18 February 2011

LCNZ Update 18 Feb 2011


Greetings in Christ Jesus,

Welcome back Pastor Norm and Kaye Bergen. Thanks for doing another locum in Hamilton and visiting congregations in the Bay of Plenty. Norm and Kaye will be with us until mid April. Pastor John Davison’s installation has been set for 5 June in Hamilton.

The soon to be released next copy of The Olive Tree is coming out with some photos of Pastor Chris and Haidee’s welcome and installation at Upper Moutere. Great to have you on board.

The LCNZ Directory should be out next week. Copies go out to pastors and leaders, however if you are a member of the LCNZ we would be happy to post you one upon request. Also, please be mindful that this is always a working document and constant updates are needed. It is here that I might encourage each congregation to keep your information current on the LAMP database. Some congregations may have difficulty accessing or editing their information. We are here to help.

Please pray for the next round of meetings for Lutheran Support Ministry, Council of Synod and Gateway Gift Trust Board which meets these next two weekends.  The President’s manse in Highbury, Palmerston North, has sold for $275,000 which was considered good price for that location. Thanks to Dennis Mollet and trust board members for the extra work involved in such sales.

Each Sunday our congregations pray for many people and situations. Often prayer requests are printed on the bulletin. It is printed there so you can take that list home with you for your devotional time during the week. Remember them in prayer and show kindness in humility to all. You can be assured that those who are being prayed for are thankful that you are seeking God’s best and gracious will.

Joy and Peace in Jesus,

President Robert Erickson


Rev. Robert A. Erickson