LCNZ Update
Greetings in Christ,
Cyclone: As you may have heard Cyclone Yasi is a very large and developing storm headed toward flood-drenched Queensland. Remember the people in your prayers, not only for the protection of precious lives, but for the property and the economy of that region.
Olive Tree Deadline: A conversation with our new editor of The Olive Tree, Anna Kroehn, has prompted be to remind everyone that all articles and submissions are due February 15. You can send it directly to her
Wayne and Jaswanth: There was a interest from some members across New Zealand in hearing more about the two young men who are scheduled to go to Australian Lutheran College Seminary this year. Both Wayne and Jaswanth have written a faith biography that I asked be included in the next The Olive Tree. However, that quarterly might come out a week or so after the appeal closes. What to do! I will include their stories in this Update, however, The Olive Tree will carry this to a wider readership...
God bless,
President Robert Erickson
PREAMBLE: Any mention of accomplishments/achievements listed herein, are done so for the express purpose of presenting a profile of some sorts to you, the reader. In no way do I ascribe any said achievements to my own ability, talent or skill. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, ALL THE PRAISE AND ALL THE HONOUR!
By God’s grace, I was born into a loving Christian home to a schoolteacher for a Dad (who is also a Pastor with the AOG), and a housewife for a mom. I have four siblings of which I am the second eldest. I grew up in the church but at a young age in Sunday School, I realized the Gospel truth that my salvation was not determined by the faith of my parents but rather through my own personal response to Jesus Christ, and His free offer of salvation by grace, through faith.
I am married to a precious young lady, Samantha. She too has been used of God in various fields of ministry and is a gifted anointed singer. Together we have endeavored to be of service to God wherever, and however, He chose to use us. We have an 11-year old son, Liam, who has a passion and gift for playing drums and has an enquiring mind which I trust God will use for His glory in years to come. I am grateful to God for Samantha, for her friendship, her support and her partnership in the ministry. I know that together as a family, we will do our best to serve God and His people, and continue to count all success and accomplishments “a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus” Phil 3:8.
I always dreamt of being a medical doctor and worked hard toward this end. After Matric/Grade 12 I was accepted to the University of Cape Town reading towards a Science degree. I soon realized that my dream of being a doctor, while being a good idea, was not a God-idea. The Father had greater plans for my life. At an Easter convention service in 1994, I found myself on my knees at the altar, responding to God’s call upon my life to enter His ministry. I left UCT and embarked on a four year BTh degree at the Cape Theological Seminary.
Since graduating from Seminary in 1998, I have been ministering in various capacities. These included, amongst others: Itinerant Evangelist; Ordained Pastor with the Assemblies of God, South Africa; Associate Pastor: Elohim Ministries; Youth overseer/Director; In-house Bible School Facilitator. I also spent about 18 months in London(UK) and preached at a local Camden Town Church, for a few weeks while the Pastor was away on sabbatical.
I have often had to minister on a “tent-making” basis, finding secular employment to support my family and myself thereby not placing any burden on the church. Some of the roles I’ve occupied are: Teacher; Bank Teller; Financial Administrator; Office Administrator; Air Traffic Controller; Real Estate Agency Owner/Operator
On the 20 January 2009, while still in Cape Town, I saw the internet ad for a Family and Community Worker at Mountainside Lutheran Church, Auckland, NZ. I sent through my CV at 12 noon (this would have been 11 pm in NZ, and 1 hour before cut-off for applications – Talk about the 11th hour!) In a nutshell, telephonic interviews were conducted and at 6:00 am on Tuesday 27th January I received a call from Pastor Milton Fritsch, offering me the position. This is where my family and I have been serving for the past 19 months. It’s been a journey to say the least – a journey of joyous discovery and growth.
I am a relatively young man (35) (although the grey hairs tell a different story) with a heart for God, God’s people, and God’s work. I am called to be a preacher of God’s Word and this is what I enjoy doing. I have taken hold of every opportunity to preach, whether in open airs, Crusade meetings, or churches. I am undeterred by numbers, and preach to a gathering of 5 just as passionately as I would to a crowd of 5 000.
