04 July 2014

Bishop's Updates Moved

The LCNZ Bishop's updates are now located on the refreshed Lutheran website at http://www.lutheran.org.nz/news. Please visit that page for future updates.

06 June 2014

LCNZ Update 6 June 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

You Have Been Brought To Jesus
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength, believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him. But the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel (Martin Luther in his Explanation to The Third Article of the Creed).

This Sunday the Church celebrates God’s gift of the Holy Spirit; the means by which we come to Jesus to believe in him and belong to him. Luther goes on to say that the Holy Spirit has called us by the gospel, enlightened us with his gifts, and made us holy and kept us in the true faith.

If you’re at worship this coming Sunday, then thank the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is responsible for you being there.

If you pray today, then thank the Holy Spirit, because it’s the Spirit that has given you faith to pray.

If you read something from the Bible today (or any day) and you feel warmed and loved by Jesus even more, then thank the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit has brought you to Jesus.

If you get a buzz about belonging to te whānau a te Karaiti (the family and friends of Christ and all the diversity and variety therein), then thank the Holy Spirit.

If you feel moved to visit someone today … someone who is unwell or shut-in; if you feel moved to offer a word of encouragement to someone in need, or if you offer to lend a hand to someone who needs help … then thank the Holy Spirit for enlightening you with his gifts and making you more and more like Jesus.

If you love belonging to Jesus Christ, then praise the Holy Spirit.

And if you think the Holy Spirit only works at a personal and individual level, then check out what Luther says about the Holy Spirit’s effect on the Church of God –

In the same way [the Holy Spirit] calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.

What a blessing that you and I have been warmed and infused with the Holy Spirit of Jesus. However, let’s remind ourselves – the Holy Spirit is not a gift or a resource to keep to ourselves; it’s the means by which we share in God’s mission of telling the world that he loves them in Christ –

“Peace to you. Just as the Father sent me, I send you.” Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22)

The Holy Spirit Is Stirring the New Board for Local Mission
Recently, Sharolyn Mollet and I attended the second face-to-face meeting of the new Board for Local Mission (BLMiss), established by General Synod in April last year.

This board has one real simple objective, amongst many objectives and that is to be a doing board rather than a talking board. In other words it wants to ensure that mission at a local level throughout Australia and New Zealand is done and not just talked about. Of course, there needs to be some talking and planning, but it’s all with a view to doing some doing; to identifying the many opportunities that exist in both nations for sharing Christ and his love, and then actually doing it.

A gift to our meeting and indeed to our Church is Dean Eaton; newly-appointed Mission Facilitator and Church Planting Mentor. Dean shared with us a vision of a Church that is growing and going in and with the love of Christ.

Sharolyn and I had time to meet with Dean and to share with him our desire to see the Holy Spirit stir up some new ministries here in Aotearoa.

The Holy Spirit certainly touched this meeting and warmed our hearts; the Spirit is ready to blow and burn where and when it will through the LCA and the LCNZ. Eyes and hearts open, everyone!

Holy Spirit Stirs St Martin Marton to Call
Last Sunday morning after worship, the members of St Martin, Marton called Brent Siddall to be their new part-time Pastoral Ministry Worker. Brent trained for the Anglican priesthood, but never sought ordination. He has worked in the media (radio) here in New Zealand in the UK, and in sales and management also in the UK. He lives in Whanganui with his mother and is an active member of Harrison Street Community (St Johns Lutheran) Church in Whanganui.

In keeping with the Spirit who cares for the Church (gathers it, enlightens it, makes it holy), the Spirit has now offered a gift of love to the members of St Martin … someone to care for them and grow them in Christ, so that they also may go and bless others with his love.

Please pray for Brent and the saints at St Martin during this time that Brent will be considering the call.

Holy Spirit Stirs in Christchurch
Since I last wrote, there has been a lot of Holy Spirit-generated activity at St Pauls Christchurch, as they also plan for future ministry in their congregation and to their community.

During the interim ministry of Pastor Brian (and Janet) Schwarz, attendances at Sunday worship have steadily increased, a number of folk have ‘come back’ to St Pauls, and generally-speaking there is a renewed optimism and hope for the future. Thanks Holy Spirit; you can come again … and again and again.

Disaster Relief money, so generously given by people in Japan, Australia, the USA, and throughout New Zealand, is still being offered and made available to those with significant earthquake-related repair needs. At the same time the leadership of the LCNZ continues to discuss with the members of St Pauls how we might go about blessing the wider community as well.

Council of Synod (COS) held its most recent meeting at St Pauls over a Saturday and a Sunday, in order to give tangible expression of our love and support for this congregation.

Please pray for the members of St Pauls as they discuss a future ministry plan and vote on it in these coming days.

I Will Not Leave You … Close of Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship
The promise that Jesus gave as he prepared to ascend to heaven, is the promise of his continuing presence through the gift of the Holy Spirit –

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth … you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (John 14:16-18).

My prayer is that this word and promise of Jesus will sustain the members of Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship after their congregation closes on Sunday 15th June. I realise that this is a sad occasion in some ways, but it is also an opportunity for us to thank God that by His Spirit he gathered this congregation together for a season, enlightened these people with his gifts and made them holy.

Some members have already been led by the Spirit to find spiritual home and nurture in other churches in the region, but will continue to meet regularly as a ‘Lutheran group’ for fellowship, worship, and to receive the sacrament from a licensed lay-person. I have also committed to regular visiting, along with visits to Whakatane and Kawerau.

This Sunday Marks 200 Days to Go Until the Bicentenary of the Gospel …
It’s only 200 days until we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Te Harinui – the good news of great joy in Christ in our nation.

Once again, here are some suggestions for how you / your congregation might observe this –

You might:
College of Bishops Retreat
From Sunday 22nd June to Thursday 26th June, the College of Bishops will meet in their annual retreat at the Home of Compassion in Island Bay.

LCA Secretary and Mission Director, Pastor Neville Otto will also join us for retreat, and Pauline Simonsen will be the retreat facilitator. We will also be honoured by a visit and presentation by Dr Stuart Lange from Laidlaw College in Auckland; Stuart will present on the bicentenary of the gospel in Aotearoa.

I had hoped that there would be a Bishop (or Mission Director) to preach in each LCNZ location on the 22nd June, but that is not possible. Can I please encourage you all to get along to worship that Sunday morning where a Bishop is preaching?

Fakebook… National Youth Camp … 7th to 10th July

Fakebook … making connections in the modern world.
  • Have fun in the snow
  • Make new friends from all over NZ
  • Grow in your faith together
  • Ruapehu Christian Camp Owhango (near Taumarunui)
  • Cost is $150.00 pp
  • For more Information, contact Marjon at marjon.gerson@clear.net.nz or 09 579 4490
The Gateway Gift
A word from the Gateway Gift Trust Board chair, Jill Hobden –

The Gateway Gift Trust Board has signalled for some time now that the money available for grants from our investments is decreasing and this year the investment income will be more than 10% less than the total grants approved last year. This trend is expected to continue into 2015 and possibly extend beyond that. Congregations are requested to keep this in mind when making decisions about making a major grant application and to also note the 2014 closing date of 18th July for these applications.

Through the Holy Spirit
E karanga ana tou Wairua Tapu, i nga hunga, i nga iwi, i nga reo, kia manako ki nga mea miharo i poua e koe. Na tou Wairua Tapu, i tiri te rongopai ki Aotearoa. E karanga ana koe i tenei ra, i tenei ra, kia kotahi nga iwi i raro i tou maru, kia whangaia te hunga matekai, kia whakaorangia nga turoro, kia tukua nga whakarau kia haere noa, kia mataara te tatari atu ki tou rangatiratanga.

