30 March 2011

LCNZ Update 30 March 2011

Greetings in Christ Jesus,

Christchurch Memorial Service: I was able to attend the Christchurch National Memorial service March 11th at Hagley Park along with what seemed to be 100,000 other people. It was a moving event that I’ll never forget. Some members mentioned that they did not see me on TV! That was because our Church did not have an official part in the service – but I can assure you we were there (see photo). The following Sunday I was able to give greetings to the St Paul’s congregation at Christchurch.

Christchurch Appeal: Here is a brief update on what our LCNZ has distributed. Thirty households have received $300 grants, two have received $3000, the St Paul’s congregation treasury was sent $10,000 and there was an additional $500 grant. That is a total of $25,500. We also recognise there will be more ongoing grants. So far, one Christchurch couple will be taking up the offer to have a rest break of a week or so on the North Island at one of our member’s holiday homes. Donors would be pleased with how we have been working with the congregation on these grants.

Japan: When we consider the heartbreak and disruption that the people of Christchurch have experienced after their two major quakes (and then try to imagine the situation in Japan) it is mind boggling. I am not aware of a Lutheran Church Appeal, but would encourage you to pray and also donate via the different charitable organisations involved, such as the Red Cross. I hope congregational prayers will be abundant for those who are suffering as a result of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear contamination.

Congratulations to Mark Whitfield who has organised a Lutheran Vespers at the Wellington Anglican Cathedral 5pm the 3rd of April. He is the Cantor for the evening. The Dean of the Cathedral, The Very Reverend Frank Nelson is the Preacher. Mark is a member of the Cathedral Choir and they will be singing under the direction of Dr Richard Marlow and Michael Fulcher. Pastor Mark is commencing his R&R leave this week and will return to duties at his Wellington congregation the seventh of June.

Calls: Thank you for your prayers. I have decided to accept the Call to be LCA Interim Pastor. This position will commence the first of September, and I will be based in Brisbane.

The Lutheran: Congregations will receive information about a wonderful offer. THE LUTHERAN magazine, is the official publication of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand. First, each congregation will be sent several free copies of the April edition of THE LUTHERAN. Each congregation is to nominate a person to distribute three more months of the magazine to 10 households at no charge. After that, they can choose another 10 households. The idea behind this promotion is that after experiencing how good THE LUTHERAN is we will have many more members of our LCNZ purchase their own subscriptions. It is a great way to grow in faith by reading this publication, and while doing that to learn what is happening in our wider Church.

We Pray:

For Wayne, Samantha and Liam George as Wayne prepares to leave Auckland for studies at Australian Lutheran College Seminary.

For my wife Betsy. She has one more chemo treatment left, and after a few weeks will commence radiation. I think she is doing well and I admire her.

For those mentioned in your weekly church bulletin, and those whom you know.

For those who suffer in Japan.

God bless,

President Robert

09 March 2011

LCNZ Update 9 March 2011

Greetings in Christ Jesus,


The Updates have been quite frequent lately, but communication at a time like this vital. It also is important that copies of these Updates can be made available to members who are not on email. One of the best ways is to make a few copies available at church or reproduce some of the information in your Sunday bulletin. Also, all Updates are archived on www.LCNZ.blogspot.com


Pastor Trevor Jurgens (see photo) spent several days in Christchurch immediately following the earthquake. I caught up with him by phone to thank him and find out what happened. Trevor is the Pastor of the Hawkes Bay Lutheran congregation and is a Specific Ministry Pastor who functions throughout our church by helping where he can. Trevor said that he was able to get rapid  transportation to Christchurch and soon found a pushbike. He was first assigned the job of going around neighbourhoods giving out contact information and emergency phone numbers. He also visited members of St. Paul’s that he could reach and helped them clear some damage. He helped on maintenance tasks at the church and made a few nursing home visits. He joined in digging silt from schools with a Federated Farmers. We can imagine that Rev Trev did a lot more, but he is a humble Kiwi and I wasn’t going to get any more out of him!


My trip to Christchurch: I have changed my booking to Christchurch to arrive at 10am on Friday March 18th  instead of Saturday so I can get to North Hagley Park by 12:45 and join with the thousands who will be attending the National Memorial Service. (Maybe Trev left his pushbike at the airport?) On Sunday March 20th I plan to deliver a personal greeting to members of St Paul’s on your behalf and let them know how proud we are of them.


PPTs for June Synod: Congregations are invited to provide PowerPoint’s of their local ministry again this Synod in June. We ask that none exceed 5 minutes. I am working on the Synod agenda and will send a draft out to Council of Synod and the Pastors for initial comment.