I believe, beyond a shadow of doubt, that God has called me to the public ministry within the LCA/LCNZ and to this end, I’ll be commencing my full-time training at ALC from May 2011- November 2011. A South African Citizen, with NZ Permanent Residency, on an Australian Student Visa. No identity crisis there! Sure there are expected challenges along the way, one being financial, however, we serve a God Who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, and nothing is impossible with Him. I also believe that when God opens a door, no man can shut it. So, as a family, we are at rest and at peace in Him, and through Him!
We humbly request your ongoing prayers, and look forward on completion of studies, to be of ongoing service to God’s people within the LCA/LCNZ and beyond, for many years to come.
Yours in the Master’s Service and always for His Glory,
Wayne, Samantha & Liam George (27th January 2010)
Dear friends in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I was born and brought up in Guntur, India. I along with my parents and younger brother moved to New Zealand in 2006 and we lived in Auckland for three years. In 2009 we moved down to Wellington.
My association with Lutheran church…
My parents were born and brought up in Lutheran background as their families were involved with Lutheran church since from the establishment of Lutheran church in our region. My great-grandfather Rev. Kathi Daniel served as a Lutheran Pastor and in his career he also chaired as a President for three Synods in Guntur region. As a result of the family’s association with Lutheran church I was brought up in Lutheran atmosphere. I’ve completed my schooling in Lutheran English Medium High School and in Andhra Christian College both these institutions were functioning under the management of Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church, India. Having this background, our family was excited to find St Paul’s Lutheran Church at Wellington and we are currently the members of this church. The Pastor of St Paul’s Lutheran Church Rev. Mark Whitfield and the congregation welcomed us and upon hearing my testimony and commitment encouraged me to go for Pastoral training at Australian Lutheran College (ALC).
The beginnings of my faith journey…
In short, at the age of seven a gland was developed on the left side of my neck. After consulting various doctors and multiple medical tests I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease (a type of cancer). After intense medication at Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore for about six months the gland almost reduced. When I visited the hospital again after one month for check up, the doctors identified that the gland was relapsed to grow again. As I was already given the treatment doctors explained to my parents that they would go for an experimental treatment for the second time. They also clarified that the medication was only an experiment as I was already given appropriate medication available during that time. As my condition was so severe my parents, relatives, friends and my church started to pray for God’s intervention. The second phase of medication was originally planned to go for another six months but was abruptly stopped after four months since no positive effect was noticed. Moreover, the doctors also observed that most of my body organs were affected and the severity condition had reached to stage 4. So they expressed their helplessness and discharged me from the hospital since there is nothing more they could do. After that, my health condition became worse day by day to the point that I could no longer walk. Even at this stage my parents kept their faith and prayed to God for healing and committed me to the Lord’s ministry if I survive. To everyone’s astonishment my health condition improved since then and I could go to school again, but the developed gland was still on my neck. When I approached another hospital at Mumbai the tests results revealed that my body organs were working normal with no evidence of cancer and the gland on the neck was consisting non malignant massive tissue and it was removed with an operation held on 6th of December 1994. This miraculous healing had marked the beginnings of my faith journey.
My personal submission to the Lord Jesus…
This experience brought me and my family closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and ever since then I wanted to serve the Lord. Later on when I went to University in India I accepted Christ as my personal saviour and recommitted myself to the Lord’s ministry after responding to Rev. 3: 20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him...” Ever since then I was searching for opportunities to serve the Lord and had opportunities to minister in the campus at various capacities. Consequently, when we moved to NZ and in accordance to that commitment, I undertook Theological studies at Carey Baptist College in Auckland and BA Hons in Religious Studies at Victoria University of Wellington. During these years, I had an opportunity to work in various ministry areas such as home group ministry, voluntary Chaplaincy at Auckland Hospital and assisting at Church Services. This experience, several people God has placed in my life and church helped me to understand my future ministry calling. As I embark in the pastoral training for the next three years at ALC, I would like to invite you all to continue your prayer support. To God be all the Glory, Honour and Praise. Hallelujah.
Yours in Christ,
Jaswanth Aleph Kukatlapalli (28th of January 2011).