Through the Holy Spirit nations, races, and languages are called to welcome the great things you have done. Through the Holy Spirit you have brought the good news to our land. Day by day you call us to be one people, to be your people. Day by day you call us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, and to wait and watch for your kingdom.

(From Variations to the Great Thanksgiving in A New Zealand Prayer Book – He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa, for Pentecost)

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

28 May 2014

Close of Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship

Kia ora koutou dear friends.

I write to inform you that the members of Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship (TLF) voted recently to close their congregation.

No doubt many of you will be sad to hear this news. However, this decision has come after much prayer and conversation as the people of TLF have sought God’s will for their future.

The decision also comes on the back of the findings of the Acts 15:36 Tour in September last year, steadily declining membership, and in the knowledge that the 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between St Matthew Hamilton and the three Bay of Plenty congregations will finish at the end of May.

The MOU provided pastoral care in the form of the Hamilton-based pastor being available for the three Bay of Plenty congregations as well as St Matthew. However, as the LCNZ wrestles with how to use resources, time, people and opportunity in the most efficient manner for the sake of the gospel, the decision has been made to release Pastor John Davison to focus on a Hamilton-only ministry.

The members of the Bay of Plenty congregations are to be acknowledged and thanked as they recognised that this was the best use of the Hamilton-based pastor. They have, in effect, given something up, so that something might be gained in Hamilton; viz. a more effective ministry there.

This coming Sunday (1st June), Pastor John Davison will conduct his last service as pastor of the Bay of Plenty congregations. This service will be held at Whakatane Lutheran Church - 27-29 Hinemoa Street, Whakatane - at 10.30am and will be followed by a “bring and share” lunch.

The closing service of Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship (TLF) will be held on Sunday 15th June at 10.00am at Leon and Carole Jurgens’ home - 6 Greenstone Way, Tauranga.  I will lead this service.

Anyone reading this with a past or present connection with Tauranga Lutheran Fellowship is invited to send a word of greeting for this closing service (greetings can be sent to my email – bishop@lutheran.org.nz).

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua; grace and peace to you all from God …


Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand

Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

05 May 2014

LCNZ Update 5 May 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

Irreversible Decline? No Way!
Pastor Jim Pietsch (St Pauls, Wellington) and I recently recorded interviews which were broadcast on Radio New Zealand’s Spiritual Outlook program on Easter Sunday evening and the Sunday evening after Easter. Pastor Jim spoke about the origins of the Lutheran Church from Reformation times, and I spoke about the early history of the Lutheran Church in New Zealand and of my ministry as Bishop.

I shouldn’t have, but I went looking to see what people out there in the ‘internet’ / ‘world-wide-web’ world had to say about our interviews.

I came across one blogger (someone who blogs) who commented on his blog (discussion) site that I was the Bishop of a church in irreversible decline … Bishop of a church that had never been successful in New Zealand and never will be.

Yesterday’s Gospel spoke to us of two men caught up in irreversible decline … their faces downcast (Luke 24:17). The irreversible decline for them was that the one that they had hoped would redeem Israel (24:21), Jesus had been crucified, was dead, and even the women had been told that he was alive; well … they just weren’t convinced at this stage.

Their hopes dashed; their faces downcast … irreversible decline … and a stranger (at first!) comes and joins their journey and their conversation.

Tell me all about he said, and they did. They poured their hearts out … and the stranger, Jesus listened.

And then, once he’d listened, he gently made sense of what they were saying. He answered their questions and wove their experiences of this momentous weekend into God’s salvation history plan right from the beginning –

Beginning with Moses and all the prophets he interpreted to them from all the Scriptures the things concerning the Christ (24:27).

And as he helped them make sense of all that had gone wrong, life did not seem so devastatingly pointless any more. Some light dawned in their minds, their hearts no longer felt desperately cold and hope started to resurrect within their own being.

Irreversible decline was being reversed, and later they were to remember this and say, and didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us while we walked? (24:32).

Dear members and friends of the LCNZ … the risen Lord Jesus comes alongside of us, to walk with us and talk with us, to listen to us and to answer our questions and deal with our uncertainties. Jesus walks with us; not a dead Jesus … but the risen Christ … the one that death could not hold down is the one walking with us.

The cross and the tomb couldn’t hold him. Friends, there’s no such thing as irreversible decline when the Lord of the Church is the risen Lord.

This gives me huge encouragement and hope for the future of the Lutheran Church; a Church empowered and enabled by the one who lives … Christ himself.

In the grave they laid him, Love whom men had slain, Thinking that never he would wake again (there’s your irreversible decline), but … Up he sprang at Easter, like the risen grain, He who for three days in the grave had lain (there’s irreversible decline reversed).

I invite you dear Church to welcome Jesus into your journey and conversation –

Risen Lord Jesus, when our hearts are wintry, grieving or in pain, By your touch, please call us back to life again. Amen. Alleluia.

Pastor Joe Kummerow, Julie and Family Involved in Serious Car Accident
Many of may be aware by now that on Saturday afternoon, Pastor Joe, his wife Julie, and their 4 children (Lucy, Emily, Nicholas and Alexander) were involved in a serious accident near the Bay of Plenty city of Tauranga in the North Island of New Zealand. The Kummerows were returning to Auckland after a post-Easter holiday.

While Pastor Joe and Julie and their family suffered ‘minor’ injuries, the driver of the other car – a young mother – died at the scene of the accident, and her two young children were taken to hospital in a serious condition; one of them, critical.

The Kummerows have now returned to Auckland. The children went back to school today, Joe will go back to work tomorrow, and Julie to her part-time teaching later in the week.

Join me in giving thanks for God’s protection of this family, and also in asking his comfort and blessing to be with the family who have suffered tragically through this accident –

He whakawhirinakitanga mō tātou ki te ingoa o te Ariki; Nāna nei te rangi me te whenua i hanga. Our help is in the name of the Lord; Who made heaven and earth.

Gracious and loving God – thank you for watching over Joe, Julie, Lucy, Emily, Nicholas and Alexander, and for protecting them from serious injury and harm on Saturday afternoon. Heal them of any injury and pain, and restore them to fullness of health.

Jesus, risen Lord – draw near to the family in the other vehicle, and bring your healing to the physical injuries sustained by the young children. Mercifully embrace this family in your love and heal their pain as they mourn the loss of a mother, a partner, a sister, a daughter.

E te Ariki, whakarongo mai ki ā mātou karanga Ā kia tae ki a koe ta mātou karanga. Āmene. Lord, hear our prayer, and let your cry come to you. Amen.

Meetings, Meetings and Some More Meetings
Over the next couple of weeks, the second round of meetings for 2014 gets underway. These are the councils and committees meeting –
  • Lutheran Support Ministries (10th May)
  • Financial Advisory Committee (10th May)
  • LLL Board (17th May)
  • Council of Synod (24th and 25th May in Christchurch)
  • Board for Local Mission (21st and 22nd May in Adelaide)
I invite you to pray for the work of these committees and meetings:

Almighty God, we give thanks that through the varied gifts of the members of these committees, councils and boards, you provide for the ongoing care of your Church. Help us to recognise and act on every opportunity for fruitful service. Send your Holy Spirit so that everything that is thought and spoken may be for the good of the Church and the glory of your name. Amen.