Calls: I have received a Letter of Call from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s General Church Council to be LCA Interim Pastor and Interim Ministry Coordinator. This position would commence following our Synod in June with a reasonable hand-over period for the new President. I will be responding to the Call Letter very soon and would appreciate your prayers.


God Bless you this Ash Wednesday as we begin the observance of Lent,


President Robert Erickson




08 March 2011

LCNZ Update

Dear friends in Christ,

Today I met with 14 "Heads of Churches" in New Zealand. This includes all the national Presidents, Archbishops and Leaders of denominations. There was sharing and prayer for Christchurch as you could imagine. The Anglican, Catholic Presbyterian congregations have lost many of their historic buildings. They are thankful for other churches and community groups for hosting homeless congregations. Have a look at Pastor David Lipsys' news brief which mentions how we are hosting several churches at st Paul's and expressing in a caring way what it means to be one in Christ. You can find David's news on our web site under the Christchurch page. Here is a link:

What follows is from our Pastor in Christchurch...
3 March: Well, after several full days of digging, we have cleared most of the deposited mud and sand from the yards of two neighbours' homes and our home. Though we are tired with aching muscles and eyes full of grit, our spirits have been lifted sky-high through the whole experience! You see, we were assisted by an amazing collection of strangers over the last week - most of whom have no church connection, but who simply arrived on our door-step with spade or wheelbarrow and very caring hearts - keen to assist people who had experienced difficulties that they had been spared. And so, over the last 5 days we have laboured and sweated shoulder-to-shoulder in combinations of humanity that wouldn't ordinarily mix with one-another: university professors; high school and varsity students; highly-qualified professionals; unskilled-unemployed men and women; new arrivals from Asia, America and Europe; a heavily tatooed White Power skinhead; a 10 year-old boy; a former prostitute; and a humbled and very thankful Lutheran pastor and his wife. We have been visited by a troup of our Lord's angels in these dire days - and our lives have been exceptionally blessed!

4 March: While our church building came through last week's (and last year's) earthquakes relatively unscathed, the same cannnot be said for many other houses of worship throughout Christchurch, unfortunately - and I'm not only thinking of the main Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist and Presbyterian churches in town, that are now apparently beyond saving. Many suburban church buildings are now unusable; and so, we at St.Paul's Lutheran will be sharing our building on Sundays until Easter at least, with our local Catholic congregation and a larger Anglican congregation - both now homeless. This will inevitably mean some compromise for us in order to accommodate the needs of the other congregations; however, I think we can give up some convenience for Lent, to help fellow Christians!
This morning I conducted a simple family funeral service for the oldest member of our congregation - Mrs Anni Grimm, who died at 2:20am, aged 97years. This service was conducted in her room at a seniors' rest home inside the central city earthquake cordon, which - like my pastoral visits with her over the last week - meant me having to convince police and soldiers at the road barricade that I really was a Christian pastor and not just some random leather-clad biker with malicious intentions! (A public memorial service for Anni will be conducted at St.Paul's in a few weeks time, when post-earthquake activities have slowed down a bit.)

7 March: All Sunday worship services at St.Paul's went well - Catholic, Lutheran and Anglican - despite us having a reduced electricity supply, and so, no sanctuary lighting or heating! This week, we will also provide meeting space for a local child-care centre and a parents-support agency, both unable to use their regular buildings due to earthquake damage; and we are also hosting the Burwood Churches' Ash Wednesday evening service.

05 March 2011

LCNZ Update (6 March Letter to St Paul's Christchurch-- edited))

Dear friends at St Paul's Lutheran Church,

I wish I could be here this morning to speak to you directly, and offer words of encouragement and concern on behalf of our Lutheran Church of New Zealand and the entire LCA. You have been, and continue to be, in all of our prayers. I've booked a flight to visit and worship with you March 19th and 20th.

The events of that Tuesday have had a tremendous strain upon everyone. Though property damage varies from house to house, business to business, each resident of Christchurch has been exposed to tremendous trauma. Probably the depth of that will appear more clearly as we move on. Therefore, there is the need for both immediate support and long term grants and care. Government and the major aid agencies will continue to play a vital role in that, and so will your Lutheran Church. Significant gifts have already be given to our Wellington office toward recovery, and more money will be coming. We can also look at other resources that might be helpful as time progresses.

Members and friends in Christchurch, you have worked hard to help others and have been courageous. Even if you have been frightened you have stood up to the challenge.

