LCNZ Update (Is you NZ bach sitting empty?)
Greetings in Christ Jesus,
A Lutheran couple on the North Island are making their holiday home available to Christchurch members and family needing somewhere to go following the devastating earthquake. If you have a bach/crib or beach house available please let me know. Likewise, if you are needing a place to evacuate, or simply escape for your mental health and safety reasons please contact me: We will need to keep it limited to members and friends of St Paul's Christchurch at this time. Also if you need assistance with pickup from Wellington please let us know.
I was speaking with Judy Calder on the phone. She is sheltering with other family members at the parents of an in-law (if I heard correctly). The Calder's home was hit very hard and the story of her escape with her little granddaughter was remarkable. Most of the TV footage centered on the city centre. There are many people in the suburbs that are homeless right now and pretty sick of the constant aftershocks. Many of them in unsafe homes that have been totally trashed. If you also need assistance for fares to get to Wellington, please let me know. I believe the LCA appeal will be generous. I believe there are also cheap and even free evacuation flights for a while.
Again, remember this Sunday your congregation will join with many others in prayer for the people of Christchurch and surrounding areas.
Also my wife Betsy has a Facebook account, don't know much about Facebook, but it is in their directory under "Betsy Erickson" in New Zealand. She is helping coordinate accommodation.
President Robert
(PS. Already four families have offered accommodation holiday homes and a car.)