14 December 2010

LCNZ Update December 14, 2010

Greetings in Christ Jesus,


Here are a few items of information as we look toward Christmas and the New Year.


PASTOR JOHN DAVISON – John Davison has accepted the Call to Hamilton and the Bay of Plenty congregations. They are expecting John to arrive in May. So, we thank God and rejoice with all those who rejoice, asking his continued guidance for ministry and care of the members. For John and his wife Diane we also pray as they conclude their time in Griffith, NSW Australia.


PASTOR CHRIS JANETZKI – Chris and His wife Haidee will arrive in New Zealand on January 28th. They and the Upper Moutere Parish have organized February 6th as the date for the installation. Greetings on the day can be sent through to the chairperson, Jenny Briars at briars@ts.co.nz . Christopher is a graduate from our Australian Lutheran College Seminary in Adelaide. 


DATE CLAIMER – The LCNZ Synod will be held on 17-19 June 2011 in Wellington.  It would be important to include this date in your 2011 calendar and event planning for your parish.  When planning parish/congregation annual meetings, please include the nomination and election of delegates to represent your parish/congregation at this Synod.


LCNZ OFFICE – The office will close December 24th at 2:00pm and resume on January 4th . President Rob will be returning to work on Tuesday January 11th.


ALMOST FREE BIBLE STUDY MATERIALS AVAILABLE – One advantage to moving an office, is that materials that were once placed in “storage” are re-discovered!  A number of Bible study booklets have been uncovered at the national office and it would be great if these studies could be used by congregations or home/cell groups within our churches.  The names of the studies are:


See through the Scriptures by H Wendt – 303 copies available (some overhead transparencies are also available)


Biblical Stewardship by H Wendt – 49 copies available


Work the Word by V C Pfitzner – 53 copies available


Please contact the administrator, Diana Fehsenfeld, to secure your copies (first come first serve basis).  These will be at a extremely reduced price, GST inclusive.


Isaiah 9:6 (New International Version, ©2010)

6 For to us a child is born, 
   to us a son is given,
   and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
   Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

God’s richest blessings this Christmas,


President Robert Erickson



26 November 2010

Condolence from Lutheran Media Ministry and offer of help.

Pastor Richard Mau

Lutheran Media Ministry

From: Mau, Richard 
Sent: Friday, 26 November 2010 4:16 PM
To: 'mayor@greydc.govt.nz'

 Condolence from Lutheran Media Ministry and offer of help.


Dear people of Greymouth and the wider Grey District,

Many members and friends of the Lutheran Church in Australia and New Zealand have been deeply saddened by the news of the mining tragedy at Greymouth. Please be assured that we are sharing your grief and praying for you at this difficult time. May God comfort you all with the light of his loving presence and with the knowledge that many people around the world are mourning with you.  

We would also like to help those who have been affected by offering the free booklet "Take heart in your grief".

It is regularly offered on our radio and TV programs and has given many people hope for the future as they deal with tragic losses. I am sure it would be helpful to many who have been affected directly or indirectly by the tragic loss of lives. The free booklet is available on the Lutheran Church's website at www.lca.org.au  Simply click on the book offer on the front page and we will post it as soon as we receive the request.

Once again our Sincere Sympathy,

Richard Mau.

Pastor Richard Mau

Director Lutheran Media Ministry




21 November 2010

Pilgrimage of Faith

Pilgrimage of Faith

[Owing to space restrictions this story was not able to be included in the November issue of The Olive Tree]

4th to 10th October, 2010

Wellington to Marton.

Recent history takes up where Pr Mark Whitfield left off with his background history to the Pilgrimage of Faith already well documented in The Olive Tree and The Lutheran. This pilgrimage was for me a connection with the faith of my forebears, although not descended from the Lutheran pioneers to Marton one could say I am a product of the faith of those pioneers in that my parents became members of St Martin’s Lutheran Church in 1959.

I felt privileged to join Pr Mark and others on this pilgrimage to retrace the steps of the Lutheran pioneers as closely as practicable as the faith they carried with them to establish St Martin’s in Marton.

Added to this personal history is the journey my mother’s family took along the same coast line in 1875 when they sailed in a coastal steamer from Wellington to Wanganui to eventually settle in Bulls and then Marton. To walk for six days and meditate on the blessings received from previous generations of both spiritual and genetic forebears was a highlight of the 12 days I recently spent in New Zealand with family and friends.