Mr. Peter Hentschel, a member of St Paul's, has been appointed as the Christchurch Coordinator of our grants. He will read you a minute from a meeting between himself, our Treasurer and I which explains how we will commence administrating this.

We also have good advice from the Victorian District on how they handled their Bush Fire appeal a few years ago. Victoria had three levels of grants, first was a grant for $300 for those who had been affected by the fires, there was a $3000 grant for those who lost homes, with a larger grant for farmers. We know there are other grants being offered to the community. We want to say to the members/friends/relations of St Paul's that this is in addition to other grants, and specifically from your brothers and sisters of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand.

Peter will be the person in charge of distribution of grants, and both the congregation and members can apply.

Here are some things we can provide, immediate cash grants, reimbursement for airfares to take a break, some holiday home accommodation offered by Lutheran members on the North Island, a $3000 grant for people who cannot live in their home. Because of the massive homelessness right now we will need to work within the network of those whom you know, and Peter will be the person who authorises payment. I would think that also you would be interested in getting the church building in order and use the grant money as soon as possible for those repairs.

This Appeal isn't in the end just about money it is about care, service and giving the resources which are needed now and will be needed in the future. May I close with a brief prayer:

Dear heavenly Father, the hearts and minds of so many have been turned toward the people of Christchurch and Canterbury these few weeks. We have in many ways been helpless witnesses to the drama that was shown on TV and in the media. However, many who have the skill and training were able to come and assist. Mightily helpers appeared from Christchurch's own ranks to be covered in the grey dust of toil to shovel and assist so many others. Many peoples lives were saved by strangers, like an angel, appearing and then gone, leaving only the touch --the fingerprints -of God's hand of deliverance. As all New Zealand (and the world) watched waited and hoped, we in a sense were together as a nation in ways that could not be matched in any other arena. The struggle continues, and we ask you Lord to continue to empower the people of Christchurch and this nation with a strength that reaches beyond our human limitations of kindness to your abundant never ending pool of love. Let us draw from that well which leads to life itself. This in the name of the Living Water of Life, Christ our Lord.

President Robert Erickson

(Please also remember that a special appeal has been launched through our Lutheran Church of New Zealand. We encourage New Zealand members to contribute through their local Lutheran congregation which will then be able to issue tax deductible receipts and forward the offering to our office.)

01 March 2011

LCNZ Update 1 March 2011

Greetings in Christ Jesus,

This edition of the LCNZ Update is longer than usual and contains a few reports. You will read about the establishment of an LCNZ Christchurch Earthquake Appeal, greetings from many friends from around the world following the events in Christchurch, brief reports from some of our boards and committees, and general news. The photo was taken on my (Pres Rob) phone of candles on the St Paul’s Wellington altar during their service for victims of the earthquake.

On Tuesday, St Paul’s Lutheran Church extended an invitation to the Mt Cook, Wellington community “to spend time together thinking about our fellow New Zealanders in Canterbury”, a week after the earthquake. The church was open from 12pm for private contemplation, with a short prayer service starting at 12:30pm. The service incorporated 2 minutes silence that the Prime Minister has suggested at 12.51pm.

Following the Christchurch Earthquake we have received compassionate emails and phone calls from:

* President Mike Semmler and individual emails from Vice President John Henderson, Neville Otto and each of the other four Presidents of the Lutheran Church of Australia.

* Rev Jerzy Samiec – Bishop of Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland.

* Rev George Samiec – Lutheran Church Great Britain

* Rev. Albert B. Collver, Director of Church Relations - Assistant to the President Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

* Marudut Manalu – HKBP Indonesia

* Rev. Franklin Ishida, Asia Pacific head for Global Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

* Darin Storkson, Regional Director, Asia LCMS World Relief & Human Care, Jakarta

* Charles Klingensmith, Kinki Evangelical Lutheran Church Osaka, Japan

* Pastors John Davison, Steen Olsen, Peter Ziersch, Tim Klein, Lay worker Cheryl Reif , Australia

* Pastor Alaris and Panti Karya from the Hephata Disability Centre in North Sumatra (the Manawatu Parish’s Overseas Mission Partnership)

* Ken and Ellie Chitwood, former NZ church workers, USA

* Rev Paul and Richard Meyer, Retired Lutheran Church of Missouri Pastors, USA

* Robyn Appleby, Msalato Theological College, Dodoma, Tanzania, East Africa

* Tony PLEWS, Executive Director, Passionate Advocates for Leadership Development International Langham partnership New Zealand

* And if I have missed anyone I will include that in another Update.

