21 December 2011

LCNZ Update 21 December 2011

Kia tau ki a koutou, te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua / grace and peace to you from God.

Is There Any Room In Your Inn?
As I write this, Leanne, the girls and I are surrounded by boxes stacked all around the house. The removal guys have been here for two days now, and what has been our home (Myrtle we called her) for the last almost 11 years doesn’t look anything like home anymore. I’m finding it all a little bit unsettling. As much as it’s exciting to be going to a lovely new manse, I feel somewhat in no-man’s land … even a little bit homeless, albeit for a very short time, I know.

2000 years back the Son of God and his Mum and Dad found themselves somewhat homeless on the night that he was to be born. Of course, they were visitors to town and as we know there was no room in the inn. Thank God for the animal shed out the back and the feed-box filled with straw!

Each Christmas time I have this renewed sense that Jesus would delight to find a home … but not in an inn or in a stable or in a manger … but in our hearts.

As we have prayed during the 4 weeks of Advent – Come, Lord Jesus, Come – now is the time to open our hearts so that where meek souls will receive him still, the dear Christ enters in.

My prayer for you, for your family and for those you love is that you too will have real joy in receiving the Prince of Peace who is Jesus. Join me in praying with Pastor Martin Luther –
Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled,
Within my heart, that it may be
A quiet chamber kept for Thee. Amen.
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm’ ich her (From Heaven Above to Earth I Come)
Luke 2:1-18
Martin Luther 1535
Geistliche Lieder Leipzig 1539
National Office Christmas Break
The National Office will close for the Christmas break at midday of Wednesday 21st December and will re-open in early January (date to be advised).
I will lead Christmas worship in Marton on Christmas morning.
I will then be on leave from 26th December – 17th January 2012.
Vice President, Pastor John Davison will be on call during this time.
Administrator Wayne Drogemuller will possibly be back in the National Office a little earlier in the New Year
This has been a challenging year, and many of you have kindly journeyed with us through the difficult road to presidency. We hope and pray for better times in 2012, and we thank you again for your friendship, support and love for us in Christ.

Please now accept my love and the love of my family (Leanne, Chelsea, Brittany and Charlotte) as we wish you and your family blessing and joy this Christmas, and happiness in the New Year.

Ngā mihi mō te Kirihimete.

Mā te Atua koe e tiaki; God be with you.

President Elect – Lutheran Church of New Zealand