On a beautiful sunny day, the 4th of October, 2010, we gathered at Queen’s Wharf, a small number of Lutherans, representatives of the Bible Society, descendants of the Lutheran Pioneers who walked the beach highway in 1860, adults and children for the first of the pilgrimage’s devotions prepared by Pr Mark Whitfield. The reading was from Luke 17:5-6 The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’ The Lord replied, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea”, and it would obey you.

Some of us had faith that we could walk the 160 km’s in the six days set aside for the pilgrimage, others that they could share in one or more of the days. Jokes had been made about having paramedics on standby and a rescue helicopter to pick us up at any time.

After the presentation of a Bible from the Bible Society of New Zealand we set about the first leg by following the old main road out of Wellington to Kandahla. With the easy walking to begin some of us caught up with old acquaintances.

Leaving the old highway we climbed what seemed to be a phenomenal number of steps through perilously perched hillside houses to the suburbs of Tawa and Johnsonville to walk through suburban streets to the end of the first day at Mana Railway station.

A train ride to back into Wellington for the first night’s accommodation and a well- deserved rest prepared us to begin the second day’s walking when on the morning of the 5th we caught the train back to where we left off at Mana.

With the Bible reading from Mark 11:12-14,20-24 and the reminder that faith can move mountains (in our case it was kilometres), a prayer for protection and the reassurance of Psalm 23 we stepped off again to link up with State Highway One.

We were joined by RogerWilson and Jillian Bibby for the walk through Taupo Swamp just north of Plimmerton to join State Highway One. We stopped at Pukerua Bay for an ice cream while Pr Mark was interviewed by Radio Rhema from Wellington.

For the next 6 kilometres it was a narrow footpath, hot dark bitumen reflecting the heat of the day and all manner of vehicles flying by on the highway until a welcome lunch break at the Fisherman’s Table. A change of pace again as we hit Whareroa Beach which was littered with drift wood, flotsam and jetsam and now a crew of determined walkers. We alternated our walking between the beach and a rough stone path along the top of a breakwater, depending on what was easier going.

Arriving at Paraparaumu we made our way from the beach to the carpark near the commercial area where some would end their day’s walking while four of us continued walking an extra few kilometres to where a car had been left closer to the southern bank of the Waikanae River.

We returned to Wellington by car for the second night’s rest and re-creation in preparation for day three. Dropped off on the northern bank of the Waikanae River on Wednesday morning we began huddled in the shelter of a tree for our devotion from Matthew 8:5-13 and a prayer for “courage to take the risk of answering Your (God’s) call into joyous adventure.”

Now the serious beach walking really began as we strode out on the broad flat Waikanae Beach to Peke Peke, TeHoro and the mouth of the Otaki River. With no way to easily cross the Otaki River we were transported from the southern bank by car to State Highway One where refreshed with a coffee and a short break we walked along the Highway to cross the Otaki River by bridge where we were returned to the northern bank of the river mouth by car. From Otaki Beach we continued walking north. Weary, but well, we all arrived at Waikawa Beach and were met by Pr Mark’s family and we enjoyed a welcome night’s rest in our privately pre-organised accommodation.

Re-grouping on Thursday morning at 9:00am with encouragement from 1 John 5:1-5,13-15 and a prayer of thanks with the singing of Nun danketalleGottwe donned our backpacks and crossed the bridge at Waikawa Beach to walk through sand dunes before re-joining the beach.

As we pressed north we encountered more debris on the beach, washed down the rivers and out to the Tasman Sea by recent floods and returned to land by incoming stormy tides. Weaving our way in and out of soft sand, large pine trees, tree stumps and an incoming tide we wrapped ourselves up in jackets to fend off the cold wet wind.

Welcome rest breaks for water, a museli bar and passing on the cross to carry broke the day’s walking into manageable periods of muscle stretching. We crossed one creek on a convenient driftwood log, while others were waded across.

Speaking to a local on a four wheeler we were told that the Ohau River mouth was forked and that we should be able to wade across it. Eventually arriving at the first fork of the river we debated the best place to cross while we put on our beach feet (sand shoes), Roger and myself boldly stepped out into the cold water feeling our way with a stout stick to ensure we did not go out of our depth. With water lapping the bottom of our rib cages we crossed to the sand on the other side. Meanwhile Pr Mark and Jillian chose a different section of the river to cross and reached the other side with water having reached just above their knees.

With a change of footwear and dry socks we pressed on to the second fork of the Ohau River mouth. The tide was on its way in and the river was running deep. White baiters indicated the river was too deep to ford. We thought that waiting till the tide went out might allow us to cross so we rested with an early lunch.

It became obvious that it would be late in the day before the tide went out and there was no guarantee we would be able to cross even then. A decision was made to retrace our steps for about an hour and a half to the car park at Waikawa Beach from which we’d begun the day’s walking. The highlight of the walk back was seeing a seal sunbathing on the beach.

A quick drive around to the highway and around to the beach on the other side of the river where we continued our beach walk to Waitarere where we met Pr Mark’s family who had begun walking down the beach to meet us. They had stopped by a creek which really required shoes and socks off to cross. I thought I would be clever and attempted to arrange driftwood at strategic points in the flow of the creek and step across with dry feet. I was too clever and one of the logs slipped out from underfoot and I ended on my knees in the creek with feet soaked to the skin and a few grazes on the legs from the drift wood.

A couple of kilometres further on and the day’s walk came to an endat Waitarere Beach. Friday morning’s sojourn began outside the Waitarere Beach Surf club rooms with the words of James 1:2-12 encouraging us with the message that faith produces endurance.

We headed North, struggling against a strong westerly wind while we wended our way through soft sand and the debris of recent floods washed out into the Tasman Sea and brought back into the beach by the tides. Arriving at the Manawatu River we were met by the Manawatu Marine Boating Club’s rescue boat in which we were ferried across the River. Our walk continued for a few kilometres to the Foxton Beach Surf Lifesaving Club building behind which we sheltered from the wind while we ate our lunch.

After the much appreciated meal we headed towards Himitangi Beach where we would be picked up and delivered to our accommodation in Bulls.

Returning to Himitangi Beach on Saturday morning we set out in horizontal rain together with 11 members of the Rangitikei Tramping Club along with a few fellow Lutheran’s from Marton on Saturday morning.

John Whitfield had brought along his four-wheeler and trailer to provide transport to anyone who was unable to walk this stretch of beach but who wished to travel with us. The four-wheeler was also used to ferry us across the stream at Himitangi and then later on across another stream where the incoming tide made it dangerous to ford on foot.

Tangimoana beach was the most desolate with bleak weather, high tide and the need to walk in soft sand avoiding the debris of the beach. Reaching the Rangitikei River at lunch time the Tangimoana Boating Club provided the ferry service across the mouth of the river which was deep and rough with a king tide. We were dropped off in about 150mm of water on the track used by white baiters near Scott’s Ferry.

As the first boatload waited for the second, we began our lunch in the park at Scott’s Ferry. Dianne Maas and friends arrived by car with delicious hot pumpkin soup to encourage us on the 21 km walk from Scott’s Ferry along Parawenui Road to Bulls. After a brief stop to examine the restored ferry originally used by the pioneers to cross the Rangitikei River and for photos and we trekked on along the road, stopping again as the Poppies from Marton offered us afternoon tea near Flock House. We were also joined by Margaret and Geoff Koch from Gawler in South Australia who shared some of the afternoon’s hike.

After our longest day’s walk, seeing the Bulls water tower encouraged us to press on to finish the last few kilometres and join in sharing a relaxing drink.

Early on Sunday morning we again met together for a devotion which included the rousing hymn Praise to the Lord, the Almighty before setting out for Marton along State Highway Three. With a pilot vehicle we arrived at the intersection of the Highway and Pukepapa Road for a brief rest before the last stretch along the undulating road to meet Martonian locals at the intersection of what used to be Goebel’s Line, but which had been renamed Henderson’s Line in the 1970’s.

Waiting at the intersection was Paul Czepanski’s vintage tractor and a wagon brought from South Australia in 1862 by the Friedrich family. With the Word of the Lord from the Psalms and the hymn We Look Behind at all You’ve Done we walked the last 400 metres, pausing along the way to sing The Lord’s My Shepherd on the way to St Martin’s,with senior folk and children travelling on the wagon.

Once gathered outside St Martin’s some 167 people processed into the church to give thanks, sing praises to God, hear His Word and receive the Sacrament as our forebears had done for some 160 years before us.

With the words of John 10:27-28 and Jeremiah 29:11 Pr Mark’s sermon called and encouraged us follow Jesus and be known by Him. St Martin’s chairman, Rod Lyons, in his sharing of greetings prior to moving from the church to the cemetery, encouraged those who had drifted away from fellowship with Jesus to return to the faith of their forebears.

From the grave of Heinrich Goile, whose family had walked the “Beach Highway” with his family and the Hentschke, Rockel, Neumann and Musch families in 1860, we were sent with the blessing, Haere I runga I tearoha. Haere I runga I terangimarie. Go in peace, knowing that God knows where we pilgrims are headed. Go to love and serve the Lord. (Amine) Amen. We go in the name of Christ.

I wonder, since having completed the pilgrimage, how similar our spiritual forebearers walking over the hills from Wellington, along the windswept beaches, across the streams and rivers, compared with our journey. We were blessed with comfortable beds and hot showers and fresh food each day – they would have camped on the beach (perhaps under a bullock cart), washed in a cold stream and eaten what they could catch in the sea or purchase from the local Maori.

Along the way, we waded through streams with shoes and socks off, some bursting into spontaneous song, interspersed with quiet conversation about faith, beaches, weather and assorted other topics as we conquered the beaches. I reckon our forebears experienced much the same in fellowship as they travelled.

Thank you to everyone who made our journey possible and who helped us along the way. Thanks also to those who so warmly welcomed us upon completion of the pilgrimage. The hospitality of St Martin’s folk and the fellowship we shared is a testament to the faith given us in Jesus the Christ.

Pr John Davison

18 November 2010

LCNZ Update 18 Nov 2010

LCNZ Update 18 November 2010-11-18

Photo of Diana Fehsenfeld, the New LCNZ Administrator

Greetings in Christ Jesus,

It has been over a month since my last Update, but I wanted to be able to give you new addresses and phone numbers for our offices.

Important Information for all congregations:

The Lutheran Church of New Zealand Office has now successfully moved to Wellington.

LCNZ Office Location

14 Oxford Terrace

Mt Cook, Wellington 6021

LCNZ Postal address

P.O. Box 7606

Newtown, Wellington 6242

Diana Fehsenfeld, Administrator

Office Phone 04 385 2540

Email: lcnz@clear.net.nz

Diana commenced work on November 17th, her office hours will be 9:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday through Friday. Diana has experience in Library science and office management. She has a BA (Hons.) in Classics, B.Theol. (Hons.) Otago, and a Master of Library Science. There will be an orientation period so, we ask for some patience as procedures are being put into place as she learns the job.

A new manse has been purchased at 39 Hawtrey Terrace, Churton Park, Wellington 6037. It will be available for occupancy from December 17th. So, I (Rob) am commuting intermittently from Palmerston North to Wellington. The Palmerston North manse is being prepared for sale.

St Matthew Hamilton has issued a Letter of Call to Pastor John Davison to serve as their pastor, and also be responsible for regional ministry in the Bay of Plenty. We ask God’s gracious direction on John as he considers the call to move to New Zealand and serve here. My thanks to our Vice President Milton Fritsch who handled each aspect of the call process.

Graduate Pastor Chris Janetzki has been assigned to Upper Moutere Parish. He and his wife Haidee are excited about the move in February. The members are involved in getting some more renovations done on the manse. They say it will be looking good.

The next edition of the Olive Tree quarterly will be out soon with a Advent and Christmas edition. We will include a link to a web version of the OT in the next Update for those who do not receive it at church or by post.

May the God of all peace give you the peace that passes all understanding through Christ Jesus our Lord.

President Robert Erickson

Lutheran Church of New Zealand

07 October 2010

LCNZ Update 7 Oct 2010

[Photos: Wayne George and “Altars of the LCNZ” poster]


A Collage of Altars:

The photo above is of a large framed poster my wife Betsy made using shots of all the congregations in our LCNZ. Can you find your altar? This framed poster will find a place in the front office when we locate to Wellington. Our Church has taken out a two-year lease on an office located about 200 meters from St Paul’s congregation in Wellington. We expect the move to be in November. There is also a search committee narrowing down a list of possible manses.   


LLL Bridging Loan for Wellington Manse:

The Council of Synod has arranged a short-term  loan with our LLL toward the purchase of a manse in Wellington. This will allow the president to stay in the Highbury manse in Palmerston North until a Wellington manse is purchased. To comply with constitutional requirements a postal vote to approve the loan is being sent to Synod Delegates.


60th and 150th:

Congratulations to Trevor and Barbara Wishnowsky on their Diamond Anniversary. For their sixtieth they had about 60 family members and friends at celebrations last week in Feilding.


What about a 150th? Impossible? Well, this Sunday (10 October) at 11:am at St Martin’s in Marton they will be commemorating 150 years since Lutherans arrived in Marton to establish that congregation.  There is a fellowship lunch at 12:30. (It may be a bit late to book the meal, but you can try to phone Rod Lyon on 06 327 8370.)


We also pray Gods protection on Pastor Mark Whitfield and support team as the travel to Marton via the beach highway. This is the same route the early settlers took 150 years ago.


Preparing for the Future -- NZ Pastors for NZ:

Praise God that Wayne George, the Youth and Family Worker from Mountainside in Auckland, is to be enrolled at ALC Seminary in Adelaide commencing May 2011 for an eight-month course leading to ordination in the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand. Wayne is able to take a shortened course because of previous theological training in South Africa before coming to be Parish Worker at Mountainside. Please note that his correct phone number for the LCNZ Directory should be 09/525 1337


Also, this month another member of our LCNZ is travelling to Adelaide for interviews to determine what additional courses are needed after the theological training he has received here in New Zealand. We may have something about that in the Olive Tree magazine.


Two stories in THE LUTHERAN:

The October edition of our LCA magazine THE LUTHERAN  carried stories about our LCNZ. First was a report on the Christchurch earthquake and its effect on members at St Paul’s. The other story was about the installation of the first Maori Youth Worker in our LCNZ. Mason Stoney is the new worker at Upper Moutere! Along with responsibility as a parish and community youth worker he is also chaplain at two schools in the area. Please add his details to your copy of the LCNZ Directory: mason.stoney@hotmail.com, mobile phone 021 119 2655. Do you receive THE LUTHERAN? http://www.lca.org.au/thelutheran/


What is the Twenty20 program?

Check out “The Start of my Journey” on Katharina Borszik’s blog http://twenty20experience.blogspot.com/


On a Personal note from the President:

Betsy and I would sincerely appreciate your prayers as my wife faces breast cancer surgery October 29th in Palmerston North.


May the Lord Jesus be with you in His Grace and Truth and Peace,



Rev. Robert A. Erickson





22 September 2010

Administration Officer Wellington

Administration Officer

Lutheran Church of New Zealand National Office – Wellington

The National Office for the Lutheran Church of New Zealand is soon to be located in Wellington. A permanent position is available for an enthusiastic person interested in Christian ministry. The position is part-time supporting the President and national church operations with general secretarial, minute taking, banking and accounting duties. A working knowledge of Word, Excel, Publisher and MYOB and previous experience working with accounts are required.

The appointee must be able to work unsupervised. Hours of work 9.30am to 2.30pm Tuesday to Friday inclusive. In addition, attendance at meetings on a quarterly basis, which involves a Friday evening (7.00pm to 9.30pm) and two Saturdays (9.00am to 4.30pm), is required. Some of these meetings will be held at congregations of the Lutheran Church of NZ outside of Wellington and will therefore necessitate overnight stay in those locations.

Please send your CV and a covering letter to the:

Selection Committee

Lutheran Church of New Zealand

PO Box 4248, Palmerston North 4442 or


Applications close on 8 October 2010.

09 September 2010

LCNZ Update (Earthquake info) 9 Sept 2010

Greetings in Christ Jesus,

Pastor David Lipsys’ Photos and Communication from Christchurch following the 4/9/2010 Earthquake


“We are so thankful to God, that no lives were lost (apart from possible heart-attack death) and that few people were seriously injured in our earthquake of Saturday morning, from a previously unknown fault-line.”


“Suburbs of Christchurch in close proximity to the Avon River, like ours (Windsor/Burwood/Avonside) have had a lot of ground movement, and so most homes have extensive cracking of house walls, footings, paths and driveways. Older homes have lost chimneys and parts of roofs. All of this, in combination with extensive deposits of liquefaction sands and the NZ Defence Force personnel helping out, make our suburbs look like TV-news war zones! The many ongoing and substantial after-quakes - that deny us sleep and rattle our nerves - are the hardest things to cope with right now. We personally, have finally got electricity back on reasonably continuously, but haven't had running water or flushing toilets since the original quake at 4:35am Saturday! Most of the other people from St.Paul’s Lutheran Church have been spared damage to homes, with only some breakages of crockery and ornaments. Our church centre remains in great shape, with services and activities continuing on as normal.” 


 -- Pastor David and Janine Lipsys


From President Rob


Martin Luther’s great hymn “A Mighty Fortress” is based on psalm 46. Both his hymn and the psalm itself testify to the permanence and stability of God amidst the shifting changes of this world. When land masses move and tectonic plates slip, our world is shaken. The people of Christchurch and Canterbury are experiencing both the aftermath of one of the worst earthquakes in New Zealand in the last  hundred years. Although injuries have been low, property damage has been high. The long-term psychological stress of living through the many aftershocks also impacts on people. We hear that so far members of our Christchurch congregation have had some minor damage to property. Pastor David and Janine Lipsys’ home, however, has cracked foundations and separations in the framework. Their home looks to have sustained the worst damage, and is still without water. Time will tell however, how much damage has been done to buildings.


Here is New Zealand, we have preparations for such events and can be proud of our government and emergency services in acting so quickly and efficiently in what could have evolved into absolute bedlam. Yet, even with the best of planning and recovery aid there will be those who will carry emotional and psychological wounds as a result of these days. In the Psalm we hear of God’s unshakable permanence and power. As Luther wrote in the hymn, “he is a bulwark never shaking”. Although during the Protestant Reformation the battle Luther describes is against Satan and human corruption, the Psalm itself addresses even more broadly a world that can so quickly change.


Psalm 46 (New International Version)


 1 God is our refuge and strength, 
       an ever-present help in trouble.

 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
       and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

 3 though its waters roar and foam 
       and the mountains quake with their surging. 

 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, 
       the holy place where the Most High dwells.

 5 God is within her, she will not fall; 
       God will help her at break of day.

 6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; 
       he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

 7 The LORD Almighty is with us; 
       the God of Jacob is our fortress. 

 8 Come and see the works of the LORD, 
       the desolations he has brought on the earth.

 9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; 
       he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, 
       he burns the shields [b] with fire.

 10 "Be still, and know that I am God; 
       I will be exalted among the nations, 
       I will be exalted in the earth."

 11 The LORD Almighty is with us; 
       the God of Jacob is our fortress. 


Twenty 20 Leadership Program

The Lutheran Church of Australia has commenced a pilot program to train 20 people in leadership for further equipping leaders in our Church. Adrian Stolk of Wanganui and Katharina Borszik of Hamilton have been selected from our LCNZ and will enter the program commencing this month. Funding for this will be from the Lutheran Church of Australia, the Lutheran Church of New Zealand and self-funding from participants. Congregations are encouraged to sponsor some of Adrian’s and Katharina’s expenses. During our Summit in July we identified “equipping lay people with leadership skills” as an initiative that was needed both throughout the LCA and in our Lutheran Church of new Zealand. So, this is one of the first decisions from our Summit that is being put into action.



The Council of Synod Notes: CoS met on August 20-21 in Christchurch.  Some of the Issues discussed in the two days include the following:


1).  Follow up to the Summit.


The report of Shannon Hood the facilitator for the LCNZ summit was discussed.  A key issue identified was the proposal to move towards a structure of regional parishes overseen by an ordained pastor, with lay people and Regional Lay Ministers taking up many local ministry roles.


 2). Christchurch Ministry


Council of Synod met with the Christchurch Ministry Team to discuss ministry in the parish.  A wide ranging discussion identified the need to encourage lay people to take up more active leadership roles.


3).  Move to Wellington


The countdown is on the way to shift the LCNZ national office from Palmerston North to Wellington, as approved by Synod delegates.

Key steps include:


·         Obtaining  office premises (initially a lease)

·         Locating a suitable Wellington manse

·         Hiring a Wellington based Administrator for the office


4).  Grants approved included:


·         $20,000 to the new Waikato- Bay of Plenty parish, with up to $10,000 for parish travel,   and  $10,000 from the Taumaranui sale proceeds.  (Gateway is also granting $5,000)

·         Up to $9,000 to Wellington from the Hintz fund to repair the manse roof.



 5).      Rest and Recreational Leave


Pastor David Lipsys had three months R&R leave approved, to start on 15 October.



Gateway Gift Trust Board


Key decisions approved included


·         Cashing out the Spicers investment portfolio, and reinvesting this in interest bearing deposits, mainly with LLL,

·         Allocating the foregone interest on a $50,000 deposit with LLL to offset part of the interest due on the LLL loan to Botany

·         A $5,000 grant to the new Hamilton-Bay of Plenty regional ministry.


 The board also note that the Gateway-funded upgrading of the Hamilton manse had been successfully completed, at a cost of a little under $100,000


-- D. Preston


Kogudus Retreat:

This weekend 42 people will be gathering for the Kogudus retreat at Foxton Beach Camp. For 17 of them it will be their first experience of Kogudus. Pastor Lee Kroehn will be taking his turn as the retreat pastor. The theme of the weekend is “The Truth That Will Set You Free”.


In your prayers please remember the residents of Christchurch and surrounding region, those affected by the Victorian floods, and so many other who have experienced disaster.


God Bless,