Future Ministry in Marton, Botany and Christchurch
This is a massive week in terms of getting alongside three congregations of the LCNZ with a view to seeking God’s will with regard to future ministry in each of these locations.

On Saturday, COS member Caroline Samsom and I met with members of St Martin Marton (and some observers from Harrison Street Community Church Whanganui) to look at some exciting ministry possibilities in Marton. Caroline and I are heading back there this Friday evening to work with a small task force in the hope that we can have a Ministry Proposal in place by the end of the month.

Tomorrow afternoon, COS member Jill Hobden and I will meet with members of St Pauls in Christchurch for the same purpose; viz. to seek to discern God’s will for future ministry in this location. As reported in a recent update, Pastor Brian Schwarz and his wife Janet have been living and serving in Christchurch since the beginning of March.

Our meeting tomorrow brings together some great minds, some enthusiasm and once again, a will to listen for God speaking his will for this congregation. The Director of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod’s (LC-MS) Disaster Relief Program, Pastor Glenn Merritt will be with us to encourage us towards mercy in action as we consider how we might reach out from St Pauls to the community of Burwood and Christchurch with the life-saving gospel of Christ. Pastor Bruce Zagel (Director of Reconciliation Ministry in the LCA/NZ) also plans on being with us to offer his encouragement as well. And then there are the members of St Pauls … people really keen to see God rebuild their congregation and His ministry in and through them.

And then next Sunday afternoon, the COS Exec will meet with members of Botany Lutheran Church in Auckland, along with the Coordinator of Asian Ministry in the LCA/NZ Pastor Brian Shek. And yes, you guessed it … to seek to know how God wants us to proceed with His ministry in and through our Chinese sisters and brothers in Botany.

Exciting times ahead for all these places, so can I ask you to please continue to pray for them as well in the words of this wonderful hymn –

The church of Christ in every age, beset by change but Spirit-led, Must claim and test its heritage and keep on rising from the dead.

Across the world, across the street, the victims of injustice cry For shelter and for bread to eat, and never live until they die.

Then let the servant church arise, a caring church that longs to be A partner in Christ's sacrifice, and clothed in Christ's humanity.

We have no mission but to serve in full obedience to our Lord: To care for all, without reserve, and spread his liberating word.

8th June: 200 Days to Go …
In the latest New Zealand Christian Network New, we’re being encouraged again to make the most of the opportunity we have in this bicentenary year to proclaim Te Harinui – the good news of great joy in Christ – to our nation again.

Here is what they’re suggesting –

Sunday 8th June is not far away, but there's still time to prepare something for church that day to raise awareness of the Gospel Bicentenary and its significance in our country.

You might:
  • Ask your pastor to preach on 200 years of the Gospel in New Zealand
  • Show the trailer of Te Rongopai, the DVD specially created to tell the story of Christian beginnings and the spread of the Gospel
  • Show the whole DVD (or maybe just one or more segments from the DVD). You can order it here by going to this website
  • Include the Bicentenary Statement – Discussion Paper in your church newsletter, available here
  • Say a karakia / prayer in both English and Maori
  • Mention the NZ Christian Network and Gospel 2014 websites for people to find further information
  • Put the number of days left before 25 December somewhere in your church newsletter each week
  • Or something else.
Fakebook … National Youth Camp … 7th to 10th July

Fakebook … making connections in the modern world
  • Have fun in the snow
  • Make new friends from all over NZ
  • Grow in your faith together
  • Ruapehu Christian Camp Owhango (near Taumarunui)
  • Cost is $150.00 pp
For more Information, contact Marjon at marjon.gerson@clear.net.nz or 09 579 4490.

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

14 April 2014

Holy Week / Easter 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

A Holy Week
Once again we enter Holy Week.

We enter it with Jesus at the beginning … and afford him a royal welcome ... much the same as we are currently doing here in New Zealand with Prince William, Princess Kate ... and the real star, Prince George.

But what a contrast we observe between the welcome for Jesus and the welcome for the Cambridges.

Yes, there are crowds and flags and cheering for both. Both deserve acclamation and praise and the honour due their name and status.

One however comes deserving but not seeking the glory except the glory of the cross ... humbling himself unto death … giving up Divine status to take on our status … the status of sinner.

Maybe we'll only go so far ... to the cross and well leave him there … as some did that first Easter when it got too much for them.

Maybe we’ll only go so far … or will we?

Could it be that we will go the whole way … to some place beyond the cross?

That man on the cross, Jesus takes us the whole way, and you'll know it too come Easter morning when you find that you’ve arrived there.

One of my favourite and most touching (literally) liturgical actions is the asperges of Easter morning ... the sprinkling with baptismal water as we confess faith in the words of the Nicene Creed.

As cool water sprinkles over us from the font, we find ourselves wondering where we have felt that water before.

Maybe we think we’ll only go so far … stop at the cross with some of the others … go no further.

But your baptism and mine takes us the whole way with Jesus ... through death to resurrection … His and ours … from cross to empty grave … from death to life … and that cooling, refreshing, life-giving splash of water confirms this.

Your baptism and mine joins us to Jesus … Jesus, who though he was crucified, dead and buried, doesn’t stay crucified, dead and buried … Jesus, who on the third day rose again like wheat that springs up green.

Our baptism takes us the whole journey through with Jesus … and we spring up green as water and Word calls us back to life.
My song is love unknown, My Saviour’s love to me; Love to the loveless shown, That they might lovely be. O who am I, that for my sake My Lord should take frail flesh and die?

Here might I stay and sing, No story so divine; Never was love, dear King! Never was grief like Thine. This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend.
Samuel Crossman 1624-1683 (LHS-62)

Ngā mihi o te Aranga; happy Easter.

Easter Worship Throughout the LCNZ
These are the service times that were forwarded to me by the time of publication:

Mountainside, Auckland
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.30pm Passover Meal followed by Worship
  • Good Friday, 10.00am Sights and Sounds of Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday, 10.00am Worship

  • Maundy Thursday, 7.30pm Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • Good Friday, 10.00am Divine Service
  • Easter Sunday, 10.00am Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • Good Friday, 3.00pm Divine Service with Holy Communion (at 53 Pelorus Street, Welcome Bay)
  • Good Friday, 9.30am Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • Easter Sunday, 9.30am Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • Good Friday, 11.00am Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • Easter Sunday, 10.00am Divine Service with Holy Communion
Hawkes Bay
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.00pm Seder Meal at St Francis, Clive
  • Good Friday, 9.30am Holy Communion at Haumoana
  • Easter Sunday, 9.30am Holy Communion at St Francis, Clive
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.00pm Combined Parish Worship with Holy Communion at St Lukes
  • Good Friday, 9.30am Combined Parish Worship with Holy Communion at St Lukes
  • Good Friday, 12noon Pilgrimage of Faith
  • Easter Sunday, 9.00am Holy Communion at Trinity, Feilding
  • Easter Sunday, 10.30am Holy Communion at St Lukes, Palmerston North
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.30pm
  • Good Friday, 10.00am
  • Easter Sunday, 10.00am
Upper Moutere
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.30pm Service with Holy Communion
  • Good Friday, 9.30am Good Friday Service
  • Easter Sunday, 9.30am Easter Service with Holy Communion
  • Easter Sunday, 11.15am Easter Service with Holy Communion
  • Maundy Thursday, 7.30pm
  • Good Friday, 9.30am
  • Easter Sunday, 9.00am Preceded by Breakfast at 8.00am
Christian Broadcasting (CBA) on Air This Good Friday
Over 86% of those surveyed say that religion or spirituality is not a primary interest in their life.

