This week the preeminent choir and instrumental ensemble, Bach Collegium Japan, will visit Wellington to perform in the New Zealand Festival of the Arts.
The Lutheran Church of New Zealand is delighted that Bach Collegium Japan together with their founder and director, Masaaki Suzuki has accepted its invitation to a formal reception at St Pauls Lutheran Church on Tuesday 4th March.
You may also be interested to hear an interview with Masaaki Suzuki - a member of the Lutheran Church - on Radio New Zealand National at 10.05am on Tuesday 4th March, or to tune and listen to a live broadcast from the Michael Fowler Centre of the Lutheran Masses on Radio New Zealand Concert at 8.00pm on Thursday 6th March.
Bach Collegium Japan will also perform the St John Passion of Bach on Wednesday evening in the Michael Fowler Centre.
Blessings and arohanui in Christ ... +MARK