Many of our NZ members have also contacted me with concern for the members and people in Christchurch. That same outpouring was witnessed at the LCA Office in Adelaide and by Pastor David Lipsys our man on the ground in Christchurch.

One joyous phone call was from Allen Kupke, the Executive Officer for the Australian Lutheran Laypeople’s League. He informed me that $50,000 ($66,00 NZD) has been approved immediately from the board for the Christchurch Appeal. It is now in our account. The funds are for immediate use where needed. I want to assure any recipients of the money that the Aussie LLL intends this for whoever needs this hardship gift, and that it is available. Your name can be treated confidentially. It has been said that cash is one thing that is really needed by many right now. Our tax deductable local appeal is ready to commence, but right now we have aid money on hand. Applications can come thought the congregation or directly to our office.

The other thing which people need is care and concern. The following is a brief thought that I will call, Disaster Response and the Five Love Languages:

You probably heard of Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages. It has been used in many groups settings. I have led enrichment groups using that teaching. Although originally written as a marriage enrichment resource, the Love Languages has been successfully applied to a variety of relationships. The book basically states that each person has a preferred love language by which they receive and express love and care. Often others don’t really understand what motivates us.

Here are the five love languages; Words of Affirmation; Quality Time; Receiving Gifts; Acts of Service; Physical Touch.

As we look at the actions and response taking place during this terrible disaster you can see how these distinct ways of loving are being enacted. In your response to those in need they too might need words of affirmation, a bit of your undivided attention, a gift, an act of service or even an appropriate hug. In Jesus’ ministry he was able to speak these languages, and as you are controlled by the Holy Spirit, I am sure you will be able to do that too.

– President Rob

LLL Report

Below a are few points jotted down for you information from the last Lutheran Laymen’s League (NZ) Director’s Meeting on 12 February

  • 5% interest on Apex and E accounts retained
  • LLL Directors’ meeting and presentation at Hamilton was

well received! Thanks to the congregation for hosting it.

  • A grant of $1500 was approved for a Youth Leadership

Training weekend in May – good to be involved in supporting such a positive initiative.

  • Remember to nominate up to 2 LLL delegates for LLL AGM

held at Synod this June, during your congregation’s AGM.

  • Please send your LLL passbook to your Branch Treasurer

so they can update your interest!

--Marg Gust

Gateway Gift Trust Board Meeting Notes for 25 February

  • The accounts for 2010 record a surplus of $28,105 compared to the budget deficit of $668. Monies released from the divestment of the Spicer portfolio, which did result in a capital loss, were invested in interest bearing deposits and income has been generated from that. Also a change in the investment strategy into longer term deposits has achieved increased rates of interest.
  • Total equity at 31 December 2010 was $3,777,068. The original capital sum was $3,809,806.
  • The budget for 2011 is a surplus of $25,098. The Trustees have determined that the restoring of the capital lost on the Spicer investment should occur and it is intended that $25,000 be retained.
  • Mission Support grants for 2011 have been affirmed by some congregations/parishes. New grants this year are for pastoral services at Botany and Hamilton/Bay of Plenty.
  • Audit of accounts has progressed with the 2009 accounts now signed off. The 2010 accounts are presently with the auditor.

-- Dennis Mollet

Council of Synod Information from 26 February Meeting

President’s Report

  • Convention ‘to do’ list –

    • Including invitations to Church Leaders, Governor General, Mayor etc., Maori powhiri / mihi (welcome)
    • Call for list of delegates from parishes,
    • Call for reports, registration forms, nominations process, liaising with host congregation – St Paul’s Wellington re hosting (accommodation, convention dinner, meals, airport pick-ups, minute secretaries,
    • Farewell to Erickson’s during convention dinner, etc.
    • Rob E. is volunteering to be on Host Committee and is willing to chair it.
    • The possible Convention Theme will be discussed via email over next two weeks.
    • Nominations committee – Milton F. to oversee.

  • Twenty20 Vision Leadership Program – summary document prepared by Trevor Ruthenberg. Katharina B. been asked to do strategic planning with LSM, and then to consider offering strategic planning to congregations of the LCNZ. LCNZ needs to prioritise this initiative for second half of 2011.

  • Rob presented a document – LCA Victorian District Strategic Plan. Victoria used the same five strategic imitatives as we have to order their plan. … (i) increase leadership capacity at all levels, (ii) increase spiritual depth, (iii) develop a pro-active mission culture, (iv) improve communication and engagement, (v) leverage our assets to support ministry and mission. There were remarkable similarities in strategy and we can use a number of aspects of this plan ourselves.