This Good Friday, CBA has New Zealand’s largest commercial radio audience for 12 hours and we're designing our programmes with these people in mind.

NewstalkZB: 6am-6pm Good Friday (and simulcast on Radio Sport).

Estimated combined audience of more than 300,000 [Research International]

  • 6am-8am | Breakfast with Ian Grant
  • 8am-11am | Sam Bloore & Joy Reid
  • 11-12noon | Petra Bagust
  • 12noon - 3pm | Tim Sisarich
  • 3pm - 6pm | Frank Ritchie, John Cooney & Julia Bloore
Spiritual Outlook – Radio New Zealand – Introducing the Lutheran Church
Pastor Jim Pietsch (St Pauls, Wellington) and Bishop Mark can be heard in two interviews to be broadcast on Spiritual Outlook, Radio New Zealand National on Sunday 20th April and Sunday 27th April at 5.00pm.

These interviews will also be available as podcast after the event at http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/spiritualoutlook

Call to Prayer
Friends of Jesus, I invite you to call on him in prayer for the following people and circumstances –
  • Assistant Bishop, John Davison’s parents are both quite unwell at the moment.
  • Thanks for the rain that has fallen in most parts of the country. Pray also for those areas – especially Northland – that still needs rain.
  • The people of Solomon Islands suffering from flooding and earthquakes.
  • The people of Far North Queensland, especially the Lutheran Mission in Hope Vale who have suffered through Cyclone Ita.
Those preparing for baptism at Easter.

Bishop Mark and Family on Leave

Friends, the time has come for me to have a little break with my family, so I will be on holiday for two weeks from Maundy Thursday 17th April through to Friday 2nd May. Some of our other pastors will also be taking some leave in the post-Easter period.

If you have an urgent pastoral need, please contact Robert at the National Office on 04 3852540.

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

01 April 2014

LCNZ Update 1st April 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God.

Fools Day
Did anyone fool you this April Fool’s Day? There’s a spider on your back. Work called; they said you can have the day off … you know the sort of thing.

Thank God there’s only one Fools Day each year and that it’s almost over! Who would want to be caught out again?

There is some thinking around that those of us who follow the cross are fools for more than one day of the year; in fact that we’re actually foolish all the time. You can understand why this thinking exists; St Paul was on to it when he wrote –
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing … (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Yes; it must look pretty silly that we would look to an instrument of torture and death as the means of blessing and life; foolish even.

But that’s the way it is with God and the “back-to-front” gospel he saves us with … the first shall be last, blessed are the poor for they will be rich, lose your life and you’ll find it … that sort of thing. And that’s why St Paul concludes –
… but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Max Lucado writes –
Why is the cross the symbol of our faith? To find the answer look no farther than the cross itself. Its design couldn’t be simpler. One beam horizontal – the other vertical. One reaches out – like God’s love. The other reaches up – as does God’s holiness. One represents the width of his love; the other reflects the height of his holiness. The cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.

How could he do this? In a sentence: God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.

“God put on him the wrong who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

God on his throne. You on the earth. And between you and God, suspended between you and heaven is Christ on his cross. Your sins have been placed on Jesus. Jesus receives the blow. Since Chris is between you and God, you don’t. The sin is punished, but you are safe – safe in the shadow of the cross. (He Chose the Nails, ©2000 Max Lucado, Word Publishing)
As you continue your Lenten journey towards the cross of Jesus, don’t be put off by how foolish it might seem, but rather be drawn to its grace, its beauty, its love, and its power to save.
The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer silliness to those hell-bent on destruction, but for those on the way of salvation it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and most powerfully as it turns out (1 Corinthians 1:18-21, The Message).
Faithful cross, above all other, one and only noble tree, none in foliage, none in blossom, none in fruit your peer may be; symbol of the world’s redemption, and your load, most sweet is he. (Pange, lingua, gloriosi, Venatius Fortunatus 530-609, LHS-50)
Bay of Plenty – Tauranga, Whakatane and Kawerau
Early next week I will be visiting these three congregations for the second time this year. In January I visited Tauranga, Whakatane and Kawerau to speak with them about what life and ministry might look like after their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with St Matthew in Hamilton concludes at the end of next month.

These three congregations are facing a future without a pastor regularly coming over from Hamilton to lead in worship, visit, conduct Bible studies, and inspire them to local mission.

It’s been a hard call to make, but is in keeping with the initiatives that came out of the Summit in 2010 where we as Church expressed a desire, that we believed God wanted us to make even better use of the resources he’s given us (people, time, location, money, facilities and opportunities). The MOU served to bring a pastor to these 4 congregations three years ago, but the time has come whereby having reviewed this arrangement we have decided that we need to make changes in order to make better use the resources and opportunities we have.

The Summit in 2010 encouraged the Church to consider -
  • Rationalising assets by looking at utilisation versus value.
  • Reviewing congregations in crisis and consider such solutions as providing more resources, merger or closure.
I invite you to pray for these small congregations and for me, as we meet together next week – Tauranga on Monday 7th, and Whakatane and Kawerau on Tuesday 8th. Please pray that God will reveal his future for these places, and through the changes that lie ahead, the people would be filled with a deep trust in the abundant grace of God.

Planning for Ministry
In recent weeks, two congregations of the LCNZ – Mountainside in Auckland, and St Matthew in Hamilton – have engaged in Visioning and Strategic Planning. Both congregations invited facilitators from outside the Lutheran Church to prod and poke, to review and challenge, to ask the questions and to pose the possibilities … but most importantly to seek the voice and will of God … Lord, use us … God, how can we serve you best … how will you use us to enable your love to come to life in and through us?

From all reports, both congregations were blessed by the process.

I was in Hamilton for their planning and was delighted at the attendance and level of engagement by the people with the facilitator and the conversation, and I’m encouraged to hear that congregations are wrestling with what it means to be called the people of God; people called to proclaim Christ to a world that desperately needs him.

If your congregation wants to engage in such a process, please get in touch with me, and I’ll see what I can do to support you to make it happen.
  • Lord, by your Spirit’s power, help us to seek you and your will, that we may do those things that please you and be useful for the sake of the gospel. Amen.
What Does the Future Hold for St Pauls Christchurch?
In a similar manner to what Hamilton and Mountainside are doing in terms of planning for the future, the members of St Pauls Christchurch are also looking to seek God’s will for their future. Pastor Brian Schwarz and Janet have been living and serving in Christchurch for a month now .. encouraging and building the people up in readiness for the future God has planned for them.

On 6th May there will be a special meeting at St Pauls where we are going to bring together some great minds, some enthusiasm and once again, a will to listen for God to speak and make his will known for this congregation. The Director of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod’s (LC-MS) Disaster Relief Program, Pastor Glenn Merritt will be with us to encourage us towards mercy in action as we consider how we might reach out from St Pauls to the community of Burwood and Christchurch with the life-saving gospel of Christ. Pastor Bruce Zagel (Director of Reconciliation Ministry in the LCA/NZ) also plans on being with us to offer his encouragement. And then there are the members of St Pauls … people really keen to see God rebuild their congregation and His ministry in and through them.

