectators were in full voice encouraging their children … kick it, tackle, run … try!!

In a few days’ time we’ll be cheering for our heroes … for the black singlet and the silver fern as Kiwis go for gold at the London Olympics. Even though they’ll be running, throwing and rowing around the other side of the world, if you’re anything like me, there’s something pretty special about cheering our athletes on and encouraging them to do their best.

I’m looking forward to conducting the rite of Holy Baptism for a young child in 3 weeks’ time … the rite of initiation and incorporation into Christ that sets all the people of God on the journey – the race of life through to eternity. And one of the special things we pastors get to do during the rite of baptism is to ask the spectators whether they’ll cheer this new little runner on –
Members of X congregation: Receive N, whom God has given to us as our brother/sister in Christ. Pray for him/her and be a good example to him/her.
We don’t have to wait for a baptism to take place to offer the ministry of encouragement. On Sunday I preached in a couple of our congregations and I was absolutely delighted that during worship a leader in one of the congregations offered love and encouragement to a new young member of that particular congregation. “You belong to this family; consider us your sisters and brothers,” the young man was told. Wow! What wonderful encouragement.

And just last week … the ministry of encouragement in faith and life in Christ was given to about 28 of our young people at the LCNZ National Youth Camp held at Foxton Beach during the second week of the holidays. (Here, I might just record our appreciation as a church to all those who planned the camp and looked after our young people during the week – especially to Pastor Lee Kroehn and his wife, Anna).

What opportunities are you aware of that God is giving you to encourage someone in their life-long journey (race) with Jesus. Who are you going to cheer on?

May the writer to the Hebrews give you encouragement too –
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Back to my roses. When I put them in the ground they were just bare sticks it seemed, but I’ve been checking on them every day and guess what? I’ve noticed they’re growing fresh, young leaves. I think I’ll have to set up a roster with my girls to keep going out and checking (encouraging) my roses when I’m away.

Get the picture?
  • Father God, thank you for loving us through your Son Jesus, and thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit who encourages us and cheers us on as we journey through life to eternity, looking to Jesus. Open our eyes and ears and hearts to the opportunities that exist for encouraging and cheering on others. Amen.
Thanks For Cheering Us On – Karen & John
This Sunday marks the end of the locum ministry provided by Dr John Koch and his wife Karen to the members (runners in the race) of St Pauls Wellington and St Francis Mauriceville West. We thank them for their ministry of love and wish them safe return to their home in Adelaide. At the same time we’re thankful to God that Pastor Rex Mickan continues to cheer on the folk at Mountainside. Pastor Colin Hartwich will be the next locum pastor at Wellington / Wairarapa.
  • Thank you Lord God for providing pastors for your church and especially for those who come and fill in during vacancies – Pastor Rex Mickan and Robyn, and Dr John Koch and Karen. Thank you for their ministry of encouragement among us. Amen.
Cheering the Chinese
Next weekend will be a very exciting weekend for the Lutheran Church of New Zealand as we gather to cheer on Vicar Tat Tsui and the members of Botany Lutheran Church. We need as many spectators as we can gather to offer encouragement and love to Tat and our Chinese sisters and brothers in this congregation as Tat is ordained as a Special Ministry Pastor (SMP). And if you’re in Auckland the evening before, make sure you come along to the concert that the members of Botany have organised to celebrate this wonderful occasion –

Saturday 28th July 7.00pm
Nightingale Concert – Celebrate the Word of God through music
All Saints Anglican Church
Corner of Cook Street and Selwyn Road, Howick

Sunday 29th July 11.00am
Divine Service including the Ordination of Tat Ming Tsui as an SMP
Botany Lutheran Church
150C Harris Rd, East Tamaki
  • Thank you Lord God for watching over Tat and Irene, and the members of Botany Lutheran Church during this time of preparation and affirmation of call on Tat to become a pastor for this congregation. Give us joy as we cheer you for your provision of a pastor, and as meet to celebrate next weekend and encourage our sisters and brothers in life and ministry. Amen.
A Race Run and Finished
On Monday morning Betty Ennis – mother of Janine Lipsys (wife of Pastor David, Christchurch), completed her earthly race and was welcomed into the arms of Jesus in eternity. Please keep Janine and David and all their families in your hearts and in your prayers. I am informed by Pastor David that Betty’s funeral is being planned for 11.00am on Friday 27th July at St Lukes Lutheran Church, Palmerston North.
  • God of peace and joy, we thank you for your grace to Betty and to all your people who have finished the course of their lives in faith and now rest from all their work. Comfort Betty’s family in their time of mourning, for you are the only source of true comfort, and in your love you long to comfort us. Care for us and remind us that you are always near. Bring us, and all who have fallen asleep in faith, to perfect joy and fulfilment in your eternal glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Media Prayer Day – Sunday 5th August … Praying Across NZ and the World
Christian Broadcasting Association (CBA) writes –
We’ve been in touch with more than 1,700 churches across NZ … and now will have people praying around the world. Phil Guyayn (CBA Managing Trustee) has just returned from the United States, where he visited Karen Covell who heads up the Hollywood Prayer Network. Karen mobilises tens of thousands of Christians around the world to pray for the ‘world’s most influential mission field’ … Hollywood, the epicentre of the western world’s media and entertainment industry. Karen is asking her vast network of intercessors to join us in prayer on Sunday 5th August. It’s exciting and encouraging to know that when we pray on Media Prayer Day, we’ll be joined by brothers and sisters in the faith around the planet.
What else can you do?
  • Please remind/encourage everyone in your circle of influence to pray on the day. Invite them to engage by visiting www.mediaprayerday.com
  • Please encourage others to view and share the 3-minute YouTube video.
  • Please encourage participation on our FaceBook page
Mā te Atua koe e tiaki
God be with you.

President – Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa