26 April 2013

LCNZ Update 26 April 2013

Kia tau ki a koutou te atawhai me te rangimarie o te Atua
願 父 神 所 賜 的 恩 惠 和 平 安 與 你 們 同 在
Grace and peace to you from God

General Synod of the Lutheran Church of Australia
Friends, I am grateful to those who provided regular electronic news updates during the days of General Synod, and I have simply cut and pasted these into this LCNZ update.

If you signed up for these updates, then you will have already received this news. For those of you who didn't manage to, then I trust that you will enjoy reading news of the Church gathering together to worship, pray, listen to each other, debate, discuss, vote, hear God speak through his Word ... all with a view to our Church and its members (YOU!) becoming the place where God's love comes to life.

Rain – No Dampner for 5000 at Alive! General Synod Opening Worship
It wasn't the kind of weather organisers would have ordered for the biggest LCA event in 25 years. But they need not have worried. The first heavy rain of the year didn't keep over 5000 Lutherans away from ALIVE!175. In fact, many considered the rain an extra blessing of God on this day of praise and thanksgiving.

Even by 8.30 the car parks were filling and a sea of umbrellas was bobbing towards the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. 'We came all the way from Caboolture (Queensland)', said one couple, who came early to make sure they got a seat. 'We came on one of the buses from the Barossa', said another.

By 9.00 the crowd of Lutherans in various states of sogginess had grown to thousands, and it was clear that ALIVE!175 was going to be a huge event. At 10.00, when the opening service of the 17th General Convention of Synod commenced, over 5000 Lutherans stood as one to sing the stirring processional hymn, 'Lift high the cross'.

Rev Dr Greg Seltz, speaker for Lutheran Hour Ministries in the USA, preached a lively and animated sermon on the Convention theme (and LCA tagline), 'Where Love Comes to Life'. He is accustomed to public speaking, with a weekly radio audience of 800,000.

'There is war in our world and havoc in society and in our relationships. But there is only one love that can hold us together when our lives are broken', he said. 'You can count on Jesus. His love is unique in the entire world. 'His is a love that literally comes looking for us: in words we can understand, in water we can feel, in bread and wine we can taste. 'You can count on Christ's love, and only on his love. His love gives us life, and he will bring others to life also as we show and tell broken people that he died and rose for them.'

The service featured some traditional and cherished hymns pumped on with gusto by Pastor Mark Whitfield on the organ, and popular new sogns led by Pastor Adrian Kitson and band. A special music feature of the service was the catchy Synod theme song, 'Where Love Comes to Life', written by Pastor Kitson.

Election of New Bishop for the LCA
General Synod has elected Rev John Henderson to be its fifth national leader.

After his installation in July, he will be the Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA).

‘I am so deeply appreciative and humbled in relation to the task you have placed in front of me’, Pastor Henderson said. ‘This will steer the course of the next several years of my ministry, if not until the end.

‘We need to be a listening church. I learnt that at General Pastors Conference as we discussed the same issue that has been before us here this afternoon (the ordination of women). ‘We are anxious. Some of us are fearful. But we trust in our Lord and Saviour. He has not abandoned us – even when things seem chaotic and strange in this church we love so dearly. We are called to give expression to that Christ, the centre of our faith, to our dying day.

‘I hope that in Christ’s name I will be worthy of this task.’

In his statement to delegates issued prior to the election, Pastor Henderson said that the President of the Church is at least these four things: a key leader in the life of the LCA, sharing ‘a weighty responsibility for the encouragement and oversight of the doctrinal, confessional and ethical integrity of the Church’; a pastor ‘trained in astute listening and in preaching and teaching the word of God’; a human being, needing to ‘trust God for what is not humanly possible’; and a sinner ‘dependent on the grace of God, like all other members of the Church’.

Pastor Henderson brings to the office broad pastoral and leadership experience within the LCA and beyond.

He has been Principal of Australian Lutheran College for four years. Prior to that (2002-2008) he served the LCA in the seconded position of General Secretary with the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA), based in Sydney.

As a vicar and ordained pastor, he has served in four LCA districts: New Zealand (Palmerston North, 1981), South Australia/Northern Territory (Woodville, 1983-1986), Queensland (Dalby and western Darling Downs congregations, 1986-1994) and Victoria (Outer Eastern Lutheran Church, 1994–2001). He was LCA Vice-President from 2006 to 2011 and a member of General Church Council from 2003 to 2011.

As NCCA General Secretary he was involved in international and interfaith affairs. He was a founding member and delegation head of the Regional Interfaith Dialogue SA Asia (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade with the Indonesian government). The work included delivering an address at the Vatican on behalf of the Australian government on the contribution of faith communities to solutions for sustainable regional peace.

He was co-founder and served from 2003 to 2008 on the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Pastor Henderson has been married to Valmai for 31 years; they have three adult children and five grandchildren.

He will be the LCA’s fifth national pastoral leader, preceded by incumbent president Rev Dr Mike Semmler (since 2000), Rev Dr Lance Steicke (1987-2000), Rev Dr Les Grope (1972-1987) and Rev Dr Max Löhe (1966-1972).

Two candidates, both nominated by General Pastors Conference, stood for election: Pastor Henderson and Pastor David Altus, President of the SA/NT District.

General Synod also upheld the proposal of the College of Presidents to change the title of the LCA’s highest pastoral office from ‘President’ to ‘Bishop’.