Exciting times ahead for Christchurch. Please continue to pray for them as well.
  • Lord God, thanks for the wonderful things you are doing in Christchurch through all the churches who have heard your call to serve the community in its time of need. Inspire the members of St Pauls by your Holy Spirit, and rebuild them for the ministry of your love and grace that you have called them to. Amen.
Hands and Hearts Joined at Hawkes Bay

Those signing the Memorandum of Cooperation in Joint Ministry, (L-R): Rev Adrian Skelton (Gisborne-Hawkes Bay Presbytery), Bishop Mark Whitfield (LCNZ), Shirley King (St Francis, Clive), Bill Groves (Redeemer Lutheran, Hawkes Bay) and Bishop Murray Mills (Anglican Diocese of Waiapu).

On Sunday 23rd March a congregation of almost 70 people gathered at St Francis Cooperating Parish in Clive (near Hastings) to welcome and embrace our small Redeemer Lutheran Church. Since the retirement of Pastor Trevor Jurgens in April last year, a dedicated group of people from Redeemer Lutheran and from St Francis Cooperating Parish have met together, talked together, prayed together and planned together for even more togetherness, which culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation relating to joint ministry activities.

All the various denominations participated in the service (Anglicans, Presbyterians and Lutherans), and I was delighted to be able to preach on Psalm 95 - O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

And what joy there was … and praise and thanks to God for this beautiful thing that he has done. And to show that hearts had been joined, we held hands in a large circle around the church at the end and sang our blessing song.

A member of the cooperating parish that welcomed our Lutheran sisters and brothers wrote the following in a letter to me last week –
Our negotiations with your people have invigorated our Parish … and we look forward to continuing our association with you and your local members.
Here is a wonderful example of a small Lutheran congregation in the LCNZ finding new life, new purpose and new energy for ministry, in relationship with others from other denominations in the family of God.
  • God of unity, thank you for bringing together our people with others who share the faith and your love. Bless their worship, their ministry, their service, their fellowship, and their life together. Amen.
Capital Visit
Last week I had the pleasure of visiting my own congregation – St Pauls, Wellington. This time I was there as Bishop; not as member or musician. Last Tuesday evening I sat round table with the leaders of the congregation and the few who braved the wet and windy conditions to come out as well. We talked together about many things including the relationship of St Pauls to the ministry of the LCNZ, how St Pauls might function as a regional church, a community church, and an ecumenical church, and I answered many questions.

The conversation continued, albeit a little more formally when I addressed the congregation during worship on Sunday. During my presentation, I told them the stories of what God is doing through you – his people – in the LCNZ.

I'm looking forward to doing this sort of thing with and for you all as the year progresses.

Cos Exec Goes to the Heartland
A couple of weekends back the COS Exec met at St Martin Lutheran Church in Marton. The Exec held its regular meeting in the morning, and then after lunch we met with a number of members from the congregation. The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the possibility of a new SMP (Specific Ministry Pastor) for St Martin.

That’s right! God is so good; so faithful, that he is providing the saints (the sheep) at Marton with another possibility for them to have a shepherd after his own heart (Jeremiah 3:15).

Thanks Marton for inviting us! We’ll continue to pray for you and work hard towards making an SMP shepherd for you possible.

If anyone else would like the COS Exec to visit, you only have to ask. If we’ve got the time and can afford the bus-fare, train-fare, or whatever, we’d love to come to meet with you, pray with you and support you.
  • Once again God, we’re in awe of your faithfulness and love for your people. Thanks for providing another pastor possibility for your people at St Martin. Bless the process from here with your grace and love. Amen.
Jaswanth’s Coming Home
Jaswanth Kukatlapalli (from St Pauls Wellington) has almost completed his ALC (Seminary) training for the ordained ministry in the LCA. He is coming to Auckland to do his vicarage (practical training) with Pastor Joe Kummerow and the members of Mountainside Lutheran from June through to November. And then, God-willing, he will be approved for ordination in the LCA/NZ.

Preparations are well underway for welcoming Jaswanth ‘home’ and for giving him a valuable practical training experience in Auckland. The Church really appreciates the willingness of Pastor Joe and the members of Mountainside for making this possible, and for taking their part in forming another pastor for the Lord's Church.

Kogudus Retreat III – Spiritual Gifts
Just a wee reminder that the Kogudus Retreat III on Spiritual Gifts is being held this weekend (4th to 6th April) at Camp Morley, Clarks Beach, Pukekohe.

This retreat aims to help you discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ and your community.

It may be too late to register for this one, but just in case it’s not, why not email Simon Lieschke for more information – simon@lieschke.net?


Fakebook … making connections in the modern world.
  • Have fun in the snow
  • Make new friends from all over NZ
  • Grow in your faith together
  • Ruapehu Christian Camp Owhango (near Taumarunui)
  • Cost is $150.00 pp
For more Information, contact Marjon at marjon.gerson@clear.net.nz or 09 579 4490

How do you make sense of suffering? Just when life seemed to have fallen into place, Pastor Stephen Abraham was knocked down with chronic pain.

Lutheran Media has produced a series of 5 new mini movies that are being released every couple of weeks. The series is called "Chronic". It tells the story of Pastor Stephen and Therese Abraham and is designed to give people hope in the midst of suffering.

Go to www.facetoface.org.au to watch a 30 second clip promoting the series about the upcoming Chronic Pain series. It's also on www.youtube.com/luthmedia and called "Introducing Chronic".

There is also a free booklet on Chronic Pain that you can order by emailing us at luthmedia@lca.org.au.

'Noah' Study Guide
'Noah' has started screening in New Zealand. Reviews are mixed. Some Christians say it should be avoided because it doesn't mention the name God. Others say it's a brilliant opportunity to engage with non-Christians. To help you work out whether you love or loathe 'Noah', Pastor Richard Schwedes has posted a two-page resource guide on his blogspot.

In the Next Update
In the next update I’ll include Easter weekend worship opportunities in every part of the LCNZ

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

05 March 2014

Ash Wednesday - 5th March 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua

願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

He Gave His Dear Son to Cheer Our Hearts

Yesterday I had the honour and pleasure welcoming and hosting Bach Collegium Japan to a formal reception as guests of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand. This group of outstanding musicians are in great demand all around the world for performances, especially of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, and they are currently in Wellington to perform in the New Zealand Festival of the Arts.

This evening – Ash Wednesday – they present Bach’s St John Passion, and in so doing they will proclaim God’s love for his people in Jesus Christ.

Founder and Director of Bach Collegium Japan, Masaaki Suzuki said in an interview in a recent edition of The Listener –
In the St John Passion it is clear the message Bach sought to convey is nothing other than the message of the cross. The cross is the central symbol of Christianity and the Christian Church. It is the foundation of our faith. (The Listener, February 1 2014)
I imagine that some of you by the end of today will be wearing this cross that Masaaki speaks of; one made of ash and oil and inscribed on your forehead. And possibly by tomorrow it will have already rubbed or been washed off.

But the mark of the cross remains on you and I forever, as ones marked and inscribed by it at our baptism; it truly is the foundation of our faith.

One year before his death in 1546 Luther wrote –
For God has cheered our hearts and minds through his dear Son, whom he gave for us to redeem us from sin, death, and the devil. He who believes this earnestly cannot be quiet about it. But he must gladly and willingly sing and speak about it so that others also may come and hear it. (Luther’s Works, Luther, vol.53, p.333, Martin Luther)
In this reflective and penitential preparatory season of Lent, when we even 'turn our worship down a notch' as we drop our ‘Alleluias’ and our ‘Great Gloria’ and as we give up chocolate and ice cream and the like, there’s still good reason for us to cheer and to be cheered by God in heart and mind.

May the days and weeks of the Lenten journey afford you the opportunity to be drawn closer to the cross; the gift of love and life. Here indeed, God’s love comes to life.

Haere Ra; Haere Mai
Pastor Bruce Zagel and his wife Kathy have returned to Australia, having spent the month of February here in New Zealand. They spent most of their time here with the Upper Moutere community, but were able to conduct Blessed Are the Peacemaker workshops in 4 other regions of the LCNZ. Pastor Bruce has indicated that he’d like to come back later in the year to offer a Conflict Coaching course to the LCNZ. For now, we thank God for the gift of Bruce and Kathy who came to us with servant hearts. How do I know that? Bruce always began his conversation with the question: How can I serve you best?

Last weekend Pastor Brian Schwarz and his wife Janet arrived in Christchurch for a 4 month interim ministry at St Pauls Lutheran Church in Burwood. Welcome back Brian and Janet; we pray that you will enjoy your time with the members and friends of St Pauls, and that your ministry amongst them will be blessed.

Lutheran Women of New Zealand
A reminder that all former members of Lutheran Women of New Zealand (LWNZ) and all Lutheran Women are invited to a day of celebration, reminiscence and thanksgiving led by Pauline Simonsen.

Theme: Jesus – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Saturday 8th March

St Luke’s Lutheran Church Palmerston North 9.45am - 3pm

$10 registration fee, lunch, morning & afternoon tea provided

Registration forms available from manawatulutheran@inspire.net.nz

Come along for a day of fun and fellowship with Christian women

Kogudus Retreat III – Spiritual Gifts
You are warmly invited to Kogudus Retreat III on Spiritual Gifts on 4th to 6th April 2014 at Camp Morley, Clarks Beach, Pukekohe.

Kogudus is an Estonian word that means Christian fellowship. The retreat format provides an environment of encouragement in which you can ask and discuss questions, share what you have already learned and just simply grow in exercising your faith. This retreat aims to help you discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and God-given passion for serving in the body of Christ and your community.

The retreat begins meeting by 6pm on the Friday evening to start with a meal and conclude at 2pm on the Sunday. In between there is a mixture of teaching, prayer, good food, laughter, opportunity for a walk, fun, and fellowship.

Visit the LCNZ website events page for more details.

LCA Calls New Principal to Australian Lutheran College (Alc)
The Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) has called a versatile parish pastor with governance and leadership experience to lead Australian Lutheran College (ALC) as its next principal.

LCA Bishop Rev John Henderson recently announced that the General Church Council (GCC) has called Pastor James Winderlich, the senior pastor of St Stephen’s Lutheran Church, Adelaide.

‘The GCC prayed earnestly and deeply before extending this important call, engaging in intense and searching discussions with the ALC Board of Directors, which has governance oversight of the college’, Bishop Henderson said. ‘We are confident that Pastor James has the God-given faith, skills and ability to play his part in leading our tertiary college into a strong vibrant future.’

Pastor Winderlich has been a pastor of the LCA for 22 years. After ordination in 1991, he served the Southport-Ashmore parish, Queensland, for six months, and then, further north, at Maryborough for four years. During this time he was also a part-time police chaplain.

In 1995 he moved to South Australia, where he served the Riverland parish of Paringa/Meringur and the Magill congregation in Adelaide, before accepting the call to St Stephen’s in the heart of the city. There he has served side by side with Sudanese special ministry pastor Peter Deng and now with Chinese pastor Wing Tso.

Pastor Winderlich’s cross-cultural experience comes also from the LCA’s ministry with Aboriginal people in central Australia.

As chairman of the Finke River Mission Board, he was instrumental in advancing the effective delivery of theological education to Aboriginal pastors and lay leaders. As chair of the LCA’s national Safe Place Committee, he steered the review and development of policy and procedures. He is an ambassador for White Ribbon, an organisation campaigning to end violence against women.

He has credentials in Human Resources and in Workplace Training and Assessment, and has recently been admitted to the doctoral program of the University of Divinity (Melbourne) through ALC.

Pastor Winderlich is Second Assistant Bishop of the South Australia/Northern Territory District.

‘ALC has a major role in the mission and ministry of the LCA’, Bishop Henderson said. ‘Like the church itself, it has many joys but also many challenges. Should God guide him to accept this call, Pastor James knows that a high level of service and leadership will be asked of him. As he considers his response and listens to the Holy Spirit, I ask church members to pray for him, and for ALC, that God’s will may be done.’

ALC Dean and Vice-Principal Dr Stephen Haar has been Acting Principal since June last year when former principal Pastor John Henderson left to take up the position of LCA Bishop.

The regular rules of the church allow a pastor four weeks from receipt of a call to give his response.

Ordination – We’re Listening
As the Church continues to discuss the matter of Ordination of Men and Women, you might like to check out the resources that are available on this issue at – http://www.lca.org.au/ordination-were-listening.html.

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

02 March 2014

Bach Collegium Japan in Wellington ... Guests of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand ... Broadcast on Radio New Zealand

This week the preeminent choir and instrumental ensemble, Bach Collegium Japan, will visit Wellington to perform in the New Zealand Festival of the Arts.

The Lutheran Church of New Zealand is delighted that Bach Collegium Japan together with their founder and director, Masaaki Suzuki has accepted its invitation to a formal reception at St Pauls Lutheran Church on Tuesday 4th March.  

You may also be interested to hear an interview with Masaaki Suzuki - a member of the Lutheran Church - on Radio New Zealand National at 10.05am on Tuesday 4th March, or to tune and listen to a live broadcast from the Michael Fowler Centre of the Lutheran Masses on Radio New Zealand Concert at 8.00pm on Thursday 6th March.
Bach Collegium Japan will also perform the St John Passion of Bach on Wednesday evening in the Michael Fowler Centre.

Blessings and arohanui in Christ  ... +MARK

12 February 2014

LCNZ Update 12 February 2014

Celebrating Lutheran Women of New Zealand

Inviting former members of Lutheran Women of New Zealand and all Lutheran Women to a day of celebration, reminiscence and thanksgiving led by Dr Pauline Simonsen. Come along for a day of fun and fellowship with Christian women.

Theme: Jesus - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Saturday 8th March, 9.45am-3.00pm

St Luke’s Lutheran Church Palmerston North

$10 registration fee

Lunch, morning & afternoon tea provided

Registration Forms available from manawatulutheran@inspire.net.nz

06 February 2014

Waitangi Day 6th February 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

A Tui Sings at Dawn on Waitangi Day
One of the few extant copies
of the Treaty of Waitangi
I’m writing this, having just come from the Dawn Service at the Marae on the Treaty Grounds at Waitangi. Despite the persistent drizzle and the early hour of the day, hundreds gathered ki te ingoa o te Matua, o te Tamaiti, ko te Wairua Tapu; in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, to pray for God’s continued blessing on those for whom this beautiful place called Aotearoa, is home.
Political leaders, community and iwi leaders, together with representatives of the Christian Church in Aotearoa were invited to pray. Even though some of the prayers managed to include a degree of political comment, most prayed in the spirit of the words of our National Anthem … God of nations, at Thy feet; help us live with each other in the bonds of Your love.

This day we commemorate Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) which is the founding document of our nation. It is an agreement entered into by representatives of the Crown and of Māori iwi (tribes) and hapū (sub-tribes). It is named after the place in the Bay of Islands where the Treaty was first signed on the 6th February 1840. The Treaty was a broad statement of principles upon which the British officials and Māori chiefs made a political compact or covenant to found a nation state and build a government in New Zealand to deal with pressing new circumstances. Like many treaties, it is an exchange of promises between the parties to it. (Taken from What is the Treaty? from New Zealand History online, Nga korero a ipurangi o Aotearoa, History Group, Ministry for Culture and Heritage)

The Treaty and Waitangi Day are ideally a celebration of the coming together of people – where Maori and Pakeha (non-Maori New Zealanders) became one.

I have written before that we Christians live by a Treaty of unity too; one that was signed in blood some 2000 years ago. St Paul writes –

Because all the fullness of God was pleased to live in him, and he reconciled all things to himself through him – whether things on earth or in the heavens. He brought peace through the blood of his cross. Once you were alienated from God and you were enemies with him in your minds, which was shown by your evil actions. But now he has reconciled you by his physical body through death, to present you before God as a people who are holy, faultless, and without blame. (Colossians 1:19-22, CEV)

As our nation continues to seek to understand and live by the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in order that we may more genuinely meet and live in bonds of love, I believe we Christians who have been reconciled – brought back into unity with God the Father, back into unity with each other – are invited – no, charged – to be agents for love and unity –

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:12-17)

As the service came to an end and the day broke through the mist over Te Ti Bay, a tui began to sing from one of the large pōhutukawa trees near the Marae. In this year when we also celebrate that the ‘new song’ of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed in Aotearoa for 200 years, maybe we were being reminded by the tui, that we who are church – Christ’s Body in this place, the ones who have received the new song – are also called to sing the song of love into the lives of others.

Yesterday, I was honoured to be welcomed on to Te Tii Marae at Waitangi along with the New Zealand opposition parties, where we listened to passionate speeches from local iwi – Nga Puhi – and equally passionate responses from the politicians in the wharenui (meeting house) about child poverty, deep sea oil drilling in Northland (Nga Puhi region), education, health etc. Afterwards I walked the beautiful coast between Waitangi and Paihia in gentle warm spits of rain. This is a most beautiful part of Aotearoa. There were the usual protests and disruptions yesterday, but my prayer is that all peoples of Aotearoa will learn to live together in peace and aroha matching the beauty of this place.

Later this morning I have been invited to assist in leading the inter-denominational service on the lower Treaty Grounds.

Tomorrow, I will also be attending the 7th New Zealand Christian Leaders Conference in Paihia. On the agenda for presentation and discussion –
  • 200 years on – Secularism in Aotearoa New Zealand. At the first sitting of New Zealand’s parliament in 1854 a resolution was passed that “in proceeding to carry out the resolution of the House to open its proceedings with prayer, the House asserts the privilege of a perfect political equality in all religious denominations, and that, whoever may be called upon to perform this duty for the House, it is not thereby intended to confer or admit any pre-eminence to that Church or religious body to which he may belong.” When he was crowned as the first Maori king at Ngaruawahia in 1858, Potatau called on his people to hold fast to faith in God. How are these historical events relevant to the issue of secularism? To what extent is it true that Aotearoa New Zealand is a secular country? What is meant by this? How might we become less secular?
  • 200 years on – Marriage and Whanau in Aotearoa New Zealand. The passing of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill in April 2013, and the evidence of declining marriage numbers over the past 30-40 years, have been a cause of increasing concern for many people in New Zealand. The Church has a responsibility to be involved in this issue not only to seek the wellbeing of society, but as a witness to the ways of God and the difference God makes in people’s lives. This will involve a double approach, both promoting marriage within Christian communities and working with other community groups to develop strategies for encouraging healthy marriages and recapturing the importance of marriage” (extract from Towards a Strategy for Building a Healthy Marriage Culture, NZ Christian Network discussion group, 2013) How important is marriage in 21st century Aotearoa New Zealand? What does the Church need to do to build a healthy marriage culture?
The tui sings; the Church also needs to sing of God and give witness to his love for us in Christ. This, my friends, is my heart and prayer for the Lutheran Church of New Zealand.

I invite you to pray –

He hōnore, he korōria ki te Atua He maungārongo ki te whenua He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa Hangā e te Atua he ngākau hou Ki roto, ki tēnā, ki tēnā o mātou Whakatōngia to wairua tapu Hei awhina, hei tohutohu i a mātou Hei ako hoki i ngā mahi mō tēnei rā Amine

Honour and glory to God Peace on Earth Goodwill to all people Lord, develop a new heart Inside all of us Instil in us your sacred spirit Help us, guide us In all the things we need to learn today

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.

Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa

18 January 2014

LCNZ Update 18 January 2014

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

Happy New Year

LEFT: The photo I took of a firework at the beginning of 2014 at Mt Maunganui

Even though we’re more than halfway through the first month of the year already, I reckon we’re still close enough to the beginning of the year for me to greet you with the words, Happy New Year.

I hope that you had opportunity, together with your loved ones, to spend some time relaxing and basking in the joy of God’s Christ-mas gift to you and the world … and that maybe you were able to have some time away from the office, or the tractor, or the school books … some time away at a beach, or at a bach, or in the garden, or walking through the beautiful New Zealand bush … some time away from routine, just to relax and re-charge for the year ahead.

It’s going to be a good year ahead, because it’s God’s year.

Rather than a devotional thought this time, please let me enter the New year with you by leading you in a prayer –

God of mercy, you live in everlasting glory, and your name is eternal. We give thanks that you have revealed to us the name of your only Son, Jesus, our Saviour, the name above every name, the only name by which we are saved, the name in which we have been baptised, and at whose name every knee will bow.

We give thanks for all the blessings of the past year. You have helped us in the past, and there is no end to your mercy. In these difficult times, protect your church from the assaults of the evil one. Keep our pastors from false teaching, and keep your flock from indifference and shame.

Bless the nations of the earth with leaders who are wise and just, with public servants who are compassionate and patient, and with citizens who are honourable and respectful. Bless all the lawful actions taken by our country. Do not let us grow weary in well-doing.

Bless the resources of the earth and the labour of all workers. Bless our children. Grant that they may grow in virtue and faithfulness until the end.

Have mercy on those who are lonely, tired, anxious, or despairing; on those without home, employment, or family, those who have lost hope and those whose holiday joy has become sorrow for any reason. Remember us in our dark times, and teach us all not to worry about the future.

Merciful Lord, forgive us for the sins of the past year. As we look to a new year, we confess to you that we are anxious and uncertain, for we do not know what will come to us. Yet, Lord, we know that you will be with us according to your mercy. Bless the endeavours of your Church in New Zealand this year and help us to grow in your wisdom.

We pray for those who will be born this year, and for those who will die; for those who will be wounded and for those who will need healing; for those who will laugh and those who will mourn.

We pray for your blessing on the crops that are planted this year, on the harvest that will be gathered in, and on every new venture that we begin and everything that is brought to an end.

We pray for wisdom to see what must be torn down and what must be built up; for the courage to throw away the things we no longer need, and for the strength to gather in the things we need to keep close and dear.

We pray for times when we may embrace those whom we have refrained from embracing; when we may seek those that we have lost; when we may love those whom we have hated.

We pray for wisdom to know the time to speak and the time to keep silent; the time for war and the time for peace.

We pray for Aotearoa-New Zealand, and for all who live here.