  • ChildSafe – request from LSM for LCNZ to have full compliance by the end of 2011.

  • Church Planting – North Shore, Summer Hills (Palmerston North).

  • John Davison – installation at Hamilton / Bay of Plenty on Sunday 5th June. Installation of Chris Janetzki at Upper Moutere / Hope on Sunday 6th February. Vacancy at Botany – possible 1 year vicarage of a candidate followed by possible ordination as an Specific Ministry Pastor.

  • Helping St Paul’s Christchurch in wake of earthquake. Money from Australia ($AUD50k) must get to the people. Ask QLD District how they administered the funds with a view that the LCNZ could administer in similar way. Ask St Paul’s Christchurch for a proposal(s) concerning immediate needs.


That the LCNZ establish a general appeal to assist with Christchurch earthquake relief, to be collected by congregations and forwarded to the LCNZ Office.

  • May Council of Synod meeting to be in Auckland to coincide with Mountainside’s 10th anniversary.

  • LCNZ Calendar – Rob giving apologies for non-attendance at Lutheran Church of Australia meetings in first part of the year. Rob preaching twice a month at St Paul’s Wellington during Mark’s R&R.

Church Workers Conference

  • Milton reported on the Church Workers Conference which met in Palmerston North 22-23 February. Conference was shortened by one day due to the Christchurch earthquake.

  • CWC has already started the process of nomination for President.

Report of Financial Advisory Committee

  • The Ericksons are enjoying the new president’s manse at Churton Park. The president’s manse in Palmerston North has been sold. A proposal has been received with regard to putting the Whakatane manse on the market (LCNZ Trust Board). Roxanne is working on accounts from 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

  • Plea to congregations to send their 2010 accounts into Financial Advisory Committee.

  • Some financial compensation for the LCNZ treasurer was approved, starting 28th February up to the end of June, and then to be reviewed.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Reviewed LCNZ Mission & Development accounts.

Grant Applications

  • Bishop Monrad Celebrations – the recommendation from Financial Advisory Committee that grant of up to $2000 come from Lutheran Media Fund was approved.

  • Botany – Chinese Broadcasting Ministry – approved grant of $9000 from Lutheran Media Fund.

  • Harrison Street, Wanganui – advertising for Holiday Program and one Community Event (Christmas Carols) – approved grant of $1323 from Lutheran Media Fund.

  • Mountainside 10th Anniversary – approved funding of $5000 (comprising $2250 from Lutheran Media Fund and $2750 from General Income) for anniversary related costs.

  • Amy Brinkman (Personal Ministry Scholarship) – recommend that LLL take up the cost of funding of $800.

  • Request from Upper Moutere re costs associated with ChildSafe training for Mason & Lisa Stoney in Christchurch. Agreed that $254 of the total coast be paid as a personal ministry scholarship grant out of Mission & Development. Encouragement was expressed that the new Upper Moutere worker has now been oriented in our Lutheran safety programme.

Mission and Congregational Life

  • David Lipsys has attended Faith Inkubators workshop in USA. There is funding for the roll out of this to our New Zealand Church. David is happy to act as key person in the roll out. LSM support this.

  • National Youth. Lee Kroehn working with leader training in May. National Youth Camp in July in Hamilton.

  • ChildSafe (letter from Lee Kroehn). LSM be asked to see if the LCNZ can work with the ChildSafe Risk Assessment Officer with either the Victoria-Tasmania or the NSW Districts of the LCA. LSM need to develop an LCNZ Parish model for how this works in each parish/congregation.

  • LSM Report – Kogudus Retreat coming up, Faith Inkubators, Council of Synod representative (no one available yet), and analysing survey from late last year.


  • Peter Hentschel appointed as liaison person with St Pauls Christchurch re financial earthquake relief.


  • J.S. Bach Scholarship to be considered for funding to enable David Gutla (Mountainside) to attend organ training / inspirational event in Wellington. Roxanne and Mark are working on this.

  • Rob and Betsy Erickson might ask for a week holiday leave after Betsy has completed chemotherapy and before commencing radiation.

  • Mark Whitfield – R&R Leave (28.03 – 06.06). President to act as locum.

Office Equipment

  • Research and proposal re upgrade of office equipment – software, printer/photocopier, Word 2007.

LCNZ Churches and Manses

  • Building Maintenance Check List provided by Trevor Ruthenberg is to be turned into a form with tick boxes and sent out to parishes. Inspections to be conducted annually.

-- Mark Whitfield