LCA Strategic Plan Approved
It's taken years and years of collaboration and hard work by all major areas of the LCA, but today it all feels worth it. General Synod was a sea of green cards just now, as delegates enthusiastically endorsed the LCA Strategic Plan.

It sets the direction of the LCA, with major emphases on 'grow' and 'go'. It is a vision for a church (congregations, communities, families and individuals) that grows deep into the Word of God – and that takes that Word into its communities and into the world – with 'mission' embedded in its cultural DNA.

Commenting from the floor, Rev Dr Steen Olsen described the Strategic Direction as 'radical', and urged delegates to not vote for this proposal unless they were each prepared to live out the plan themselves.

By endorsing the proposal, delegates have authorised LCA leaders to roll out the Strategic Direction and apply resources to it over the ensuring years.

North Adelaide Redevelopment Gets the Green Cards
After hearty and heartfelt debate, in the end General Synod voted with a strong majority to authorise General Church Council (GCC) to oversee the detailed master-planning and implementation of the redevelopment of the 'Lutheran precinct' in North Adelaide.

The aim of the staged long-term redevelopment is to make best use of the valuable real estate owned by the Church, and to provide an on-going stream of income to support the ministries of the LCA.

The proposal to Synod was presented by Executive Officer of the Church Peter Schirmer and GCC member Michael Stolz. The resolution contains a number of provisos in relation to fitness for purpose, financial viability, due diligence and risk mitigation.

GCC will not proceed with the redevelopment unless these conditions have been satisfied.

Synod Approves Interim Local Mission Board
Within the dying hours of the 2013 General Convention of Synod, a new LCA board was born.

The establishment of the LCA Board for Local Mission, on a trial basis, will better coordinate the resources the Church already has, primarily through the districts, Rev Dr Steen Olsen said. Co-presenting the proposal with LCA Mission Director Rev Neville Otto and LCA Board for Mission Chairperson Loyd Fyffe, he explained that one of the key goals under the LCA Strategic Direction (approved by Synod yesterday) is the development of 'mission culture' in the LCA.

A local mission board would contribute to this goal and support this direction, he said.

The resolution by Synod means that there will now be two mission boards in the LCA (at least on a trial basis): one with particular interest in overseas mission, and the new board which will focus on local mission.

General Church Council (GCC) to Review Membership Criteria
General Church Council, in consultation with CTICR and the Constitutions Committee, will review the definition of 'member' in the model constitution for congregations.

The proposal to Synod was presented by Pastor Richard Schwedes on behalf of the Portland-Heywood Lutheran Church. He argued that the current description does not encourage a healthy approach to discipleship for people to grow in their relationship with God or with other believers.

The review, along with any recommendations, will be dealt with at the next General Convention of Synod.

LWF Membership Referred to Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations (Cticr)
General Church Council (GCC) will have on its table this year a discussion about full membership in the Lutheran World Federation (LWF).

The matter, which was put to General Synod by St Andrew Lutheran Church, Brisbane, was referred to CTICR on the grounds that it is a theological issue.

A proposal that the LCA become a full member of LWF was last debated by General Synod in 2003.

Ordination Question Back on the Agenda
General Synod spent several hours engaging in discussion about the ordination of women. This was made possible by a late addition to the agenda.

A resolution from General Pastors Conference (GPC), which met before General Synod, advised General Synod that time for discussion of the ordination question should be allowed at this Convention.

GPC had reached this conclusion for a number of reasons, including:
  • the recognition of the 'extended time to resolve the ordination question ... and the frustration being felt', and
  • the fact that Synod would have before it a number of proposals from congregations requesting the ordination of women as well as men.
GPC also advised that the laity of the Church should be involved in the discussion at this General Convention in order to allow for opinions and fears to be raised, and 'that the scriptural and theological issues and practical issues of ordaining people of either gender can be raised, recognised and discussed transparently and in love'.

In the interests of the decision of Synod being recorded and disseminated accurately, it is recorded verbatim below: 'Be it resolved that the Church:
  • receives the progress report of the Ordination Dialogue Group,
  • supports continued study of the matter of hermeneutics (the interpretation of scripture) arising from the October 2011 symposium on this topic,
  • supports study of what consensus means, for the sake of unity in the LCA as a confessional church,
  • requests General Church Council to ensure that a report with recommendations be presented to both General Pastors Conference and the next Synodical Convention and the General Pastors Conference gives recommendation to Synod.'
To support this process, 'GPC has encouraged godly and biblically-based discussion in the Church during the coming Synodical term in relation to the ordination question'. It will also ask the College of Presidents to ensure that appropriate study material is provided by the Church.

Coming Soon
A Popular Report of Convention will be available here for viewing and download on or before Friday, 3 May. An 80-page full-colour Synod Edition of The Lutheran will be published by mid-May, for distribution to every Lutheran household in Australia and New Zealand in late May. Subscribers will receive their copy as usual, in their mailboxes. Non-subscribers may pick their copy up from their church.

Important Dates Just Ahead
  • 5th May Installation of Pastor Jim Pietsch at Wellington / Wairarapa
  • 2nd June Closing Service at St Johns Halcombe – Pastor Harry Wendt (USA) will be the guest preacher
  • 8th – 9th June LCNZ District Convention, Botany Lutheran Church
Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou; the Lord be with you.
Pastor Mark Whitfield BTh MSM
Bishop of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand / Pihopa o te Hāhi Rūtana o Aotearoa