Lord God, you have made everything suitable for its time; you have put a sense of past and future into our minds; yet we cannot know everything you have done from the beginning to the end. Be with us through all our days and years, for our times are in your hands. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers – a Life-Changing Event
A reminder that next month the Director of Reconciliation in the LCA / LCNZ, Pastor Bruce Zagel and his wife Kathy will be conducting Blessed are the Peacemaker seminars throughout the LCNZ.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers is a Bible study seminar on reconciling relationships and resolving conflict. In this engaging presentation, you see how God’s ministry of reconciliation can be lived out in daily life. You learn practical ways to apply your Christian faith in family, business, church, and even business and legal conflicts. Since all children of God are called to be peacemakers, this seminar is appropriate for every Christian. Church leaders with responsibilities for teaching and assisting others in their conflicts will find the seminar especially helpful for assisting others in responding to conflict in a biblically faithful manner.

Benefits of a Blessed Are the Peacemakers Seminar

As Christians living in a sinful world, we often respond to conflict in worldly ways. Although we may know better, we often respond to conflict by trying to escape or by attacking others. When we do, relationships are damaged and the witness of the church is weakened.

In Blessed Are the Peacemakers, participants learn how to change this problem. You study key Bible passages and acquire tools for applying the basic principles in everyday conflicts. Past participants report how they used these tools and concepts to resolve everything from family squabbles to complicated lawsuits.

You will be challenged to live, proclaim, and cultivate lifestyles of reconciliation in the family, workplace, and church.

As people practice new ways of addressing conflict, conflict does not disappear. In fact, initially you may have to deal with more conflict. As people become more sensitive to God’s call for peace, they stop covering up the conflict that already exists. They begin to discuss and resolve their differences more honestly and constructively, and old unresolved issues are brought to light and dealt with. They likely will need guidance from church leaders as they struggle to use new skills. These requests for help become opportunities for discipleship. As a result, time and energy wasted on escaping from conflict or attacking others is redirected to glorifying God, serving others, and growing more like Christ, giving a living witness to the unbelieving world.

Seminar Features

Stories shared by instructors demonstrate how the principles presented are not theoretical but realistic and practical. Blessed Are the Peacemakers covers the following topics:
  • Understanding conflict from a biblical viewpoint
  • Identifying worldly and godly responses to conflict
  • Describing three opportunities for Christians in conflict
  • How to confess your faults without justification
  • How to forgive others as God forgave you
  • How to achieve genuine reconciliation
Each person attending the seminar receives a 24-page study guide, along with an easy-to-use handout on ‘Announcing God’s Grace through Confession and Forgiveness’.

Please ask your pastor or local leadership team for a registration form or visit the Events page on the LCNZ website to download it, and plan on attending the seminar in your region –
  • Saturday 1st February, Christchurch
  • Monday 3rd February, Wellington
  • Monday 10th February, Palmerston North
  • Monday 17th February, Botany (Auckland)
And how about this? I’ve just heard that some members of Redeemer Lutheran Church in the Hawkes Bay are considering travelling to Palmerston North to attend the seminar there … and there has been a kind invitation from some members of the Manawatu Parish for these folk to stay overnight with them before returning home the next day.

I’m encouraged by this, and I hope you are too.

Acts 15:36 Tour
As I write this update, each congregation in the LCNZ is receiving a report from my “health-check” visit last September together with a pastoral letter from me.

Jesus – All About Hope 2014
An update from the Project Coordinator, Dave Mann –

Every home will hear in 2014

The initiators of the Hope Project have confirmed that every home in Aotearoa will hear of Christ this year, which is the bicentenary year of the Gospel in our nation. “Unfortunately, we didn’t raise the seed money needed to proceed with the full three-ad, three-booklet project”, says Hope Project coordinator, Dave Mann. “However, we are in a position to launch a one-ad, one-booklet project that can still connect with every home through television, letterboxes and internet. In addition, we’re able to create resources that can serve churches in New Zealand a little longer, such as the various equipping resources, the Gospel website, and the planned follow up website. We believe these resources will be an asset to our nations churches, helping many to better understand the faith, and learn as Jesus’ followers.”

Where to now?

The call is now going out to pastors and church leaders throughout New Zealand to actively prepare their members for the conversational opportunities that will come later in the year through this project. Mann says, “The Gospel bicentenary is an amazing opportunity and this project can help us utilise it to the full: sharing clearly the message those first missionaries risked life and limb to bring to this nation, and which many Maori later devoted their lives to spread also. There are positive stories from our history that have not been widely told, and this project can share some of them broadly. Every home will also hear of Christ, which hasn’t happened for thirty years. This is significant!”

The countdown is now on. However, Mann is hopeful that this project might be a beginning of sorts. “Projects like this come and go. The question is what we accomplish through them, and learn from them. We have content for three booklets and ads prepared. We’re hopeful that, once completed, there will be vision to use these on the following two Easters. The process of this could really help many of our churches that are struggling with evangelism to get it back out of the ‘too hard basket’. New Zealanders are spiritual people. They just don’t want to be preached at. If we can learn how to positively engage this conversation we’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities.”

The Lutheran Church of New Zealand made a financial contribution to the Jesus – All About Hope 2014 project.

Please find out more at www.hopeproject.co.nz

What the Bishop’s Up to …
Today I travelled out of Wellington for what will be the first of many trips away during 2014 to visit pastors, people, congregations, attend meetings, lead worship and preach, encourage, advise, listen, pray with etc.

Here’s some of what I’ll be up to through to the end of February –
  • Visiting Botany Lutheran Church – meeting with leadership and congregation, conducting a worship workshop, participating in worship, presiding at the Lord’s Supper
  • Visiting and meeting with the congregations of the Bay of Plenty and Hamilton
  • Leading worship and preaching at St Pauls Christchurch
  • Representing the Lutheran Church of NZ at the installation of the new Dean of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
  • Attending a Finance Advisory CAommittee (FAC) meeting, a Lutheran Support Ministries (LSM) meeting and an LLL meeting
  • Attending the New Zealand Christian Network Congress at Paihia and at the same time attending the Waitangi Day celebrations at Waitangi (this is all part of the churches of Aotearoa-NZ preparing for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the first proclamation of the gospel in 1814 by Samuel Marsden)
  • Church Workers’ Conference in beautiful Upper Moutere
  • Council of Synod and Gateway Trust Board meetings
  • Attending the first College of Bishops’ meeting in Adelaide for the year
Many other servant-leaders in the LCNZ are also involved in these events and meetings. Please pray for us as this new year of meetings and opportunities for proclaiming Jesus Christ begins.

And While I Think of It …

Happy Wellington Anniversary this weekend as well. Maybe you could use this prayer to thank God for where you live (simply use the name of your own town or city or area in the place of Wellington); I think it will work wherever you are –

Lord, on this anniversary weekend, we thank and praise you for our city and province of Wellington with its unique beauty and grandeur, for its wealth and its resources. We thank you for your many gifts and blessings to us, for peace and prosperity, freedom and good government, education and culture, work and leisure. Help us not to squander our heritage, but to use it wisely and preserve it for our children. We thank you for the variety of people and cultures in our region, for the Maori and the early settlers, for our ancestors and their descendants, and for migrants from all over the world. Teach us to respect and value each other. We thank and praise you that by the preaching of the gospel you have planted and nurtured your church here in Wellington. Help us to promote the unity of your church in this place and proclaim the good news of salvation to our own people and our neighbours. We commend to you all those in positions of authority, our Mayor and her counsellors, the local governments and leaders in communities throughout the province, and the parliament of our nation. Help them to govern wisely and justly so that people may be restrained from wrongdoing and encouraged to live good lives. Amen.

Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.


Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM

Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa