願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God
Where Love Comes to Life
I’m fascinated by what tomorrow’s Gospel, John 21:1-19 (Easter 3C) reveals about the disciples, and, dare I say, about us as well at times.
Since his resurrection, Jesus has appeared to them (and us), has proclaimed his peace, breathed his Holy Spirit on them (and us), and sent them (and us) to proclaim what his death and resurrection means – life, forgiveness of sin; the deep love of God for all people.
What fascinates me is that even when Jesus makes it so clear to us what he wants us to do and how to do it, and even gives us the means by which to do it (the Holy Spirit), the disciples (and us) often just go back to life as we know it; fishing in the case of the disciples. What might it be for us? Despite seeing death undone and being anointed with Divine power, it’s so easy to settle back into life as it has always been.
What I love is that Jesus doesn’t come along and wave his finger at us, demanding to know what we’re doing and why, when we’ve settled back into life as it was. He comes and prepares breakfast for us, and he loves us back into his mission of love to the world.
The one who is Love come to life, calls us back from life as it has always been, and fills us with his love so that his love might come to life in us again in order that we might tend and feed his sheep (John 21:15-17).
And that’s the pattern of life my friends … a blessing of peace, a breath of the Holy Spirit, sending in his name … only for us to go back to life as we know it … and then Jesus comes again and prepares breakfast (his Word and the meal we call the Lord’s Supper), feeds us, blesses, breathes, sends … back to life as we know it … breakfast … life as normal … breakfast …
In coming days the Lord’s Church will meet in General Synod in Adelaide to be fed by Jesus and called again to a ministry of tending and caring for his sheep so that his Love may indeed come to life in us, in our congregations and parishes, in the schools and agencies of our Church.
John 21:15-17 “Do you love me,” Jesus asks. “Feed and tend ….”
General Pastors' Conference and General Synod
General Pastors’ Conference will be held at Concordia College in Adelaide from Wednesday 17th to Friday 19th April. I am attending, along with LCNZ Pastor Delegates, Chris Janetzki and Joe Kummerow.
The Opening Service for General Synod is on Sunday 21st April at 10.00am, followed by Alive! 175 – an event to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the beginnings of the Lutheran Church in Australia and New Zealand. These opening events will be held in the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, where it is hoped a congregation of 7000+ Lutherans will gather.
General Synod then runs from Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th April at Immanuel College in Adelaide. LCNZ lay-representatives are Jill Hobden (Hamilton), Haidee Janetzki (Upper Moutere), Simon Lieschke (Mountainside) and Pauline Simonsen (Manawatu).
Among the main topics for discussion is the matter of Women’s Ordination, whether to call Presidents by the title ‘Bishop,’ and the election of a new President for the LCA as Dr Michael Semmler retires.
I have been invited to play the organ for the Opening Service and also for Alive! 175, and will be giving a lunchtime organ recital during General Synod on the beautiful organ in the chapel at Immanuel College.
During my time in Australia, the Vice President Pastor John Davison will be on call. You may contact him on (07) 839 5768, or the National Office on (04) 385 2540.
Appointment of Professional Standards Officer (PSO) for the LCNZ
We have pleasure in announcing to you that Mrs Jill Hagen, wife of LCNZ Administrator Robert, has been appointed as the LCNZ PSO to replace Anna Kroehn. Jill, we welcome you to this role, believing that God has called you to this important ministry, and confident that he will use you also to bring his Love to life.
Farewells and Retirements
Last Sunday morning, Leanne and I, together with two of our daughters joined the congregation at St Lukes Palmerston North as the Manawatu Parish thanked God for the ministry of Pastor Lee Kroehn and fare-welled the Kroehn family. We prayed for Lee, Anna and their children, and sent them on their way to Unley with God’s blessing to be the means by which his Love might come to life in a different part of his Kingdom.
I then drove to Clive in the Hawkes Bay, and joined a large congregation to thank God for the ministry of Rev Trev, Pastor Trevor Jurgens as he retires from ministry. What a joy for Trevor to baptise his great granddaughter at his farewell service. Trevor and Jeanette – we wish you many blessings in your retirement; may the whitebait flow well for you … and if you think of it, give me a call when they do so that I can come up and help you thank the Lord for his gracious provision!
Parish Visits
Eight days ago I met with the Leadership of St Martin Marton to discuss with them a pastoral care plan that will serve them well into the future. As we met, we claimed the presence of the risen Lord Jesus in our midst (John 20:19-22), and the breath of his Holy Spirit. It was a truly blessed meeting that led to the Church Council coming up with a proposal that if accepted by the rest of the congregation will see the love of Jesus continuing to come to life in that place. Tomorrow (Sunday 14th) the proposal is presented to the congregation; we pray that is received well.
Yesterday I visited Auckland, and spent some time at Mountainside in the morning allowing me to share in their regular Friday morning devotion. The main reason for my visit was to meet with the leadership team at Botany and to offer them encouragement. In the same way, we claimed the presence of Jesus and the breath of his Holy Spirit as we shared passions and dreams and visions, and as we committed to working together to discern God’s plan and purpose for his Love coming to life in this place. And then they took me out for dinner; what a way to end a wonderful day and visit.
Pastor Jim's Almost Here
At the conclusion of General Synod (and assuming he’s not elected as The President of the LCA), Pastor Jim Pietsch will make his way across the Tasman to become our Pastor in Wellington and the Wairarapa. As a member of St Pauls Wellington, I want to say how much I am looking forward to welcoming Jim to Aotearoa and to the beginning of his ministry amongst us. Jim, the Lord watch over you and bless you as you come to us.
Important Dates Just Ahead
- 17th – 19th April General Pastors’ Conference, Adelaide
- 21st – 24th April General Synod, Adelaide
- 5th May Installation of Pastor Jim Pietsch at Wellington / Wairarapa
- 2nd June Closing Service at St Johns Halcombe – Pastor Harry Wendt (USA) will be the guest preacher
- 8th – 9th June LCNZ District Convention, Botany Lutheran Church