31 May 2011

LCNZ Update 31 May 2011 (Synod matters)

A mailing is going out to our Synod Representatives to supplement the Book of Reports. It will contain a CV and a major correction on the statistical report.


First, please note that I (Robert) made a mistake in the Membership Statistics which was sent out in the Book of Reports.  I copied the reports directly off our LCA LAMP database not noticing that four congregations had not supplied information for either membership or finances. To remedy this I have had to provide my estimates on membership statistics, but we need the correct figures in by Synod. However, my estimate says our church has 1018 instead of 871 baptised members and a confirmed membership of approximately 776 instead of 667. Debbie Venz, the Business Manager of the LCA, will be at Synod to help pastors and administrators use the LAMP database.


Synod Representatives will be receiving a CV of Pastor Mark Whitfield who has been nominated for President. We encourage nominees for all offices in the LCNZ to send a one or two paragraph introduction which would include a statement about their interest or experience that might qualify them for the position. Those statements will be distributed at Synod and should be sent to our office (LCNZ@clear.net.nz).


The Convention Meal on Saturday Night: We will only have a few additional tickets at Synod for purchase at $35 each. If you want to attend please contact the office, and we will pass that information on to our organisation committee. Or you can contact Ian McFarland direct at viking@wise.net.nz.


Christ richest blessings,


President Robert Erickson

20 May 2011

LCNZ Update (Draft Synod Agenda)

Logo adapted by permission of LCA SA District


Lutheran Church of New Zealand

36th Convention of Synod

18-19 June 2011 at St. Paul’s, Wellington

12 King Street, Wellington

Theme: “When Love Comes to Life”

Chaplain: Pastor Mark Whitfield


This is a draft agenda. The final agenda will be presented at the start of Synod.

Agenda items from the same day may be moved forward if other items are concluded earlier than expected.

Any late remits and unfinished business can be referred to Council of Synod for decision.



Friday 17 June 2011

6:00-7:00pm Wine and Cheese at St Paul’s for those arriving on Friday


Saturday 18 June 2011

9:00 Registration

9.30am Opening Worship

               Vice Regal Address, The Right Honourable Sir Anand Satyanand (Governor General of New Zealand)

10.30 Morning Tea

11.00am Session 1

               Welcome and  Preliminaries

               Report of the President (LCNZ)

               Report of the Council of Synod

               Report of Lutheran Support Ministries

               LAMP Database by Debbie Venz (brief introduction)

               Congregations’ five minute Presentations – PowerPoint available


12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Session 2

               First reading of Nominations

               Further discussion of reports and proposals presented in Session 1

               Report of the Gateway Gift Trust Board

               Report of the Statistician

               LCA Board for Mission, G. Hartwich 

               Australian Lutheran World Service, J. Krause

3.00pm Afternoon Tea


3.30pm Session 3

               Financial Reports

               LCA Executive Officer – Trevor Ruthenberg

               The President of the LCA – Rev Dr Michael Semmler


5.20pm 10 minute Closing Devotion

5.30pm Dinner Adjournment

7.00pm Convention Dinner,  J. Krause on “Project Connect”/ Erickson Farewell)


Sunday 19 June 2011

9.00am Session 4

               Election of Officers


               Congregations’ Five minute Presentations

               Memorial Hymn

10.00am Morning Tea

1030am Convention Communion Service

               Liturgist: Rev Mark Whitfield

               Preacher: Rev Dr Michael Semmler

               Celebrant: Rev Robert Erickson

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Session 6

               LLL AGM & Presentation

2.15pm Thanks

3.00pm Afternoon Tea


3.30pm Session 7

               Adoption of Budget

4.30pm Closing Service

Close of Convention  -- Rev Robert Erickson

5.00pm Depart


(Date of draft 20 May 2011)




13 May 2011

LCNZ Update 13 May 2011

Greetings in Christ Jesus,

After an exhaustive search to find a Chinese Lutheran Pastor from overseas for the Auckland congregation we have taken a different option. Tat Ming Tsui has a BA Theol and a PostGrad Dip in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care from the University of Auckland. He is a trained counsellor and has been a lay liturgist and preacher in the Anglican Church. As a lay worker/vicar Tat will be employed by Botany Lutheran Church for a year. Following that year, and a theological interview, he will be a candidate for ordination. Though all licensed laypeople are under the direction of the President, Pastor Milton Fritsch is acting as his immediate mentor. God's blessings to Tat and his wife Irene. He says his friends often call him Ming.

Adrian Stolk is a vital lay member and leader at our Wanganui congregation. He is also one of the Lutheran Church of Australia's Twenty20 leadership trainees. Adrian has been an active member of the congregation, lay reader, parish visitor, and a member of our LCNZ Financial Advisory Committee. He will be licensed for a year for Word and Sacrament Ministry at the congregation in Wanganui. He and Phil Husband make up a leadership and ministry team. Harrison Street Community Church (St John's) has completed extensive strategic planning and is enthused about the future. At a general parish meeting it was ratified that the Wanganui congregation would leave the Marton Parish to work independently, yet regionally.

As we continue to pray for those who have suffered from disasters around the world, and here in New Zealand, we also know that recovery is a long time coming. I am especially happy that Rev Glenn Merritt Director of Disaster Response Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod World Relief and Human Care is coming to Christchurch and willing to give training May 16.This arrangement happened quickly and Pastor David Lipsys and I are hoping that other churches may also have and interest in attending. It will deal with several areas of disaster response and after care. Wayne Drogemuller and I will be joining the meeting. Wayne can combine this with a Treasurer's visit.

There are still some reports that need to be submitted for the Synod Book of Reports. After they are in we can post it out.

Also, today (May 13th) is the deadline for The Olive Tree articles.

God bless you in Christ Jesus,

President Robert Erickson